Title Lists System

ProQuest® Title Lists lets you produce lists of the publications included in ProQuest databases. Each database product includes publications that either focus on a specific area of interest (such as business), or that are diverse enough to span a wide range of general interest topics.

The Title List System lets you:

  • View the most current title list. The title lists are updated each month.

  • Determine the article formats available for each title .

How to Download ProQuest® Title Lists from

  1. Go to

  2. If you know the name of the Database Product:

    1. Enter the product name in the Database/Product field.

    2. Select a Subject to search for databases within a specific subject area.

    3. Click SEARCH.


    If you don't know the name of the Database Product:

    1. Click Browse to view a list of available products.

    2. Click the name of the desired Database Product.

  3. You see the Select Title List Format page.

  4. In the Include area, select the attributes you would like to view for the Title List.

  5. Most of the attributes are self evident, but two may need more explanation:

    • Peer Reviewed. Select peer reviewed to indicate whether each title is a peer reviewed publication.

    • Detailed Information. Select detailed information to obtain gaps and changes by title.

    (Some attributes for Licensed Database products are not available yet.)

  6. In the Format area, click the output format for your Title List:

    • Microsoft Excel. Use this if you want to view or save a title list in spreadsheet form formatted for use with Microsoft Excel. This format is best if you want to print out your title list or sort by any of the available attributes.

    • Tab-Delimited. Tab-Delimited files are widely used, and can be opened by several kinds of applications, including most spreadsheet programs and database tools.

    • Comma-Delimited. Comma-Delimited files are widely used, and can be opened by several kinds of applications, including most spreadsheet programs and database tools.

    • HTML. Choose this format if you want to view or save your list as a web page.

    • URL. Select this format to provide your users with a link to a list of titles that are available to them.