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3-Star Learning Experiences [Blog]   Newstex   United States       27-May-2021 Current   N 27-May-2021 Current                 27-May-2021 Current   27-May-2021 Current               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Education 5341728  
The ACPET Journal for Private Higher Education   Australian Council for Private Education and Training East Melbourne Australia   2200-6141   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2013   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2013           01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2013   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2013   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 1766335  
AERA Open   Sage Publications Ltd. District of Columbia United Kingdom   2332-8584   01-Jan-2018 Current   Y             01-Jan-2018 Current     01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4450823  
AIDS Education and Prevention   Guilford Press New York United States 0899-9546 1943-2755   01-Aug-1998 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Aug-1998 01-Apr-2010   01-Aug-1998 01-Dec-2017           01-Aug-1998 Current   01-Aug-1998 Current   01-Aug-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Communicable Diseases|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 32604  
ALAN Review   Assembly on Literature for Adolescents -- National Council of Teachers of English Youngstown United States 0882-2840 1547-741X   01-Oct-2002 01-Jul-2010   Y 01-Oct-2002 01-Jul-2010   01-Oct-2002 01-Jul-2010           01-Oct-2002 01-Jul-2010   01-Oct-2002 01-Jul-2010   01-Oct-2002 01-Jul-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Literature 26295  
AMLE Magazine   Association for Middle Level Education Westerville United States 2329-8952 2329-8944   01-Aug-2013 01-Oct-2020   N 01-Aug-2013 01-Oct-2020   01-Aug-2013 01-Oct-2020           01-Aug-2013 01-Oct-2020   01-Aug-2013 01-Oct-2020   01-Aug-2013 01-Oct-2020         N Trade Journals English Education 2035927  
ASEE Prism   AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION Washington United States 1056-8077 1930-6148   01-Apr-1997 Current   Y 01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current           01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Engineering 33050  
ASHE Higher Education Report   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Las Vegas United States 1551-6970 1554-6306         Y                     01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 1936369  
ATA Magazine   The Alberta Teachers' Association Edmonton Canada 0380-9102     01-Jan-1999 Current   N 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Dec-2004 Current           01-Jan-1986 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987 01-Jan-1986 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987 01-Jan-1999 Current         N Trade Journals English Education 48722  
ATA News   The Alberta Teachers' Association Edmonton Canada 0001-267X     19-Jan-1999 Current   N 19-Jan-1999 Current   09-Nov-2004 Current           28-Apr-1986 Current 01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1991 28-Apr-1986 Current 01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1991 19-Jan-1999 Current         N Trade Journals English Education 48042  
About Campus   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Washington United States 1086-4822 1536-0687         Y                     01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2018 01-May-2014--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2018 01-May-2014--31-Dec-2017       N Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 936332  
Academe   American Association of University Professors Washington United States 0190-2946 2162-5247   01-May-1998 Current   N 01-May-1998 Current                 01-May-1998 Current   01-May-1998 Current   01-May-1998 Current         N Trade Journals English Education--Higher Education 41824  
Academia   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bogotá United Kingdom 1012-8255 2056-5127   01-Jan-1999 Current   Y 01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         365 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Business And Economics--Management|Education 696315  
Academic Psychiatry   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1042-9670 1545-7230   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 48683  
Academic Questions   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0895-4852 1936-4709   01-Jun-1997 01-Sep-2020   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Jun-1997 01-Sep-2020           01-Jun-1997 01-Sep-2020   01-Jun-1997 01-Sep-2020   01-Jun-2007 01-Sep-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 54147  
Academy Magazine   John Catt Educational Limited Woodbridge United Kingdom 2049-1492 2049-1506   01-Oct-2012 01-Oct-2018   N 01-Oct-2012 01-Oct-2018   01-Oct-2012 01-Oct-2018           01-Oct-2012 01-Oct-2018   01-Oct-2012 01-Oct-2018   01-Oct-2012 01-Oct-2018         N Magazines English Education--School Organization And Administration 2029236  
Academy of Management Learning & Education   Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor United States 1537-260X 1944-9585         Y                     01-Mar-2003 Current   01-Mar-2003 Current   01-Mar-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 42991  
Acta Didactica Napocensia   Babes Bolyai University, Didactics of Exact Sciences Chair Cluj-Napoca Romania   2065-1430   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2028913  
Acta Scientiarum. Education   Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM Maringa Brazil 2178-5198 2178-5201   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y       01-Jan-2015 Current           01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Education 2037656  
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Ksztalcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemcow   University of Łódź Lodz Poland 0860-6587 2449-6839   01-Jan-2016 Current   Y 01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current           01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Polish Linguistics 2046158  
Action Learning   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Lancaster United Kingdom 1476-7333 1476-7341         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 456296  
Adolescence   Libra Publishers Incorporated Roslyn Heights United States 0001-8449     01-Apr-1988 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Apr-1994 01-Dec-2009   01-Apr-1988 01-Dec-2009           01-Apr-1986 01-Dec-2009   01-Apr-1986 01-Dec-2009   01-Apr-1986 01-Dec-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 41539  
Adult Basic Education   Commission On Adult Basic Education Syracuse United States 1052-231X     01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2006   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2006   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2006           01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2006   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2006   01-Apr-2001 01-Oct-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 30221  
Adult Education Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Washington United States 0741-7136 1552-3047         Y                     01-Jan-1997 01-Feb-2006   01-Jan-1997 01-Feb-2006   01-Aug-2001 01-Feb-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 277  
Adult Learning   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Bowie United States 1045-1595 2162-4070   01-Sep-1996 01-May-2016   Y 01-Sep-1996 01-May-2016   01-Sep-1996 01-May-2016           01-Sep-1989 Current   01-Sep-1989 Current   01-Sep-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Adult Education 34192  
Adult Skills in Focus   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France   2412-1401   14-Apr-2016 09-Mar-2020   N       14-Apr-2016 09-Mar-2020           14-Apr-2016 09-Mar-2020   14-Apr-2016 09-Mar-2020   14-Apr-2016 09-Mar-2020         N Working Papers English|French Education--Adult Education 6246020  
Adultspan Journal   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 1524-6817 2161-0029   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013           01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013               N Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Psychology 45903  
Advances in Health Sciences Education   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1382-4996 1573-1677   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y       01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Medical Sciences 4408554  
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Hove United Kingdom 2044-1282 2044-1290   01-Jan-2007 Current   Y 01-May-2011 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         365 01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 1046392  
Advances in Physiology Education   American Physiological Society Bethesda United States 1043-4046 1522-1229         Y                     01-Jun-1993 Current   01-Jun-1993 Current   01-Jun-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Physiology 31222  
Advise   National Association of Secondary School Principals Reston United States 2380-7423     01-May-1999 01-Feb-2017   N 01-May-1999 01-Feb-2017   01-May-1999 01-Feb-2017           01-May-1999 01-Apr-2017   01-May-1999 01-Apr-2017   01-Jan-2004 01-Feb-2017         N Magazines English Education 35324  
Africa Education Review   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Pretoria United Kingdom 1814-6627 1753-5921         Y                     01-Apr-2010 Current   01-Apr-2010 Current   01-Apr-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 186272  
Agora   History Teachers’ Association of Victoria Collingwood Australia 0044-6726 1837-9958   01-Jan-2018 Current   Y 01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current           01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5318048  
The Agricultural Education Magazine   National Council for Agricultural Education Henry United States 0732-4677     01-Nov-2000 Current   N 01-Nov-2000 Current   01-Nov-2000 Current           01-Nov-2000 Current   01-Nov-2000 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         N Trade Journals English Agriculture|Education 37888  
The Ahfad Journal   Ahfad University, College for Women Omdurman Sudan 0255-4070     01-Dec-1997 Current   Y 01-Dec-1997 01-Jun-2005   01-Dec-1997 Current           01-Dec-1997 Current   01-Dec-1997 Current   01-Dec-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Women's Interests 5287  
Alberta Counsellor   The Alberta Teachers' Association Edmonton Canada 0382-5167     01-Apr-2001 01-Oct-2015   N 01-Apr-2001 01-Oct-2015   01-Jan-2006 01-Oct-2015           01-Apr-1992 01-Oct-2015   01-Apr-1992 01-Oct-2015   01-Apr-2001 01-Oct-2015         N Trade Journals English Education 44723  
Alberta Journal of Educational Research   University of Alberta, Faculty of Education Edmonton Canada 0002-4805 1923-1857   01-Apr-1998 01-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Dec-2010   01-Oct-2001 01-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002         01-Sep-1992 01-Dec-2010   01-Sep-1992 01-Dec-2010   01-Apr-1998 01-Dec-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 34114  
Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Educational Leadership. Proceedings   Jordan Whitney Enterprises, Inc Arden United States       01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2017   Y 01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2017   01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2017           01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2017   01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2017   01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2017         N Scholarly Journals English Education 38641  
Alteridad   Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador Cuenca Ecuador 1390-325X 1390-8642   01-Jul-2006 Current   Y       01-Jul-2006 Current           01-Jul-2006 Current   01-Jul-2006 Current   01-Jul-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Education 4365295  
American Annals of the Deaf   Gallaudet University Press Washington United Kingdom 0002-726X 1543-0375   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Apr-2012--31-Mar-2017 Y 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Apr-2012--31-Mar-2017         01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 25220  
The American Biology Teacher   University of California Press Books Division Reston United States 0002-7685 1938-4211   01-Jan-2000 01-Nov-2012   Y 01-Jan-2000 01-Nov-2012   01-Jan-2000 01-Nov-2012           01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Education--Higher Education 787  
American Educational History Journal   Information Age Publishing Charlotte United States 1535-0584     01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2016 Y 01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2016 01-Jan-2003 Current           01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 29702  
American Educational Research Journal   American Educational Research Association Washington United States 0002-8312 1935-1011   01-Apr-2001 01-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1996 Y 01-Apr-2001 01-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1996 01-Apr-2001 01-Dec-2009           01-Apr-2001 Current 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1994; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003 01-Apr-2001 Current 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1994 01-Apr-2004 Current 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1994; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 40697  
American Indian Quarterly   University of Nebraska Press Lincoln United States 0095-182X 1534-1828   01-Apr-1995 Current   Y 01-Apr-1995 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Folklore|History--History Of North And South America|Native People 37338  
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research   UCHSC Denver United States 0893-5394 1533-7731   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1999   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1999   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1999           01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1999   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1999               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 33077  
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (Online)   UCHSC Aurora United States   1533-7731   01-Jan-2000 Current   Y 01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current           01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Native People|Psychology 28776  
American Journal of Art Therapy   American Journal of Art Therapy Washington United States 0007-4764     01-May-1997 01-May-2002   Y 01-May-1997 01-May-2002   01-May-1997 01-May-2002           01-May-1997 01-May-2002   01-May-1997 01-May-2002               Y Scholarly Journals English Art|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 40839  
American Journal of Audiology   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States 1059-0889 1558-9137   01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2009   01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2009           01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2009   01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2009   01-Jun-2000 01-Dec-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 33930  
American Journal of Audiology (Online)   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States   1558-9137   01-Jun-2010 01-Mar-2021   Y 01-Jun-2010 01-Mar-2021   01-Jun-2010 01-Mar-2021           01-Jun-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Jun-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Jun-2010 01-Mar-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 135330  
American Journal of Business Education   The Clute Institute Littleton United States 1942-2504 1942-2512   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   Y 01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011           01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 54899  
American Journal of Business Education (Online)   The Clute Institute Littleton United States   1942-2512   01-Nov-2011 01-Mar-2020   Y       01-Nov-2011 01-Mar-2020           01-Nov-2011 01-Mar-2020   01-Nov-2011 01-Mar-2020   01-Nov-2011 01-Mar-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 2026882  
The American Journal of Distance Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0892-3647 1538-9286         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 46544  
American Journal of Education   University of Chicago, acting through its Press Chicago United States 0195-6744 1549-6511         Y                     01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education 41725  
American Journal of Educational Studies   American Institute of Higher Education Cary United States 1934-6476     01-May-2011 01-May-2015   Y 01-May-2011 01-May-2015   01-May-2011 01-May-2015           01-May-2011 01-May-2015   01-May-2011 01-May-2015   01-May-2011 01-May-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 836340  
The American Journal of Evaluation   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1098-2140 1557-0878         Y                     01-Jul-1998 01-Oct-1998   01-Jul-1998 01-Oct-1998               Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 32040  
The American Journal of Family Therapy   Brunner-Mazel Publishing Company Abingdon United States 0192-6187 1521-0383   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 23101  
American Journal of Health Behavior   PNG Publications Star City United States 1087-3244 1945-7359   01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   Y 01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009           01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   01-Sep-2004 01-Nov-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Physical Fitness And Hygiene 48054  
American Journal of Health Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Reston United Kingdom 1932-5037 2168-3751   01-Jul-2002 01-Nov-2016   Y 01-Jul-2002 01-Jul-2006   01-Jul-2002 01-Nov-2016           01-Jul-2002 Current   01-Jul-2002 Current   01-Sep-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 44607  
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy   American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Bethesda United States 0272-9490 1943-7676   01-Nov-2006 01-Nov-2018   Y 01-Nov-2006 01-Nov-2018   01-Nov-2006 01-Nov-2018           01-Nov-2006 01-Nov-2018 01-Jan-2015--30-Jun-2017 01-Nov-2006 01-Nov-2018   01-Jan-2007 01-Nov-2018 01-Jan-2015--30-Jun-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Occupational Health And Safety 47935  
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education   Elsevier Limited Alexandria United Kingdom 0002-9459 1553-6467   01-Jan-1998 20-Apr-2023   Y 01-Jan-1998 20-Apr-2023   01-Jan-1998 20-Apr-2023           01-Jan-1998 20-Apr-2023   01-Jan-1998 20-Apr-2023   01-Jan-2005 20-Apr-2023         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 41120  
American Journal of Sexuality Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1554-6128 1554-6136         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Psychology 186263  
The American Journal of Sociology   University of Chicago, acting through its Press Chicago United States 0002-9602 1537-5390         Y                     01-Nov-1949 Current   01-Nov-1949 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 42155  
American Journal of Speech - Language Pathology   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States 1058-0360 1558-9110   01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   Y 01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009           01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   01-Feb-2003 01-Nov-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Medical Sciences|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 33337  
American Journal of Speech - Language Pathology (Online)   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States   1558-9110   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   Y 01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022           01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 135353  
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities   American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Washington United States 1944-7515 1944-7558   01-Sep-2011 Current   Y 01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current           01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 806346  
American Libraries   American Library Association Chicago United States 0002-9769 2163-5129   01-Jan-1997 Current   N 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         N Trade Journals English Library And Information Sciences 34488  
The American Mathematical Monthly   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0002-9890 1930-0972   01-Feb-1997 01-Aug-2007   Y 01-Feb-1997 01-Aug-2007   01-Feb-1997 01-Aug-2007           01-Jan-1989 01-Jun-2024   01-Jan-1989 01-Jun-2024   01-Jan-1989 01-Dec-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Mathematics 47349  
The American Music Teacher   Music Teachers National Association Cincinnati United States 0003-0112     01-Feb-1994 Current   Y 01-Feb-1994 Current   01-Aug-1996 Current           01-Sep-1956 Current 01-Jan-1963--31-Dec-1963; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1989 01-Sep-1956 Current 01-Jan-1963--31-Dec-1963; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1989 01-Dec-1991 Current         Y Trade Journals English Education|Music 40811  
The American Political Science Review   Cambridge University Press Washington United Kingdom 0003-0554 1537-5943   01-Mar-1988 Current   Y 01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1988 Current         365 01-Mar-1988 Current   01-Mar-1988 Current   01-Mar-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science|Public Administration 41041  
American School & University   Endeavor Business Media Nashville United States 0003-0945 2161-7791   01-Jan-1992 04-Dec-2019   N 01-Sep-1996 04-Dec-2019   01-Jan-1992 01-May-2002           01-Jan-1988 04-Dec-2019   01-Jan-1988 04-Dec-2019   01-Jan-1988 15-Nov-2019         N Trade Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 40973  
American Secondary Education   American Secondary Education Bowling Green United States 0003-1003 2326-9618   01-Dec-1997 01-Jul-2017   Y 01-Dec-1997 01-Jul-2017   01-Dec-1997 01-Jul-2017           01-Dec-1997 01-Jul-2017   01-Dec-1997 01-Jul-2017   01-Jul-2003 01-Jul-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 49269  
American Sociological Review   American Sociological Association Washington United States 0003-1224 1939-8271   01-Feb-1988 01-Jun-2013   Y 01-Feb-1994 01-Jun-2013   01-Feb-1988 01-Jun-2013           01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Population Studies|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 41945  
American Speech Language Hearing Association. Asha   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States 0001-2475     01-Apr-1997 01-Nov-1999   N 01-Apr-1997 01-Nov-1999   01-Apr-1997 01-Nov-1999           01-Apr-1997 01-Nov-1999   01-Apr-1997 01-Nov-1999               N Trade Journals English Medical Sciences|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 48371  
American Teacher   American Federation of Teachers Washington United States 0003-1380     01-Sep-2004 01-May-2013   N 01-Sep-2004 01-May-2013   01-Sep-2004 01-May-2013           01-Sep-2004 01-May-2013   01-Sep-2004 01-May-2013   01-Sep-2004 01-May-2013         N Trade Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Education|Labor Unions 25132  
Anatolian Journal of Educational Leadership and Instruction   Duzce University, Faculty of Education Duzce Turkmenistan   2148-2667   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2017   Y       01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2017           01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 2040922  
Anatomical Sciences Education   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Bethesda United States 1935-9772 1935-9780         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Medical Sciences 866338  
Annals of Dyslexia   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0736-9387 1934-7243   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2017 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-1998 Current         365 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 38024  
The Annual of the British School at Athens   Cambridge University Press London United Kingdom 0068-2454 2045-2403   01-Nov-2008 Current   Y 01-Nov-2011 Current   01-Nov-2008 Current         365 01-Nov-2008 Current   01-Nov-2008 Current   01-Nov-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Archaeology|Art|Classical Studies 626319  
Anthropology and Education Quarterly   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0161-7761 1548-1492   01-Jun-1999 01-Dec-2010   Y 01-Jun-1999 01-Dec-2010   01-Jun-1999 01-Mar-2008           01-Jun-1999 Current   01-Jun-1999 Current   01-Jun-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Education 48441  
Antistasis   University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Education Fredericton Canada 1924-6072 1929-5014   01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 N 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022         01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       N Trade Journals English Education 2031973  
Anuac   University of Cagliari Cagliari Italy   2239-625X   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y       01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Italian|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Anthropology 4789736  
Appalachia   Appalachian Regional Commission Washington United States 0003-6595     01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2008   N 01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2008   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2008           01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2008   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2008   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2008         N Trade Journals English Education 49273  
AppleSeeds   Carus Publishing Company, d/b/a ePals Media Peterborough United States 1099-7725           N                     01-Mar-2002 01-Feb-2015   01-Mar-2002 01-Feb-2015   01-Mar-2002 01-Feb-2015         N Magazines English Education 26330  
Applied Environmental Education and Communication   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1533-015X 1533-0389         Y                     01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Environmental Studies 53026  
Applied Linguistics   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) London United Kingdom 0142-6001 1477-450X         Y                     01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 36686  
Applied Measurement in Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0895-7347 1532-4818         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 46253  
Applied Psycholinguistics   Cambridge University Press New York United Kingdom 0142-7164 1469-1817   01-Mar-2001 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         365 01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 47826  
Applied Psychological Measurement   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0146-6216 1552-3497         Y                     01-Sep-1998 01-May-2003   01-Sep-1998 01-May-2003               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 48091  
Apuntes Universitarios   Universidad Peruana Unión - Peruvian Union University Tarapoto Peru 2225-7136 2304-0335   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y       01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education 4883000  
Archives of Disease in Childhood   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom 0003-9888 1468-2044   01-Jan-1926 Current 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992 Y 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1926 Current 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992       180 01-Jan-1926 Current 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992 01-Jan-1926 Current 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992 01-Feb-1970 Current 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 2041043  
Archivos de Ciencias de la Educación   Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacion Ensenada Argentina 0518-3669 2346-8866   01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009 Y 01-Jan-2008 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education 2045939  
Argumentation and Advocacy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. River Falls United Kingdom 1051-1431 2576-8476   01-Jan-1992 01-Jul-2004   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Jul-2004   01-Jan-1992 01-Jul-2004           01-Jan-1989 01-Feb-2024   01-Jan-1989 01-Feb-2024   01-Jan-1989 01-Apr-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Criminology And Law Enforcement|Law|Medical Sciences--Forensic Sciences 35329  
The Arithmetic Teacher   National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Reston United States 0004-136X 2327-0756   01-Jan-1989 01-May-1994   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-May-1994   01-Jan-1989 01-May-1994           01-Jan-1989 01-May-1994   01-Jan-1989 01-May-1994   01-Jan-1989 01-May-1994         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Mathematics 815  
Art Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Reston United Kingdom 0004-3125 2325-5161   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2019   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2019   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2019           01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2019   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2019   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Art|Education 48133  
Art Museum Teaching [BLOG]   Newstex   United States       11-Sep-2018 Current   N 11-Sep-2018 Current                 11-Sep-2018 Current   11-Sep-2018 Current   23-Apr-2019 31-May-2019         N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Art|Education 4396008  
Arts Education Policy Review   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 1063-2913 1940-4395   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2010 11-Oct-1992--31-Dec-1995 Y 01-Mar-1994 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2010 11-Oct-1992--31-Dec-1995         01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Art|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 227  
Arts and Activities   Publishers Development Corporation Skokie United States 0004-3931     01-Nov-1995 01-Jun-2019   N 01-Nov-1995 01-Jun-2019   01-Sep-1996 01-Jun-2019           01-Feb-1992 01-Jun-2019   01-Feb-1992 01-Jun-2019   01-Feb-1992 01-Jun-2019         N Trade Journals English Art|Ceramics, Glass And Pottery|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 24961  
The Asia - Pacific Education Researcher   Springer Nature B.V. Manila Netherlands 0119-5646 2243-7908   01-Feb-2013 Current   Y 01-Feb-2013 01-Apr-2017   01-Feb-2013 Current         365 01-Feb-2013 Current   01-Feb-2013 Current   01-Feb-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2034523  
Asia - Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching   The Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Science and Environmental Studies Hong Kong Hong Kong   1609-4913   01-Jun-2000 01-Jun-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 Y 01-Jun-2000 01-Jun-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jun-2000 01-Jun-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020         01-Jun-2000 01-Jun-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jun-2000 01-Jun-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jun-2000 01-Jun-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       Y Scholarly Journals Chinese|English Education|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2046135  
Asia - Pacific Journal of Teacher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1359-866X 1469-2945   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 33213  
Asia Pacific Education Review   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1598-1037 1876-407X   01-Dec-2000 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006 Y 01-Mar-2009 01-Mar-2017   01-Dec-2000 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006       365 01-Dec-2000 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006 01-Dec-2000 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006 01-Dec-2000 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006       N Scholarly Journals English Education 2034556  
Asia Pacific Journal of Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Singapore United Kingdom 0218-8791 1742-6855         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426805  
Asia-Pacific Science Education   Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. Leiden Netherlands Antilles   2364-1177   01-Dec-2015 01-Dec-2021   Y 01-Jul-2020 01-Dec-2021   01-Dec-2015 01-Dec-2021           01-Mar-2015 01-Dec-2021   01-Mar-2015 01-Dec-2021   01-Dec-2015 01-Dec-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 4402903  
Asian Association of Open Universities Journal   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2414-6994     01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007 Y 01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007         01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007 01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007 01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4931645  
Asian Education and Development Studies   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2046-3162 2046-3170   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         365 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 1396355  
Asian Journal of Instruction   Duzce University, Faculty of Education Duzce Turkmenistan   2148-2659   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 2045595  
Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research   A&V Publications Raipur India 2231-1149 2349-2996   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 1096447  
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands   2363-5169   01-Dec-2016 Current   Y       01-Dec-2016 Current           01-Dec-2016 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 4402906  
Ask   Carus Publishing Company, d/b/a ePals Media Peterborough United States 1535-4105           N                     01-Nov-2003 01-Jul-2015   01-Nov-2003 01-Jul-2015               N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 43304  
Assessment   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Odessa United States 1073-1911 1552-3489         Y                     01-Dec-1998 01-Dec-2001   01-Dec-1998 01-Dec-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 12799  
Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0260-2938 1469-297X   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Higher Education 48239  
Assessment in Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0969-594X 1465-329X   01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 32872  
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Yearbook   Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Alexandria United States 1042-9018     01-Jan-1996 01-Jan-1998   N 01-Jan-1996 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1996 01-Jan-1998           01-Jan-1996 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1996 01-Jan-1998               N Trade Journals English Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 34636  
Attention, Perception and Psychophysics   Springer Nature B.V. Austin Netherlands 1943-3921 1943-393X   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         365 01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 976350  
Aula   Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca Spain 0214-3402 2174-0925   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education|Humanities: Comprehensive Works|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2032104  
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology     Wollongong   1449-3098 1449-5554   01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2021   Y             01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2021     01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 4895908  
Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 2515-0731 2515-074X   01-Jul-2011 Current   Y 01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current         365 01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 1596390  
Australasian Science   Control Publications Pty Ltd Hawksburn Australia 1442-679X     01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2019   N 01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2019   01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2019           01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2019   01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2019         N Magazines English Sciences: Comprehensive Works 46063  
The Australasian journal of special education.   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Bomaderry Australia 1030-0112 1833-6914   01-Jun-2005 01-Jun-2007   Y       01-Jun-2005 01-Jun-2007           01-Jun-2005 01-Jun-2007   01-Jun-2005 01-Jun-2007   01-Jun-2005 01-Jun-2007         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 28373  
Australian Academic and Research Libraries   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Kingston United Kingdom 0004-8623 1839-471X   01-Mar-2010 01-Dec-2014   Y 01-Mar-2010 01-Dec-2014   01-Mar-2010 01-Dec-2014           01-Mar-2010 01-Dec-2014   01-Mar-2010 01-Dec-2014   01-Sep-2012 01-Dec-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Library And Information Sciences 75973  
Australian Bulletin of Labour   National Institute of Labour Studies Adelaide Australia 0311-6336     01-Dec-1998 01-Mar-2017   Y 01-Dec-1998 01-Mar-2017   01-Dec-1998 01-Mar-2017           01-Dec-1998 01-Mar-2017   01-Dec-1998 01-Mar-2017   01-Jun-2001 01-Mar-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations 33443  
Australian Educational Researcher   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0311-6999 2210-5328   01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Aug-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2010 01-Apr-1997 Current         365 01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Dec-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2042931  
Australian Educator   Hardie Grant Media East Melbourne Australia 1328-6021     01-Apr-2015 Current   N 01-Apr-2015 Current   01-Apr-2015 Current           01-Apr-2015 Current   01-Apr-2015 Current   01-Apr-2015 Current         N Magazines English Education|Labor Unions 2044486  
Australian Journal of Adult Learning   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Canberra Australia 1443-1394     01-Apr-2005 Current   Y 01-Jul-2007 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current           01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 25751  
Australian Journal of Career Development   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Camberwell Australia 1038-4162 2200-6974   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2007   Y       01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2007           01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2007   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2007   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2007         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers 28399  
Australian Journal of Education   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0004-9441 2050-5884   01-Apr-2005 01-Nov-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 Y 01-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 01-Apr-2005 01-Nov-2018           01-Apr-1982 Current   01-Apr-1982 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 36691  
Australian Journal of Environmental Education   Cambridge University Press East Lismore United Kingdom 0814-0626 2049-775X   01-Jul-2011 Current   Y 01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current         365 01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Conservation|Education|Environmental Studies 1586360  
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit Santa Lucia Australia 1326-0111 2049-7784   01-Jan-2000 Current   Y       01-Jan-2000 Current           01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Education|Ethnic Interests 2046269  
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Carlton South United Kingdom 1940-4158 1940-4166         Y                     01-May-2010 Current   01-May-2010 Current   01-May-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 186230  
Australian Journal of Music Education   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Nedlands Australia 0004-9484 1839-8294   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Music 426756  
The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling   Cambridge University Press Sydney United Kingdom 1323-8922 1838-6059   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2021   Y 01-Jul-2012 01-Dec-2021   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2021           01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2021   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2021   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 1586359  
Australian Library Journal   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Kingston United Kingdom 0004-9670 2201-4276   01-Aug-2010 01-Nov-2014   Y 01-Aug-2010 01-Nov-2014   01-Aug-2010 01-Nov-2014           01-Aug-2010 01-Nov-2014   01-Aug-2010 01-Nov-2014               Y Scholarly Journals English Library And Information Sciences 237729  
Australian Science Teachers Journal   Australian Science Teachers Association Canberra Australia 0045-0855     01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2003   Y 01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2003   01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2003           01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2003   01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2003   01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2003         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 47307  
BC Studies   Pacific Affairs. The University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada 0005-2949     01-Jul-1999 Current   Y 01-Jul-1999 Current                 01-Apr-1986 Current 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Apr-1986 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English General Interest Periodicals--Canada|Humanities: Comprehensive Works|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 35731  
BMC Medical Education   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   1472-6920   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Medical Sciences 42593  
Baby Talk   Meredith Corporation New York United States 1529-5389     01-Jun-2001 01-Apr-2013 01-Sep-2002--31-Dec-2007 N 01-Jun-2001 01-Apr-2013   01-Jun-2001 01-Apr-2013 01-Sep-2002--31-Dec-2007         01-Jun-2001 01-Apr-2013   01-Jun-2001 01-Apr-2013   01-Jun-2001 01-Apr-2013         N Magazines English Children And Youth - About 25889  
Bartin Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi   Bartin University, Faculty of Education Bartin Turkey   1308-7177   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 2032195  
Behavior Modification   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0145-4455 1552-4167         Y                     01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37698  
Behavioral Disorders   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Tempe United States 0198-7429 2163-5307   01-May-1975 01-Nov-2018   Y 01-May-1975 01-Nov-2018   01-May-1975 01-Nov-2018           01-May-1975 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2003 01-May-1975 Current   01-May-1975 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 48220  
Behavioral Medicine   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0896-4289 1940-4026   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 37579  
Berkeley Review of Education   University of California Digital Library - eScholarship Berkeley United States   1947-5578   01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2016 Y             01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2016   01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2016 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2016 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4397039  
Bildung und Erziehung   Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Göttingen Germany 0006-2456 2194-3834   01-Jan-2015 01-Oct-2017   Y       01-Jan-2015 01-Oct-2017           01-Jan-2015 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2015 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English|German Education 2038869  
Bilingual Research Journal   Taylor & Francis Inc. Philadelphia United States 1523-5882 1523-5890   01-Apr-1996 01-Sep-2009   Y 01-Apr-1996 01-Sep-2009   01-Apr-1996 01-Sep-2009           01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 31419  
The Bilingual Review   University of Texas at San Antonio, College of Education and Human Development, Bicultural Bilingual Studies Department San Antonio United States 0094-5366 2327-624X   01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2012   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2012   01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2012           01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2012 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002; 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2012   01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2012 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002; 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics 49233  
Bilingualism   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 1366-7289 1469-1841   01-Apr-2001 Current   Y 01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         365 01-Apr-2001 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 32700  
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Calgary United States 1470-8175 1539-3429         Y                     01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Biology--Biochemistry 966341  
Bioscience   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0006-3568 1525-3244   01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2012   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Dec-2012   01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2012           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Agriculture|Biology|Medical Sciences 34924  
Black Collegian   Black Collegiate Services, Inc. New Orleans United States 0192-3757 1943-7382   01-Jan-1991 01-Sep-2010   N 01-Jan-1994 01-Sep-2010   01-Jan-1991 01-Sep-2010           01-Jan-1988 01-Sep-2010   01-Jan-1988 01-Sep-2010   01-Jan-1988 01-Sep-2010         N Magazines English African American/Caribbean/African|College And Alumni|Education|Ethnic Interests 34633  
Black Issues Book Review   Target Market News Fairfax United States 1522-0524 2169-2424   01-Jan-1999 01-May-2007   N 01-Jan-1999 01-May-2007   01-Jan-1999 01-May-2007           01-Jan-1999 01-May-2007   01-Jan-1999 01-May-2007   01-Jan-2001 01-May-2007         N Magazines English African American/Caribbean/African|Literary And Political Reviews 32684  
The Black Scholar   Taylor & Francis Ltd. San Francisco United Kingdom 0006-4246 2162-5387   01-Jan-1994 01-Jul-2006   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Jul-2006   01-Jan-1994 01-Jul-2006           01-Jan-1988 Current 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023 01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Ethnic Interests|Political Science|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 35485  
Board & Administrator; for Superintendents Only   LRP Publications, Inc. Frederick United States 1525-7878 1949-3215         N                     01-May-1998 01-Jun-2004   01-May-1998 01-Jun-2004   01-Jan-2004 01-Jun-2004         N Trade Journals English Business And Economics--Management 46820  
Book Links   Booklist Publications Chicago United States 1055-4742 2163-5269   01-Nov-1998 01-Apr-2016   N 01-Nov-1998 01-Apr-2016   01-Nov-1998 01-Apr-2016           01-Nov-1998 01-Apr-2016   01-Nov-1998 01-Apr-2016   01-Nov-1998 01-Apr-2016         N Magazines English Children And Youth - About 31915  
The Book Report   Linworth Publishing Company Columbus United States 0731-4388           N                     01-Jan-1992 01-Nov-2002   01-Jan-1992 01-Nov-2002   01-Jan-1992 01-Nov-2002         N Trade Journals English Publishing And Book Trade 36215  
Bookbird   Bookbird, Inc. Basel United States 0006-7377 1918-6983   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2019 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-1998 Current           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - For|Publishing And Book Trade 47792  
The Booklist   Booklist Publications Chicago United States 0006-7385     01-Oct-1997 Current   N 01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current           01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current         N Trade Journals English Publishing And Book Trade 41729  
Boy's Quest   Bluffton News Printing and Publishing Co. Bluffton United States 1078-9006           N                     01-Feb-1997 01-Feb-1999   01-Feb-1997 01-Feb-1999   01-Feb-1997 01-Feb-1999         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 30043  
British Educational Research Journal   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. London United Kingdom 0141-1926 1469-3518   01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 33034  
The British Journal of Developmental Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0261-510X 2044-835X   01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006           01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36006  
British Journal of Educational Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0007-0998 2044-8279   01-Sep-1998 01-Mar-2006   Y 01-Sep-1998 01-Mar-2006   01-Sep-1998 01-Mar-2006           01-Sep-1998 Current   01-Sep-1998 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 32346  
British Journal of Educational Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0007-1005 1467-8527         Y                     01-Sep-2002 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Sep-2002 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Mar-2005 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 48049  
British Journal of Educational Technology   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Coventry United Kingdom 0007-1013 1467-8535         Y                     01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 47505  
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Cambridge United Kingdom 0306-9885 1469-3534   01-Nov-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Nov-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Nov-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Nov-1997 10-Aug-2016   01-Nov-1997 10-Aug-2016   01-Nov-1997 10-Aug-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers|Psychology 33035  
British Journal of Learning Disabilities   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Kidderminster United States 1354-4187 1468-3156         Y                     01-Dec-2012 Current   01-Dec-2012 Current   01-Dec-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 1006523  
British Journal of Music Education   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0265-0517 1469-2104   01-Mar-2001 Current   Y 01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         365 01-Mar-1984 Current   01-Mar-1984 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Music 37435  
British Journal of Religious Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0141-6200 1740-7931         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Religions And Theology 186228  
British Journal of Sociology of Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0142-5692 1465-3346   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sociology 11425  
British Society for Research Into Learning Mathematics. Research in Mathematics Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1479-4802 1754-0178         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Mathematics 186318  
Brock Education   Brock University St. Catharines Canada 1183-1189 2371-7750         Y                     01-Oct-1992 Current   01-Oct-1992 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 43976  
Brookings Papers on Education Policy   The Brookings Institution Washington United States 1096-2719 1533-4457   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2006   Y 01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2006   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2006           01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2006   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2006   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration|Public Administration 44403  
The Brown Center Chalkboard [BLOG]   The Brookings Institution Washington United States       01-Apr-2016 Current   N 01-Apr-2016 Current                 01-Apr-2016 Current   01-Apr-2016 Current   01-Apr-2016 Current         N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Education 2041171  
The Brown Center Report on American Education   The Brookings Institution Washington United States 1934-4635     01-Sep-2001 01-Mar-2017   N       01-Sep-2001 01-Mar-2017           01-Sep-2001 01-Jun-2018   01-Sep-2001 01-Jun-2018   01-Sep-2001 01-Jun-2018         N Reports English Education 2041170  
The Buckingham Journal of Education   The University of Buckingham Press Buckingham United Kingdom 2633-4909 2633-4917   01-Jun-2020 Current   Y       01-Jun-2020 Current           01-Jun-2020 Current   01-Jun-2020 Current   01-Jun-2020 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5455936  
Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy   The University of Sofia Sofia Bulgaria 1313-1958 1313-9118   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Bulgarian|English Education|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 1056402  
Bulletin of Education and Research   AsiaNet Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Lahore Pakistan 0555-7747     01-Jun-2010 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 Y 01-Jun-2010 Current   01-Jun-2010 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022         01-Jun-2010 Current   01-Jun-2010 Current   01-Jun-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 616547  
Bulletin of Educational Research   National Taiwan Normal University, Dept of Education Taipei Taiwan 1028-8708     01-Mar-2015 Current   Y       01-Mar-2015 Current           01-Mar-2015 Current   01-Mar-2015 Current   01-Mar-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Chinese Education 2043099  
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology   American Society for Information Science Silver Spring United States 1931-6550 1550-8366   01-Dec-1987 01-Apr-2007   N 01-Oct-1992 01-Apr-2007   01-Dec-1987 01-Apr-2007           01-Jun-1974 01-Apr-2007   01-Jun-1974 01-Apr-2007   01-Jun-1974 01-Apr-2007         N Trade Journals English Library And Information Sciences 17483  
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Online)   American Society for Information Science Silver Spring United States   1550-8366   01-Jun-2007 01-Jun-2017   N       01-Jun-2007 01-Jun-2017           01-Jun-2007 01-Jun-2017   01-Jun-2007 01-Jun-2017   01-Jun-2007 01-Jun-2017         N Trade Journals English Library And Information Sciences 38835  
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books   Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore United States 0008-9036 1558-6766   01-Apr-1998 Current   N       01-Apr-1998 Current         365 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         N Trade Journals English Bibliographies|Children And Youth - About|Library And Information Sciences|Literature|Publishing And Book Trade 25283  
CALICO Journal   Equinox Publishing Ltd. San Marcos United Kingdom 0742-7778 2056-9017   01-Jan-1984 01-Jul-2019 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 Y       01-Jan-1984 01-Jul-2019 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997         01-Jan-1983 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1983 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1984 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997       Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Computers--Microcomputers|Computers--Personal Computers|Education--Computer Applications|Linguistics 105707  
The CASE Journal   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Durham United Kingdom   1544-9106         Y                     01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2013   01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2013   01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 38958  
CAUT Bulletin   Canadian Association of University Teachers Toronto   0834-9614     01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2020   N 01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2020   01-Dec-2004 01-Apr-2020           01-Sep-1986 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1991 01-Sep-1986 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2020         N Trade Journals English|French Education--Higher Education 44988  
CELE Exchange. Centre for Effective Learning Environments   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France   2072-7925   01-Jan-2009 01-Oct-2012   N 01-Jan-2009 01-Oct-2012   01-Jan-2009 01-Oct-2012           01-Jan-2009 01-Oct-2012   01-Jan-2009 01-Oct-2012   01-Jan-2009 01-Oct-2012         N Reports English Education 54428  
CEPS Journal : Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal   University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education Ljubljana Slovenia 1855-9719 2232-2647   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 1336356  
COABE Journal   Commission On Adult Basic Education Syracuse United States       01-Apr-2016 Current   Y 01-Apr-2016 Current   01-Apr-2016 Current           01-Apr-2016 Current   01-Apr-2016 Current   01-Apr-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Education--Adult Education 2042767  
CSSHE Professional File   Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Ottawa Canada 0836-7973     01-Jan-1999 01-Jan-2011   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Jan-2011                 01-Oct-1992 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1998 01-Oct-1992 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1998 01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2011         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 44836  
Cadernos de Historia da Educacao   Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Editora da UFU Uberlandia Brazil 1807-3859 1982-7806   01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2018   Y       01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2018           01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2018         Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese History--History Of North And South America 2046359  
Cambridge Journal of Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Cambridge United Kingdom 0305-764X 1469-3577   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 49174  
Campbell Systematic Reviews   John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Oslo United States   1891-1803   01-Jan-2005 Current   Y 01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current           01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--International Development And Assistance|Criminology And Law Enforcement|Social Services And Welfare 2040247  
The Camping Magazine   American Camping Association Martinsville United States 0740-4131     01-Jan-1992 Current   N 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         N Magazines English Sports And Games--Outdoor Life 41696  
Campus Law Enforcement Journal   International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators Hartford United States 0739-0394     01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   N 01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019           01-Jul-1981 01-Jul-2019   01-Jul-1981 01-Jul-2019   01-Nov-1998 01-Jul-2019         N Trade Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 48849  
The Canadian Art Teacher   Canadian Society for Education Through Art London, Ont. Canada 1701-8587           Y                     01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2018 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education 42744  
The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education (Online)   The Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Halifax Canada   1925-993X   01-Nov-2007 01-Jan-2020   Y       01-Nov-2007 01-Jan-2020           01-Nov-2007 01-Jan-2020   01-Nov-2007 01-Jan-2020   01-Nov-2007 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Education--Adult Education 1976337  
The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education   The Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Toronto Canada 0835-4944 1925-993X   01-May-1999 01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2008 Y 01-May-1999 01-Nov-2011   01-May-2003 01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2008         01-May-1992 01-Nov-2011   01-May-1992 01-Nov-2011   01-May-1999 01-Nov-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 44724  
The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics   Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Québec Canada 1481-868X 1920-1818   01-Apr-2009 Current   Y 01-Apr-2009 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current           01-Apr-2009 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Linguistics 39587  
Canadian Journal of Counselling   Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Kanata Canada 0828-3893     01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2009   Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2009           01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2009               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 49259  
Canadian Journal of Education   Canadian Society for the Study of Education Toronto Canada 0380-2361 1918-5979   01-Jan-1993 Current   Y 01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current           01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 37189  
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy   Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Winnipeg Canada   1207-7798         Y                     19-Jan-1999 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2017 19-Jan-1999 Current   08-Sep-2006 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 43658  
The Canadian Journal of Higher Education   Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Toronto Canada 0316-1218 2293-6602   01-Jan-1999 Current   Y 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-May-2004 Current           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 48158  
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality   Sex Information and Education Council of Canada Toronto Canada 1188-4517 2291-7063   01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2012   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2012   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2012           01-Jan-1993 01-Jul-2012   01-Jan-1993 01-Jul-2012   01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 33400  
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality   University of Toronto Press Toronto Canada 1188-4517 2291-7063   01-Jan-2013 01-Sep-2017   Y 01-Jan-2013 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2013 01-Sep-2017           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2037334  
Canadian Journal of Native Education   University of British Columbia, Faculty of Education - Office of Indigenous Education Edmonton Canada 0710-1481     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2013   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2013   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2013           01-Jan-1991 01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1994 01-Jan-1991 01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1994 01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Ethnic Interests|Native American Studies 30037  
The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Ottawa United States 0008-4174 1911-9828   01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1940--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1945; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1955--31-Dec-1955; 01-Jan-1958--31-Dec-1958; 01-Jan-1960--31-Dec-1960; 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1964 Y 01-Dec-1934 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1940--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1945; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1955--31-Dec-1955; 01-Jan-1958--31-Dec-1958; 01-Jan-1960--31-Dec-1960; 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1964 01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017           01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1941--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1944 01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017   01-Dec-1934 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1941--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1944       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 37339  
The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation     Ottawa   0834-1516 1496-7308   01-Apr-1986 01-Apr-2015   Y       01-Apr-1986 01-Apr-2015           01-Apr-1986 01-Oct-2021   01-Apr-1986 01-Oct-2021   01-Apr-1986 01-Oct-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Public Administration 44049  
Canadian Journal of School Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Vancouver United States 0829-5735 2154-3984   01-Oct-1997 01-Sep-2017   Y 01-Oct-1997 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2003 01-Sep-2017           01-Apr-1987 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Aug-2016 01-Apr-1987 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Aug-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 46521  
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 1492-6156 1942-4051         Y                     01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2008 01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2008       Y Scholarly Journals English Sciences: Comprehensive Works 42727  
Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education   Canadian Association for University Continuing Education Kanata Canada 0318-9090           Y                     01-Oct-1992 01-Apr-2016   01-Oct-1992 01-Apr-2016               Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 26415  
The Canadian Learning Journal   Canadian Society for Training and Development Toronto Canada 1490-8743           Y                     01-Apr-2004 01-Apr-2014   01-Apr-2004 01-Apr-2014               N Scholarly Journals English Education 28316  
The Canadian Modern Language Review   Canadian Modern Language Review Toronto Canada 0008-4506 1710-1131         Y                     01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics 7799  
Canadian Review of Art Education, Research and Issues   Canadian Society for Education Through Art St. Catharines Canada 0706-8107           Y                     01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Art 43653  
Canadian Social Studies   University of Toronto Press North York Canada 1191-162X     01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2000   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2000                 01-Jul-1992 01-Jul-2000   01-Jul-1992 01-Jul-2000   01-Apr-1997 01-Jan-2000         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|History|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 47422  
Career Development International   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 1362-0436 1758-6003   01-Jan-1996 Current   Y 01-Jan-1996 Current   15-Apr-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers 26697  
The Career Development Quarterly   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 0889-4019 2161-0045   01-Mar-1994 Current   Y 01-Mar-1994 Current   01-Jun-1996 Current           01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Occupations And Careers 35120  
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 2165-1434 2165-1442   01-Apr-2005 01-May-2010   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Dec-2008   01-Apr-2005 01-May-2010           01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Occupations And Careers 37725  
Career Planning and Adult Development Journal   Career Planning and Adult Development Network San Jose United States 0736-1920     01-Dec-2004 01-Jul-2021   N 01-Dec-2004 01-Jul-2021   01-Dec-2004 01-Jul-2021           01-Dec-2004 01-Jul-2021   01-Dec-2004 01-Jul-2021   01-Dec-2006 01-Jul-2021         N Trade Journals English Education--Adult Education|Occupations And Careers 40109  
Career World   Scholastic Inc. Stamford United States 0744-1002     01-Jan-1995 01-Apr-2010 01-Feb-1999--31-May-2002 N 01-Oct-1995 01-Apr-2010   01-Jan-1995 01-Apr-2010 01-Feb-1999--31-May-2002         01-Jan-1993 01-Apr-2010   01-Jan-1993 01-Apr-2010   01-Jan-1993 01-Apr-2010         N Magazines English Education|Occupations And Careers 6384  
Career and Technical Education Research   American Vocational Education Columbus United States 1554-754X 1554-7558   01-Jan-2020 Current   Y 01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current           01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 4877945  
Caribbean Curriculum   University of West Indies St. Augustine Trinidad And Tobago 1017-5636 2412-558X   01-Jan-1985 Current 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 Y       01-Jan-1985 Current 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021         01-Jan-1985 Current 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jan-1985 Current 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jan-1985 Current 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5203015  
Catalyst Ohio   Community Renewal Society Chicago United States       01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2010   N 01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2010   01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2010           01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2010   01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2010   01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2010         N Magazines English Education 52449  
The Catalyst   National Council for Continuing Education & Training Carlsbad United States 2151-9390     01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2017   N 01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2017   01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2017           01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2017   01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2017   01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2017         N Trade Journals English Education 36178  
Catalyst in Depth   Community Renewal Society Chicago United States 2160-0007     28-Feb-1995 01-Apr-2016   N 28-Feb-1995 01-Apr-2016   01-Jan-2009 01-Apr-2016           28-Feb-1995 01-Apr-2016   28-Feb-1995 01-Apr-2016   28-Feb-1995 01-Apr-2016         N Magazines English Education--School Organization And Administration 38685  
Catechist   Bayard, Inc. Dayton United States 0008-7726     01-Sep-1998 01-Apr-2007   N 01-Sep-1998 01-Apr-2007   01-Sep-1998 01-Apr-2007           01-Sep-1998 01-Apr-2020   01-Sep-1998 01-Apr-2020   01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2020         N Magazines English Religions And Theology 36918  
Central European Journal of Educational Research   University of Debrecen Debrecen Hungary 2677-0326     01-Oct-2019 Current   Y       01-Oct-2019 Current           01-Oct-2019 Current   01-Oct-2019 Current   01-Oct-2019 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5083791  
Chalkbeat   Newstex   United States       20-Apr-2020 Current   N 20-Apr-2020 Current                 20-Apr-2020 Current   20-Apr-2020 Current               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Education 5341599  
Change   Taylor & Francis Inc. Philadelphia United States 0009-1383 1939-9146   01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2010   01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-2010           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 25167  
Changing English   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1358-684X 1469-3585         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics 426728  
Chengren Ji Zhongshen Jiaoyu = Journal of Adult and Lifelong Education   Chinese Adult and Lifelong Education Association Taipei Taiwan 1818-8001     01-Jun-2015 01-Jun-2019   Y       01-Jun-2015 01-Jun-2019           01-Jun-2015 01-Jun-2019   01-Jun-2015 01-Jun-2019   01-Jun-2015 01-Jun-2019         N Scholarly Journals Chinese Education--Adult Education 2043107  
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0738-0151 1573-2797   01-Aug-2005 Current   Y 01-Aug-2005 01-Jun-2017   01-Aug-2005 Current         365 01-Feb-1995 Current   01-Feb-1995 Current   01-Feb-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology|Sociology 37911  
Child & Family Behavior Therapy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0731-7107 1545-228X         Y                     01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47006  
Child & Family Social Work   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1356-7500 1365-2206         Y                     01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Social Services And Welfare 33491  
Child & Youth Care Forum   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1053-1890 1573-3319   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 54018  
Child Abuse & Neglect   Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0145-2134 1873-7757         Y                     01-Jan-1992 01-May-2023   01-Jan-1992 01-May-2023   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2023         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Criminology And Law Enforcement|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 46284  
Child Care, Health and Development   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0305-1862 1365-2214         Y                     01-Nov-1998 Current   01-Nov-1998 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 36405  
Child Development   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Ann Arbor United Kingdom 0009-3920 1467-8624         Y                     01-Feb-1988 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Psychology 35183  
Child Health Alert   Child Health Alert Inc. Newton Highlands United States 1064-4849     01-Sep-1997 01-Apr-2010   N 01-Sep-1997 01-Apr-2010   01-Sep-1997 01-Apr-2010           01-Jan-1996 01-Apr-2010   01-Jan-1996 01-Apr-2010   01-Apr-1996 01-Apr-2010         N Trade Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 29858  
Child Indicators Research   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1874-897X 1874-8988   01-Mar-2008 Current   Y       01-Mar-2008 Current         365 01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2043810  
Child Language Teaching and Therapy   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0265-6590 1477-0865   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2015   Y       01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2015           01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 32208  
Child Maltreatment   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1077-5595 1552-6119         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology|Sociology 31924  
Child Psychiatry and Human Development   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0009-398X 1573-3327   01-Apr-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Apr-1997 Current         365 01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 54019  
Child Welfare   Child Welfare League of America, Inc. Arlington United States 0009-4021     01-Jan-1994 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 Y 01-Jan-1994 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-May-1996 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003         01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare|Sociology 40853  
Childhood   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0907-5682 1461-7013         Y                     01-Feb-1993 Current 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Feb-1993 Current 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Feb-1993 Current 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About 46519  
Childhood Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Olney United Kingdom 0009-4056 2162-0725   01-Feb-1988 01-Nov-2014   Y 01-Apr-1995 01-Nov-2014   01-Feb-1988 01-Nov-2014           01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education 41055  
Children & Libraries   American Library Association Chicago United States 1542-9806 2374-7641   01-Apr-2008 Current   Y 01-Apr-2008 Current   01-Apr-2008 Current           01-Apr-2008 Current   01-Apr-2008 Current   01-Dec-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Library And Information Sciences 52910  
Children & Schools   Oxford University Press Oxford United States 1532-8759 1545-682X   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2012   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2012   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2012           01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Social Services And Welfare 26011  
Children Australia   Cambridge University Press Melbourne United Kingdom 1035-0772 2049-7776   01-Apr-2011 01-Dec-2020   Y 01-Mar-2012 01-Dec-2020   01-Apr-2011 01-Dec-2020           01-Apr-2011 01-Dec-2020   01-Apr-2011 01-Dec-2020   01-Apr-2011 01-Dec-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 1586358  
Children Today   Superintendent of Documents Washington United States 0361-4336 2169-1894   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 N 01-Jan-1992 01-Jan-1997   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995         01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-1997   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-1997   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-1997         N Trade Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology|Sociology 48923  
Children's Geographies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1473-3285 1473-3277         Y                     01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 186225  
Children's Literature   Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore United States 0092-8208 1543-3374   01-Jan-1998 Current   Y 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         365 01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Literature 3463  
The Children's Literature Lover's Book of Lists   John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken United States     9780787965952       N                     01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2004   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2004               N Books English Children And Youth - For|Literature 39680  
Children's Voice   Child Welfare League of America, Inc. Washington United States 1057-736X 1930-868X   01-Sep-2003 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 N 01-Sep-2003 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Sep-2003 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019         01-Sep-2003 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Sep-2003 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Sep-2003 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019       N Magazines English Children And Youth - About|Social Services And Welfare 30208  
Christian Education Journal   Sage Publications Ltd. Glen Ellyn United Kingdom 0739-8913 2378-525X   01-Oct-1999 01-Dec-2019   Y 01-Oct-1999 01-Dec-2019   01-Oct-1999 01-Dec-2019           01-Oct-1999 Current   01-Oct-1999 Current   01-Oct-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Religions And Theology 38112  
Christian Higher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1536-3759 1539-4107         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Religions And Theology 186215  
The Chronicle for Driver Education Professionals   American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association Indiana United States   2687-8364   01-Oct-2007 01-Jul-2021 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 N 01-Oct-2007 01-Jul-2021 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Oct-2007 01-Jul-2021 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020         01-Oct-2007 01-Jul-2021 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Oct-2007 01-Jul-2021 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Oct-2007 01-Jul-2021 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       N Magazines English Education|Transportation--Automobiles 46272  
The Chronicle of Higher Education   Chronicle of Higher Education Washington United States 0009-5982 1931-1362   06-Jan-1988 Current 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992 N 06-Jan-1995 Current 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992 06-Jan-1988 24-Nov-2000         30 08-Jan-1986 Current   08-Jan-1986 Current   08-Jan-1986 Current         N Trade Journals English College And Alumni|Education--Higher Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 1812  
Chung Cheng Educational Studies   Chung Cheng University College of Education Taiwan China 1683-9552     01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 Y 01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019         01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019 01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019 01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019       N Scholarly Journals Chinese|English Education 2050702  
Class Teaching   Newstex   United States       11-Nov-2020 Current   N 11-Nov-2020 Current                 11-Nov-2020 Current   11-Nov-2020 Current               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Education 5341596  
The Clearing House   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0009-8655 1939-912X   01-Nov-1991 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Jan-1995 01-Nov-2010   01-Nov-1991 01-Nov-2010           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Multi-Ethnic 42171  
Click   Carus Publishing Company, d/b/a ePals Media Peterborough United States 1094-4273           N                     01-Nov-2003 01-Feb-2016   01-Nov-2003 01-Feb-2016               N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 43305  
Clifford the Big Red Dog   Scholastic Inc. New York United States 1539-8773           N                     01-Sep-2005 01-May-2015   01-Sep-2005 01-May-2015   01-Sep-2005 01-May-2015         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 28876  
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1096-4037 1573-2827   01-Mar-1998 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1998 Current         365 01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 54101  
Clues   McFarland & Company, Inc. Jefferson United States 0742-4248 1940-3046   01-Oct-2004 Current   Y 01-Oct-2004 01-Jul-2006   01-Oct-2004 Current           01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Literature 29000  
Coach and Athletic Director   Scholastic Inc. Jefferson City United States 1087-2000           N                     01-Jan-1989 01-Dec-2008   01-Jan-1989 01-Dec-2008   01-Jan-1989 01-Dec-2008         N Trade Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Sports And Games 306  
Cobblestone   Carus Publishing Company, d/b/a ePals Media Peterborough United States 0199-5197           N                     01-Jan-1992 01-Jul-2015   01-Jan-1992 01-Jul-2015   01-Jan-1992 01-Jul-2015         N Magazines English Children And Youth - About|History--History of North And South America 29844  
Cogent Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom   2331-186X   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y       01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2043297  
Cognition and Instruction   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0737-0008 1532-690X         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 46254  
Cognitive Psychology   Academic Press San Diego United States 0010-0285 1095-5623         Y                     01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 5199  
College & Research Libraries   American Library Association Chicago United States 0010-0870 2150-6701         Y                     01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2013   01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2013   01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English College And Alumni|Library And Information Sciences 337  
College Composition and Communication   National Council of Teachers of English Urbana United States 0010-096X 1939-9006   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current           01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 40990  
College English   National Council of Teachers of English Urbana United States 0010-0994 2161-8178   01-Jan-1988 Current 01-Jul-2006--01-Mar-2009 Y 01-Jan-1994 Current 01-Jul-2006--01-Mar-2009 01-Jan-1988 Current           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Literature 42044  
College Literature   Johns Hopkins University Press West Chester United States 0093-3139 1542-4286   01-Oct-1995 Current   Y 01-Oct-1995 Current   01-Jun-1996 Current         365 01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Literature|Literature--Poetry 47985  
The College Mathematics Journal   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0746-8342 1931-1346   01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2007   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2007   01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2007           01-Jan-1989 01-May-2024   01-Jan-1989 01-May-2024   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Mathematics 47353  
College Quarterly   Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology North York Canada 1195-4353 2293-7013         Y                     01-Jan-1993 01-Apr-2019   01-Jan-1993 01-Apr-2019   01-Apr-2018 01-Apr-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 42743  
College Student Affairs Journal   Southern Association for College Student Affairs Charlotte United States 0888-210X     01-Apr-1998 Current   Y 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current           01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 47847  
College Teaching   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 8756-7555 1930-8299   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 35611  
College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal   The Clute Institute Littleton United States 1548-9566 2157-880X   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2010   Y 01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2010           01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 54897  
College and University   American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Washington United States 0010-0889     01-Jan-1999 Current   Y 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current           01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 1059  
Communication Disorders Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1525-7401 1538-4837   01-Oct-1999 01-May-2010   Y       01-Oct-1999 01-May-2010           01-Dec-1976 Current   01-Dec-1976 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 46927  
Communication Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0363-4523 1479-5795         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 1271  
Communication Monographs   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0363-7751 1479-5787         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Linguistics 1273  
Communication Quarterly   Eastern Communication Association University Park United States 0146-3373 1746-4102   01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2005   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2005   01-Apr-1996 01-Oct-2005           01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Linguistics 42242  
Communication Reports   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Salt Lake City United Kingdom 0893-4215 1745-1043   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005   N 01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005           01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016         N Trade Journals English Education|Linguistics 21770  
Communication Research   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0093-6502 1552-3810         Y                     01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Sociology 37611  
Communication Studies   Central States Speech Association West Lafayette United States 1051-0974 1745-1035   01-Apr-1992 01-Dec-2005   Y 01-Apr-1995 01-Dec-2005   01-Apr-1992 01-Dec-2005           01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 36627  
Communication Teacher   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Annandale United Kingdom 1740-4622 1740-4622         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education 426795  
The Community College Enterprise   Schoolcraft College Livonia United States 1541-0935     01-Apr-2002 Current   Y 01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current           01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Education--School Organization And Administration 26254  
Community College Journal   American Association of Community Colleges Washington United States 1067-1803 2151-755X   01-Jun-2005 Current   N 01-Jun-2005 Current   01-Jun-2005 Current           01-Jun-2005 Current   01-Jun-2005 Current   01-Jun-2005 Current         N Trade Journals English Education--Higher Education 232  
Community College Journal of Research and Practice   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 1066-8926 1521-0413         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education|Education--Higher Education 536300  
Community College Review   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Raleigh United States 0091-5521 1940-2325   01-Dec-1998 01-Oct-2017   Y 01-Dec-1998 01-Oct-2017   01-Dec-1998 01-Oct-2017           01-Dec-1998 Current   01-Dec-1998 Current   01-Dec-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 7553  
Comparative Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0305-0068 1360-0486   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 33187  
Comparative Education Review   University of Chicago, acting through its Press Chicago United States 0010-4086 1545-701X         Y                     01-Jun-1967 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jun-1967 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Feb-1992 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 35564  
Comparative and International Education   University of Western Ontario London Canada 2369-2634 1927-694X   01-Sep-2012 01-Oct-2019   Y 01-Sep-2012 01-Oct-2019                 01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2019   01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2019   01-Sep-2012 01-Oct-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Education--International Education Programs 46900  
Compare   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0305-7925 1469-3623   01-Jun-1997 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Jun-1997 01-Oct-2000   01-Jun-1997 01-Oct-2000           01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 33192  
Complicity   Complicity Alberta United States   1710-5668   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019           01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 1576350  
Composition Studies   University of Cincinnati on behalf of Composition Studies Chicago United States 1534-9322     01-Oct-2000 Current   Y 01-Oct-2000 Current   01-Oct-2000 Current           01-Oct-2000 Current   01-Oct-2000 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Literature 26283  
Computer Assisted Language Learning   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0958-8221 1744-3210         Y                     01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Computer Applications|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 53067  
Computer Science Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Norwood United Kingdom 0899-3408 1744-5175         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers|Education--Computer Applications|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 178191  
Computers and Composition   Ablex Publishing Corporation Norwood United States 8755-4615 1873-2011         Y                     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998               Y Scholarly Journals English Computers|Education--Computer Applications 46706  
Computers in Education   Moorshead Publications Toronto Canada 0823-9940           N                     01-Dec-1987 01-May-1992   01-Dec-1987 01-May-1992   01-Jan-1990 01-May-1992         N Trade Journals English Education 31548  
Computers in Libraries   Information Today, Inc. Westport United States 1041-7915     01-Jan-1994 Current   N 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jul-1996 Current           01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         N Trade Journals English Computers--Microcomputers|Library And Information Sciences--Computer Applications 36749  
Computers in the Schools   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0738-0569 1528-7033         Y                     01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Microcomputers|Computers--Personal Computers|Education--Computer Applications 42033  
Comunicar Spanish ed. Grupo Comunicar Huelva Spain 1134-3478 1988-3293   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Communications|Education|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 216197  
Comunicar English ed. Grupo Comunicar Huelva Spain       01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 396529  
Conference & Common Room   William Clarence Education London United Kingdom 0265-4458 2049-5781   01-Apr-2013 01-Oct-2019   N 01-Apr-2013 01-Oct-2019   01-Apr-2013 01-Oct-2019           01-Apr-2013 01-Oct-2019   01-Apr-2013 01-Oct-2019   01-Apr-2013 01-Oct-2019         N Magazines English Education 2029233  
Connections   Texas Music Educators Conference San Antonio United States 1073-8193     01-Oct-2010 01-Apr-2016   Y 01-Oct-2010 01-Apr-2016   01-Oct-2010 01-Apr-2016           01-Oct-2010 01-Apr-2016   01-Oct-2010 01-Apr-2016   01-Oct-2010 01-Apr-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Music 1326335  
Contemporary Education   Indiana State University Terre Haute United States 0010-7476     01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001           01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 41688  
Contemporary Educational Psychology   Elsevier BV San Diego Netherlands 0361-476X 1090-2384         Y                     01-Jul-2005 01-Oct-2016   01-Jul-2005 01-Oct-2016   01-Jul-2005 01-Oct-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 30987  
Contemporary Issues in Education Research   The Clute Institute Littleton United States 1940-5847 1941-756X   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   Y 01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011           01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 54900  
Contemporary Issues in Education Research (Online)   The Clute Institute Littleton United States 1940-5847 1941-756X   01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021 Y       01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021         01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021 01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021 01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2026881  
Contemporary School Psychology   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 2159-2020 2161-1505   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 28234  
Contents Pages in Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0265-9220 1469-3658   01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-1999   01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2000           01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2000   01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2000               N Scholarly Journals English Education 32874  
Contributions to Music Education   Ohio Music Education Association Columbus United States 0190-4922     01-Jan-2003 Current   Y 01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current           01-Jan-1972 Current 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1975; 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1982; 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1996; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2002 01-Jan-1972 Current 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1975; 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1982 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1996; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2002       Y Scholarly Journals English Music 25603  
Convergence   International Council for Adult Education Toronto Uruguay 0010-8146     01-Jan-2002 01-Apr-2009   Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-2002 01-Apr-2009           01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2009   01-Jul-2003 01-Apr-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 34715  
The Conversation : Education   The Conversation US, Inc. Boston United States       02-Jul-2020 Current   N 02-Jul-2020 Current                 02-Jul-2020 Current   02-Jul-2020 Current   02-Jul-2020 Current         N Newspapers English Education 4977985  
Counseling Psychologist   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. College Park United States 0011-0000 1552-3861         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47491  
Counseling and Human Development   Love Publishing Company Denver United States 0193-7375     01-Sep-1998 01-Sep-2012   Y 01-Sep-1998 01-May-2005   01-Sep-1998 01-Sep-2012           01-Sep-1998 01-Sep-2012   01-Sep-1998 01-Sep-2012   01-Sep-2003 01-Sep-2012         N Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education 48224  
Counseling and Values   Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. Alexandria Netherlands Antilles 0160-7960 2161-007X   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2006   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2013           01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2021   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2021   01-Jan-2004 01-Oct-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Psychology|Religions And Theology--Roman Catholic 48734  
Counselor Education and Supervision   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0011-0035 1556-6978   01-Mar-1997 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Jun-2006   01-Mar-1997 01-Dec-2013           01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 25206  
Creative Kids   Prufrock Press Waco United States 0892-9599     01-Apr-2005 01-Jul-2017   N 01-Apr-2005 01-Jul-2017   01-Apr-2005 01-Jul-2017           01-Apr-2005 01-Jul-2017   01-Apr-2005 01-Jul-2017               N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 34010  
Critical Studies in Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Melbourne United Kingdom 1750-8487 1750-8495         Y                     01-Feb-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Feb-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Feb-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426789  
Critical Studies in Media Communication   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1529-5036 1479-5809         Y                     01-Mar-1992 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Mar-1992 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Mar-1992 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 46926  
Cuadernos de Música, Artes Visuales y Artes Escénicas   Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá Colombia 1794-6670 2215-9959   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         N Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Art|Music 1216356  
Çukurova University. Faculty of Education Journal   Cukurova University Faculty of Education Adana Turkey 1302-9967     01-Apr-2012 Current   Y 01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current           01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|German|Turkish Education 1386357  
Cultural Studies of Science Education   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1871-1502 1871-1510   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2006 01-Mar-2017   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 54611  
Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education   Dr. Ayhan ÖZTÜRK, Cumhuriyet University/Turkey Sivas Turkey   2147-1606   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y 01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current           01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 2042728  
Current   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0011-3131           N                     01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         N Magazines English Education|Literary And Political Reviews|Political Science 41114  
Current Events   Scholastic Inc. New York United States 0011-3492     16-Dec-1996 23-Apr-2012 19-Mar-1999--13-May-2002 N 16-Dec-1996 23-Apr-2012   16-Dec-1996 23-Apr-2012 19-Mar-1999--13-May-2002         06-Jan-1992 23-Apr-2012   06-Jan-1992 23-Apr-2012   06-Jan-1992 23-Apr-2012         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For|Education 41224  
Current Health Kids   Scholastic Inc. New York United States 2157-5916     01-Nov-1996 01-Apr-2012 01-Sep-1998--01-Oct-2000 N 01-Nov-1996 01-Apr-2012   01-Nov-1996 01-Apr-2012 01-Sep-1998--01-Oct-2000         01-Nov-1996 01-Apr-2012   01-Nov-1996 01-Apr-2012   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2012         N Magazines English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 48077  
Current Health Teens   Scholastic Inc. New York United States 2157-5703     01-Jan-1988 01-Apr-2012 01-Jan-1999--31-May-2002 N 01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2012   01-Jan-1988 01-Apr-2012 01-Jan-1999--31-May-2002         01-Jan-1988 01-Apr-2012   01-Jan-1988 01-Apr-2012   01-Jan-1988 01-Apr-2012         N Magazines English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Physical Fitness And Hygiene 47948  
Current Science   Scholastic Inc. New York United States 0011-3905     13-Dec-1996 27-Apr-2012 06-Nov-1998--30-May-2002 N 13-Dec-1996 27-Apr-2012   13-Dec-1996 27-Apr-2012 06-Nov-1998--30-May-2002         06-Sep-1991 27-Apr-2012   06-Sep-1991 27-Apr-2012   06-Sep-1991 27-Apr-2012         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For|Education|Literature|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 41212  
Curriculum Inquiry     Hoboken   0362-6784 1467-873X         Y                     01-Apr-1993 01-Dec-2014 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003 01-Apr-1993 01-Dec-2014 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2002 01-Dec-2014 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 48819  
The Curriculum Journal   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0958-5176 1469-3704         Y                     01-Jan-2010 01-Dec-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Dec-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Dec-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 426787  
Curriculum Review   PaperClip Communications Metuchen United States 0147-2453 1944-9534   01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2022   N 01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2022   01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2022           01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2022   01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2022   01-Apr-1999 01-Nov-2022         N Trade Journals English Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 49271  
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue   Information Age Publishing Charlotte United States 1538-750X 2169-1231   01-Jul-2003 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016 Y 01-Jul-2003 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016 01-Jul-2003 Current           01-Jul-2003 Current   01-Jul-2003 Current   01-Jul-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 29703  
Data Technologies and Applications   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2514-9288 2514-9318   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Library And Information Sciences--Computer Applications 12296  
Death Studies   Taylor & Francis LLC Abingdon United Kingdom 0748-1187 1091-7683   01-Sep-1996 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Sep-1996 01-Dec-2000   01-Sep-1996 01-Dec-2000           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Gerontology And Geriatrics|Psychology|Sociology 48005  
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Atlanta United Kingdom 1540-4595 1540-4609         Y                     01-Sep-2004 Current   01-Sep-2004 Current   01-Sep-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 51518  
Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin   Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Austin United States 0011-8044 2169-5326   01-Oct-2008 Current   Y 01-Oct-2008 Current   01-Oct-2008 Current           01-Oct-2008 Current   01-Oct-2008 Current   01-Oct-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Women's Interests 47978  
Die Deutsche Schule   Waxmann Verlag GmbH Münster Germany 0012-0731     01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals German Education 1066351  
Developmental Disabilities Bulletin   University of Alberta - The Governors of, Developmental Disabilities Centre Edmonton Canada 1184-0412     01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2010   Y 01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2010           01-Jul-1992 01-Jan-2010   01-Jul-1992 01-Jan-2010               Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 32979  
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology   Mac Keith Press London United Kingdom 0012-1622 1469-8749   01-May-2001 01-Dec-2011   Y 01-May-2001 01-Dec-2011   01-May-2001 01-Dec-2011           01-Jan-2001 01-Dec-2011   01-Jan-2001 01-Dec-2011   01-Jan-2001 01-Dec-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 34809  
Developmental Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0012-1649 1939-0599         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 35458  
Dialogic Pedagogy   University Library System, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh     2325-3290   01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 Y       01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022         01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2029664  
Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1559-5692 1559-5706         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 186198  
Digital Learning   Athena Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Noida India 0973-4139     01-Jan-2009 Current   N 01-Jan-2009 Current                 01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Aug-2009 01-Jun-2018         N Magazines English Education--Computer Applications 55059  
Dil ve Edebiyat Egitimi Dergisi   Journal of Language and Literature Education / Assoc. Prof. Dr Adnan Karadüz (The Editor) Kayseri Turkey   2146-6971   01-Apr-2012 01-Oct-2015   Y 01-Apr-2012 01-Oct-2015   01-Apr-2012 01-Oct-2015           01-Apr-2012 01-Oct-2015   01-Apr-2012 01-Oct-2015   01-Apr-2012 01-Oct-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education|Linguistics|Literature 1966352  
Dilemas Contemporáneos : Educación, Política y Valore   Asesorías y tutorías para la investigación científica en la Educación Puig-Salabarría S.C. Toluca Mexico   2007-7890   01-May-2013 01-Jun-2019   Y       01-May-2013 01-Jun-2019           01-May-2013 01-Jun-2019   01-May-2013 01-Jun-2019   01-May-2013 01-Jun-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Education|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 4400984  
Disability & Society   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0968-7599 1360-0508   01-Jun-1998 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Jun-1998 01-Oct-2000   01-Jun-1998 01-Oct-2000           01-Jun-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001; 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Jun-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001; 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Jun-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001; 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|People With Disabilities--Physically Impaired 11434  
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research   Springer Nature B.V. Beijing Netherlands   2662-2300   01-Dec-2019 Current   Y 01-Dec-2019 Current   01-Dec-2019 Current           01-Dec-2019 Current   01-Dec-2019 Current   01-Dec-2019 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 5642949  
Discourse   Wayne State University Press Detroit United States 1522-5321 1536-1810   01-Oct-1995 Current   Y 01-Oct-1995 Current   01-Oct-1995 Current           01-Oct-1995 Current   01-Oct-1995 Current   01-Oct-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Humanities: Comprehensive Works 31765  
Discourse   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0159-6306 1469-3739         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 426785  
Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education   De Gruyter Poland Daugavpils Poland 1691-6301 2255-7547   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y       01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2026372  
Distance Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Melbourne United Kingdom 0158-7919 1475-0198   01-Jan-1996 01-Nov-2012   Y 01-Jan-1996 01-Nov-2012   01-Jan-1996 01-Nov-2012           01-Jan-1996 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004 01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 38044  
Distance Learning   Information Age Publishing Charlotte United States 1547-4712     01-Mar-2004 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current           01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 29704  
Diverse Issues in Higher Education   Cox, Matthews & Associates, Inc. Fairfax United States 1557-5411 2163-5862   10-Feb-1994 Current   N 10-Feb-1994 Current   01-May-1997 Current           10-Feb-1994 Current   10-Feb-1994 Current   10-Feb-1994 Current         N Magazines English Education--Higher Education|Ethnic Interests|Multi-Ethnic 27805  
Drug and Alcohol Review   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Surry Hills United Kingdom 0959-5236 1465-3362   01-Mar-1998 01-Sep-2000   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Sep-2000   01-Mar-1998 01-Sep-2000           01-Mar-1998 01-Sep-2000   01-Mar-1998 01-Sep-2000               Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Education 33024  
Drugs; Education, Prevention and Policy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0968-7637 1465-3370   01-Jul-1998 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Nov-2000   01-Jul-1998 01-Nov-2000           01-Jul-1998 01-Nov-2000   01-Jul-1998 01-Nov-2000               Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Education 33679  
Dyslexia   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Bracknell United States 1076-9242 1099-0909         Y                     01-Feb-2011 Current   01-Feb-2011 Current   01-Feb-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 866383  
EAF Journal   Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations Winnipeg Canada 0831-3318     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015         01-Jan-1992 01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 01-Jan-1992 01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015       N Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 26436  
EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning   European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Ghent Slovakia   2032-9253   01-Sep-2011 01-Oct-2018   Y       01-Sep-2011 01-Oct-2018           01-Sep-2011 01-Oct-2018   01-Sep-2011 01-Oct-2018   01-Sep-2011 01-Oct-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4477231  
EContent   Information Today, Inc. Wilton United States 1525-2531     01-Apr-1988 01-Oct-2019   N 01-Feb-1992 01-Oct-2019   01-Apr-1988 01-Oct-2019           01-Feb-1988 01-Oct-2019   01-Feb-1988 01-Oct-2019   01-Feb-1988 01-Oct-2019         N Trade Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Computers--Data Base Management|Computers--Internet 17460  
EDUCAUSE Review   EDUCAUSE Boulder United States 1527-6619 1945-709X         Y                     01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 46797  
EFTA News/EFTA Bulletin English edition European Free Trade Association Geneva Switzerland             N                     06-Oct-1993 01-Oct-1994   06-Oct-1993 01-Oct-1994   06-Oct-1993 01-Oct-1994         N Trade Journals English Business And Economics|Business And Economics--Domestic Commerce 10928  
ELIA   Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Lengua Inglesa Sevilla Spain 1576-5059 2253-8283   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y 01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Linguistics 2035072  
ELT Journal   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0951-0893 1477-4526         Y                     01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 40843  
Early Childhood Education Journal   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1082-3301 1573-1707   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 Y 01-Mar-2004 01-May-2019 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 54020  
Early Childhood Research Quarterly   Ablex Publishing Corporation Norwood United States 0885-2006 1873-7706         Y                     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998               Y Scholarly Journals English Education 46416  
Early Education and Development   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1040-9289 1556-6935         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 536298  
Early Intervention & School Special Interest Section Quarterly / American Occupational Therapy Association   American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Bethesda United States 2150-3370     01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015   N 01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015           01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015         N Trade Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 52470  
Early Years   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0957-5146 1472-4421         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Pharmacy And Pharmacology 426783  
Eccos   Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE); Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Sao Paulo Brazil 1517-1949 1983-9278   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         N Scholarly Journals Portuguese Education--Higher Education 2030580  
Educação Temática Digital   Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Campinas Brazil   1676-2592   01-Jan-1999 Current   Y       01-Jan-1999 Current           01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese Computers--Information Science And Information Theory|Education|Psychology 2029534  
Educação Unisinos   Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, Editoria de Periódicos Científicos São Leopoldo Brazil 1519-387X 2177-6210   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   Y       01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019           01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019         Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese Education 2040961  
Educação e Realidade   Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Educação Porto Alegre Brazil 0100-3143 2175-6236   01-Oct-2015 12-Apr-2021   Y 01-Oct-2015 12-Apr-2021   01-Oct-2015 12-Apr-2021           01-Oct-2015 12-Apr-2021   01-Oct-2015 12-Apr-2021   01-Oct-2015 12-Apr-2021         Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese Education 2047726  
Educación Artística   Universitat de Valencia, Institut de Creativitat i Innovacions Educatives Valencia Spain 1695-8403 2254-7592   01-Jan-2016 Current   Y       01-Jan-2016 Current           01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2045082  
Educación Física y Ciencia   Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacion Ensenada Argentina 1514-0105 2314-2561   01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2012 Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2012 01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2021           01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2002 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Education|Physical Fitness And Hygiene 2045938  
Educación XX1   Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) Madrid Spain 1139-613X 2174-5374   01-Jan-1998 Current   Y 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education 1596379  
Educación y Educadores   Universidad de La Sabana Chia Colombia 0123-1294     01-Apr-2010 Current   Y 01-Apr-2010 Current   01-Apr-2010 Current           01-Apr-2010 Current   01-Apr-2010 Current   01-May-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education 186313  
Educatia 21   Babes-Bolyai University, Educational Sciences Department Cluj-Napoca Romania 2247-8671 1841-0456   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2040141  
Educatio Siglo XXI   Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia Murcia Spain 1699-2105 1989-466X   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Education 2035781  
Education   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Surry Hills Australia 0013-1156     14-Feb-2005 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2008 Y 08-Jun-2009 Current   14-Feb-2005 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2008         14-Feb-2005 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2008 14-Feb-2005 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2008 14-Feb-2005 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2008       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 27966  
Education & Law Journal   HAB Press Limited Toronto Canada 0838-2875     01-Jun-2005 Current   Y 01-Jun-2005 Current   01-Jun-2005 Current           01-Sep-1992 Current   01-Sep-1992 Current   01-Jun-2005 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education|Law 44752  
Education & Training   Emerald Group Publishing Limited London United Kingdom 0040-0912 1758-6127   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         365 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Technology: Comprehensive Works 35632  
Education & Treatment of Children     New York   0748-8491 1934-8924   01-Nov-1996 Current   Y 01-Nov-1996 Current   01-Nov-1996 Current         365 01-Nov-1996 Current 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003 01-Nov-1996 Current   01-Aug-2002 Current 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 31077  
Education + Development [BLOG]   The Brookings Institution Washington United States       06-Apr-2016 Current   N 06-Apr-2016 Current                 06-Apr-2016 Current   06-Apr-2016 Current   06-Apr-2016 Current         N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Education 2041183  
Education 3 - 13   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Long Marston United Kingdom 0300-4279 1475-7575         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426781  
Education Canada   Canadian Education Association Toronto Canada 0013-1253           N                     01-Jul-1986 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2017 01-Jul-1986 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2017       N Trade Journals English|French Education 47240  
Education Daily   LRP Publications, Inc. Washington United States 0013-1261 1938-1379         N                     05-Jan-1999 08-Apr-2016 04-May-2004--03-Jan-2006 05-Jan-1999 08-Apr-2016 04-May-2004--03-Jan-2006 05-Jan-2004 08-Apr-2016 04-May-2004--03-Jan-2006       N Trade Journals English Education 49274  
Education Department Documents and Publications   Federal Information & News Dispatch, LLC Washington United States       02-Jun-2010 Current   N 02-Jun-2010 Current                 02-Jun-2010 Current   02-Jun-2010 Current   02-Jun-2010 26-Jun-2018         N Reports English Education|Public Administration 237724  
The Education Digest   Prakken Publications, Inc. Ann Arbor United States 0013-127X 1949-0275   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020   N 01-Jan-1992 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-1986 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-1986 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-1986 01-Jan-2020         N Magazines English Education 25066  
Education Economics   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0964-5292 1469-5782   01-Aug-1997 01-Aug-2000   Y 01-Aug-1997 01-Aug-2000   01-Aug-1997 01-Aug-2000           01-Aug-1997 Current   01-Aug-1997 Current   01-Aug-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--School Organization And Administration 33028  
Education Forum   Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Toronto Canada 0840-9269     01-Jan-1999 Current   N 01-Jan-1999 Current                 01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         N Magazines English|French Education 32840  
Education Grants Alert   LRP Publications, Inc. Alexandria United States 1056-2656           N                     27-Nov-1998 21-Dec-2019 30-Apr-2004--31-Dec-2005 27-Nov-1998 21-Dec-2019 30-Apr-2004--31-Dec-2005 09-Jan-2004 21-Dec-2019 30-Apr-2004--31-Dec-2005       N Trade Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 32385  
Education Indicators in Focus   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France   2226-7077   01-Jan-2012 Current   N 01-Jan-2012 01-Dec-2022   01-Jan-2012 Current         180 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         N Working Papers English Education 2026426  
Education Libraries (Online)   Special Libraries Association, Education Division Boston United States   2376-8711   01-Jul-2013 Current   Y 01-Jul-2013 Current   01-Jul-2013 Current           01-Jul-2013 Current   01-Jul-2013 Current   01-Jul-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Library And Information Sciences 2032766  
Education Libraries Journal   LISE-Librarians of Institutes and Schools of Education Leicester United Kingdom 0957-9575     01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2005   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2005   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2005           01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2005   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2005   01-Oct-2003 01-Oct-2005         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Library And Information Sciences 47635  
Education Next   Education Next Cambridge United States 1539-9664 1539-9672   01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2017   Y 01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2017                 01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--School Organization And Administration 1766362  
Education Next   Education Next Institute Cambridge United States 1539-9664 1539-9672   01-Jan-2018 Current   Y 01-Jan-2018 Current                 01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--School Organization And Administration 2050154  
Education Policy Outlook   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France   2707-6725   19-Jan-2015 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 N       19-Jan-2015 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       180 19-Jan-2015 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 19-Jan-2015 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 19-Jan-2015 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       N Other Sources English Education|Education--International Education Programs|Education--School Organization And Administration 6246009  
Education Research International   Hindawi Limited New York United Kingdom 2090-4002 2090-4010   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 1096450  
Education Research and Perspectives   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Nedlands Australia 0311-2543     01-Jun-2005 01-Dec-2011   Y 01-Dec-2007 01-Dec-2011   01-Jun-2005 01-Dec-2011           01-Jun-2005 01-Dec-2011   01-Jun-2005 01-Dec-2011   01-Jun-2005 01-Dec-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 27667  
Education Research and Perspectives (Online)   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Crawley Australia   1446-0017   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 1466342  
Education Sciences   MDPI AG Basel Switzerland   2227-7102   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Sep-2018 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2032405  
Education Special Interest Section Quarterly / American Occupational Therapy Association   American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Bethesda United States 1093-7188     01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015   N 01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015           01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2006 01-Dec-2015               N Trade Journals English Education--Adult Education|Public Health And Safety 28976  
Education Thinking   Analytrics Strasbourg France 2778-777X     01-Jan-2021 Current   Y 01-Jan-2021 Current                 01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education 6508384  
Education Today   Ontario Public School Board's Association Toronto Canada 0843-5081     01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2009   N 01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2009   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2009           01-Sep-1992 01-Apr-2009   01-Sep-1992 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2009         N Magazines English Education 31221  
Education U.S.A.   LRP Publications, Inc. Washington United States 0013-1571           N                     30-Nov-1998 01-Jun-2017 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2005 30-Nov-1998 01-Jun-2017 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2005 01-Jan-2004 01-Jun-2017 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2005       N Trade Journals English Education 25140  
Education Week   Editorial Projects in Education Bethesda United States 0277-4232 1944-8333   31-Jan-2001 Current   N 31-Jan-2001 Current   31-Jan-2001 09-May-2007           13-Jan-1988 Current   13-Jan-1988 Current   13-Jan-1988 Current         N Trade Journals English Education 49313  
Education Week's Digital Directions   Editorial Projects in Education Bethesda United States 1940-8609 1940-8617   01-Oct-2008 01-Apr-2013   N 01-Oct-2008 01-Apr-2013                 01-Oct-2008 01-Apr-2013   01-Oct-2008 01-Apr-2013   01-Oct-2008 01-Apr-2013         N Magazines English Education--Computer Applications 39562  
Education and Information Technologies   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1360-2357 1573-7608   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Information Science And Information Theory|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 55384  
Education and Science Without Borders   Education and Science without Borders Prague Czech Republic 1804-2473     01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2017           01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2026680  
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities   Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities Arlington United States 2154-1647     01-Mar-2013 Current   Y 01-Mar-2013 Current   01-Mar-2013 Current           01-Mar-2013 Current   01-Mar-2013 Current   01-Mar-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 2032023  
Education and Urban Society   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0013-1245 1552-3535         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Political Science|Sociology 47732  
Education at a Glance   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France 1563-051X 1999-1487   01-Jan-2012 Current   N 01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2022   01-Jan-2012 Current         180 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         N Reports English Education 2026427  
Education for Health   Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai   1357-6283 1469-5804   01-Mar-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006 Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Sep-2019 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006 01-Mar-1998 01-Sep-2019   01-Jan-2020 Current     01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Medical Sciences 33821  
Education for Information   IOS Press BV Amsterdam Netherlands 0167-8329 1875-8649         Y                     01-Jun-1998 01-Jun-1998   01-Jun-1998 01-Jun-1998   01-Jun-1998 01-Jun-1998         Y Scholarly Journals English Library And Information Sciences 13924  
Education in the Knowledge Society   Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca Spain   2444-8729   01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 Y 01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020         01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education 2032089  
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 1753-7983 1753-7991   01-Jan-2008 01-Oct-2014   Y 01-Jan-2008 01-Oct-2014   01-Jan-2008 01-Oct-2014           01-Jan-2008 01-Oct-2014   01-Jan-2008 01-Oct-2014   01-Jan-2008 01-Oct-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education|Sociology 38492  
Education, Knowledge & Economy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1749-6896 1749-690X         Y                     01-Mar-2010 01-Sep-2012   01-Mar-2010 01-Sep-2012   01-Mar-2010 01-Sep-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education 426779  
Educational Administration Abstracts   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Columbus United States 0013-1601 1552-3527         Y                     01-Oct-1997 01-Apr-2003   01-Oct-1997 01-Apr-2003               N Scholarly Journals English Abstracting And Indexing Services|Education|Education--Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics 34760  
Educational Administration Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0013-161X 1552-3519         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Apr-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 34874  
Educational Assessment   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1062-7197 1532-6977         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2004 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2004 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 46262  
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1874-8597 1874-8600   01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 Y 01-Jan-2005 01-Feb-2017 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 01-Apr-1997 Current         365 01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Business And Economics--Personnel Management|Education 52522  
Educational Digest   JanGar Publications, Inc. Gormley Canada 0046-1482     01-Mar-1998 01-Aug-1998   N 01-Aug-1998 01-Aug-1998   01-Mar-1998 01-Aug-1998           01-Mar-1998 01-Aug-1998   01-Mar-1998 01-Aug-1998               N Trade Journals English Education 49087  
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis   American Educational Research Association Washington United States 0162-3737 1935-1062   01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009   01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009           01-Mar-1983 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Mar-1983 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 01-Jun-1985 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Public Administration 49007  
The Educational Forum   Kappa Delta Pi West Lafayette United States 0013-1725 1938-8098   01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2012   Y 01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2012   01-Jan-2001 01-Jul-2012           01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 41961  
Educational Gerontology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0360-1277 1521-0472         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education|Gerontology And Geriatrics 536297  
Educational Leadership   Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Alexandria United States 0013-1784 1943-5878   01-Feb-1988 01-Dec-1999   N 01-Feb-1995 01-Dec-1999   01-Feb-1988 01-Dec-1999           01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         N Trade Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 42108  
Educational Leadership and Administration   Caddo Gap Press San Francisco United States 1064-4474     01-Oct-2005 01-Oct-2007   Y 01-Oct-2005 01-Oct-2007   01-Oct-2005 01-Oct-2007           01-Oct-2005 01-Oct-2007   01-Oct-2005 01-Oct-2007   01-Oct-2005 01-Oct-2007         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 28750  
Educational Leadership and Administration   California Association of Professors of Education Administration Hayward United States 1064-4474     01-Jan-2013 Current   Y 01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2032315  
Educational Management Abstracts   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1467-582X 1467-5838   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000           01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000               N Scholarly Journals English Abstracting And Indexing Services|Education--Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics 46087  
Educational Management Administration & Leadership   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 1741-1432 1741-1440         Y                     01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 42497  
Educational Measurement, Issues and Practice   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Washington United States 0731-1745 1745-3992         Y                     01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 30860  
Educational Media International   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0952-3987 1469-5790         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 536299  
Educational Philosophy and Theory   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0013-1857 1469-5812         Y                     01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Feb-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 47299  
Educational Policy   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Los Altos United States 0895-9048 1552-3896         Y                     01-Mar-1996 Current   01-Mar-1996 Current   01-Mar-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 36575  
Educational Policy Forum   National Chi Nan University, Department of Education Policy and Administration Puli Taiwan 1560-8298     01-Feb-2014 Current   Y       01-Feb-2014 Current           01-Feb-2014 Current   01-Feb-2014 Current   01-Feb-2014 Current         N Scholarly Journals Chinese Education 2041168  
Educational Process: International Journal   Universitepark, Co. Ltd. Kutahya Turkey 2147-0901 2564-8020   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y       01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4422175  
Educational Psychologist   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0046-1520 1532-6985         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 48036  
Educational Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Dorchester-on-Thames United Kingdom 0144-3410 1469-5820   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 33176  
Educational Psychology Review   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1040-726X 1573-336X   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 54191  
Educational Psychology in Practice   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Harlow United Kingdom 0266-7363 1469-5839         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 426777  
The Educational Record   American Council on Education Washington United States 0013-1873     01-Apr-1988 01-Jul-1997   N 01-Jan-1994 01-Jul-1997   01-Apr-1988 01-Jul-1997           01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1997   01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1997   01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1997         N Trade Journals English Education 41965  
Educational Research Quarterly   Educational Research Quarterly West Monroe United States 0196-5042     01-Dec-1997 Current   Y 01-Dec-1997 Current   01-Dec-1997 Current           01-Dec-1997 Current   01-Dec-1997 Current   01-Dec-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 48020  
Educational Research and Evaluation   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1380-3611 1744-4187         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426775  
Educational Research and Innovation   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France   2076-9679   18-Nov-2008 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 N       18-Nov-2008 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011       180 18-Nov-2008 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 18-Nov-2008 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 18-Nov-2008 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011       N Other Sources English|French Education 6246008  
Educational Research for Policy and Practice   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1570-2081 1573-1723   01-Aug-2002 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Feb-2017   01-Aug-2002 Current         365 01-Aug-2002 Current   01-Aug-2002 Current   01-Aug-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 55386  
Educational Research for Social Change   Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education Port Elizabeth South Africa   2221-4070   01-Apr-2015 Current   Y 01-Apr-2015 Current   01-Apr-2015 Current           01-Apr-2015 Current   01-Apr-2015 Current   01-Apr-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2037364  
Educational Researcher   American Educational Research Association Washington United States 0013-189X 1935-102X   01-Oct-2001 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Oct-2001 01-Dec-2009   01-Oct-2001 01-Dec-2009           01-Oct-2001 Current   01-Oct-2001 Current   01-Oct-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 34461  
Educational Review   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Birmingham United Kingdom 0013-1911 1465-3397   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 17608  
Educational Review   National Kaohsiung Normal University, Department of Education Taiwan Taiwan 1563-3527     01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 Y 01-Dec-2020 01-Dec-2020   01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018         01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jun-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018       N Scholarly Journals Chinese|English Education 2050704  
The Educational Review, USA   Hill Publishing Group Inc Elmhurst United States 2575-7938 2575-7946   01-Jan-2017 Current   Y 01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current           01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2050634  
Educational Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Dorchester-on-Thames United Kingdom 0305-5698 1465-3400   01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2000   01-Nov-1997 01-Dec-2000           01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 12732  
Educational Studies   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 0013-1946 1532-6993         Y                     01-Jan-1996 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-1996 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Jul-2004 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 48476  
Educational Technology Abstracts   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0266-3368 1467-5846   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000           01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000               N Scholarly Journals English Education--Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics 33194  
Educational Technology Research and Development   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1042-1629 1556-6501   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Apr-2017 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008       Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Motion Pictures 31121  
Educational Theory   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Urbana United Kingdom 0013-2004 1741-5446   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2013   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2013   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2013           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 34718  
Educational and Psychological Measurement   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Durham United States 0013-1644 1552-3888         Y                     01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 40846  
Educação & Formação   Universidade Estadual do Ceará Fortaleza-Ceará-Brasil Brazil   2448-3583   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2020   Y       01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English|French|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Education 4402080  
Educação Matemática Pesquisa   Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo PUC-SP, Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática Sao Paulo Brazil 1516-5388 1983-3156   01-Jan-2004 Current   Y       01-Jan-2004 Current           01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese Mathematics 2030922  
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri   University of Tartu Press Tartu Estonia   2346-562X   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2018   Y       01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2018           01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English|Estonian Education 2043276  
Effective Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1941-5532 1941-5540         Y                     01-Mar-2010 01-Sep-2012   01-Mar-2010 01-Sep-2012   01-Mar-2010 01-Sep-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426772  
Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Dergisi   Ankara Universitesi Ankara Turkey 1301-3718     01-Jul-2009 Current   Y 01-Jul-2009 Current   01-Jul-2009 Current           01-Jul-2009 Current   01-Jul-2009 Current   01-Jul-2009 Current         N Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 75758  
Egitim ve Bilim   Turk Egitim Dernegi Ankara Turkey 1300-1337     01-Jan-2007 Current   Y       01-Jan-2007 Current           01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 1056401  
Electronic Journal of E-Learning   Academic Conferences International Limited Reading United Kingdom   1479-4403   01-Jan-2010 Current   N 01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current         N Trade Journals English Education--Computer Applications|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 406307  
Electronic Learning in Your Classroom   Scholastic Inc. New York United States             N                     01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-1997   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-1997   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-1997         N Trade Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Computer Applications|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 37772  
The Electronic Library   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Oxford United Kingdom 0264-0473 1758-616X   01-Jun-1998 Current   Y 01-Jun-1998 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current         365 01-Jun-1998 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Library And Information Sciences--Computer Applications 32127  
The Elementary STEM Journal   International Technology Education Association Reston United States 2692-580X 2692-5818   01-Dec-1998 01-May-2023   N 01-Dec-1998 01-May-2023   01-Dec-1998 01-May-2023           01-Dec-1998 01-May-2023   01-Dec-1998 01-May-2023   01-Sep-2000 01-May-2023         N Trade Journals   Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 46810  
Elementary School Guidance and Counseling   American Counseling Association Washington United States 0013-5976     01-Feb-1997 01-Apr-1997   Y 01-Feb-1997 01-Apr-1997   01-Feb-1997 01-Apr-1997           01-Feb-1997 01-Apr-1997   01-Feb-1997 01-Apr-1997               Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology 34942  
The Elementary School Journal   University of Chicago, acting through its Press Chicago United States 0013-5984 1554-8279         Y                     01-May-1965 Current   01-May-1965 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology 40700  
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 1877-6337 1877-6345   01-Mar-2009 Current   Y 01-Jul-2013 01-Jan-2017   01-Mar-2009 Current           01-Mar-2009 Current   01-Mar-2009 Current   01-Mar-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 2034772  
Encounter   Christian Theological Seminary Indianapolis United States 0013-7081     01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2012   Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2006   01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2012           01-Jan-1989 01-Jul-2015   01-Jan-1989 01-Jul-2015   01-Jan-1989 01-Jul-2015         N Scholarly Journals English Religions And Theology 41872  
Encounters on Education   Queens University Kingston Canada 1494-4936 1925-8992   01-Jan-2000 Current   Y       01-Jan-2000 Current           01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         N Scholarly Journals English|French|Spanish; Castilian Education 2029169  
English Education   National Council of Teachers of English Urbana United States 0007-8204 1943-2216   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current           01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics 34722  
English Journal High school edition National Council of Teachers of English Urbana United States 0013-8274 2161-8895   01-Jan-1988 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 42045  
English Language Teaching Educational Journal   Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogjakarta Indonesia   2621-6485   01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020 Y       01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020         01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 5340593  
English Leadership Quarterly   National Council of Teachers of English Urbana United States 1054-1578 1943-3050   01-Oct-1998 Current   N 01-Oct-1998 Current   01-Oct-1998 Current           01-Oct-1998 Current   01-Oct-1998 Current   01-Feb-2004 Current         N Trade Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 30495  
English Quarterly Canada   Canadian Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Winnipeg Canada       01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2009   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-2005 01-Apr-2009           01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Literature 39106  
The English Teacher   Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) Seri Kembangan Malaysia 0128-7729     01-Aug-2012 Current   Y 01-Aug-2012 Current   01-Aug-2012 Current           01-Aug-2012 Current   01-Aug-2012 Current   01-Aug-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics 1306357  
English Teaching   University of Waikato, Department of English Hamilton New Zealand 2059-5727 1175-8708   01-Nov-2002 01-Sep-2014   Y       01-Nov-2002 01-Sep-2014           01-Nov-2002 01-Sep-2014   01-Nov-2002 01-Sep-2014   01-Nov-2002 01-Sep-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 736343  
English Teaching   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Hamilton United Kingdom 2059-5727 1175-8708   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y 01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         365 01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2068917  
English Teaching and Learning   Springer Nature B.V. Taiwan Netherlands 1023-7267     01-May-2018 Current   Y 01-May-2018 Current   01-May-2018 Current         365 01-May-2018 Current   01-May-2018 Current   01-May-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 6623287  
English in Australia   Australian Association for the Teaching of English Norwood Australia 0155-2147     01-Jan-2018 Current   Y 01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current           01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 2038494  
Enseñanza & Teaching   Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca Spain 2386-3919 2386-3927   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2020   Y 01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2018   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2020           01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2020   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2020   01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2020         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education 2032086  
Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales   Revista Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales Barcelona Spain 1579-2617 2014-7694   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2018   Y       01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2018           01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2018         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2032239  
Environmental Education Research   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1350-4622 1469-5871         Y                     01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Environmental Studies 196245  
Equity & Excellence in Education   Equity & Excellence Amherst United States 1066-5684 1547-3457         Y                     01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Dec-1995--01-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Dec-1995--01-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Dec-1995--01-Dec-2009       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 49145  
Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi   Association for the Development for the Early Childhood Education in Turkey Eskişehir Turkey   2564-7601   01-Jan-2017 Current   Y       01-Jan-2017 Current           01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Children And Youth - About|Education 2069484  
Estudios Sobre Educación   Universidad de Navarra Pamplona Spain 1578-7001 2386-6292   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         365 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Esperanto|Spanish; Castilian Education 1216371  
Ethics and Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1744-9642 1744-9650         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sociology 196244  
Ethnography and Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1745-7823 1745-7831         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sociology 426771  
Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics   Hacettepe University Ankara Turkey 2149-1135     01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2019   Y       01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2019           01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 4422180  
Euromentor Journal   Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Department of Education Bucharest Romania 2068-780X 2247-9376   01-Mar-2011 Current   Y 01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current           01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan Education 1316370  
European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies   Academic Conferences International Limited Kidmore End United Kingdom 2049-0968 2049-0976   01-Jun-2012 Current   N 01-Jun-2012 Current   01-Jun-2012 Current           01-Jun-2012 Current   01-Jun-2012 Current   01-Jun-2012 Current         N Conference Papers & Proceedings English Business And Economics--Management 1796413  
European Conference on e-Learning   Academic Conferences International Limited Kidmore End United Kingdom 2048-8637 2048-8645   01-Oct-2012 Current   N 01-Oct-2012 Current   01-Oct-2012 Current           01-Oct-2012 Current   01-Oct-2012 Current   01-Oct-2012 Current         N Conference Papers & Proceedings English Education--Computer Applications 1796419  
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1350-293X 1752-1807         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426770  
European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL   LinguaBooks Academic Publishing Halifax United Kingdom 2192-1032     01-Jan-2018 Current   Y 01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current           01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 4565088  
European Journal of Education   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Paris United Kingdom 0141-8211 1465-3435         Y                     01-Jun-1997 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jun-1997 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jun-1997 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 48260  
European Journal of Engineering Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0304-3797 1469-5898   01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Engineering 12733  
European Journal of Language Policy   Liverpool University Press Liverpool United Kingdom 1757-6822 1757-6830         Y                     01-Apr-2009 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Linguistics 76075  
European Journal of Physics Education   European Journal of Physics Education Kayseri Turkey   1309-7202   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2021   Y       01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2021           01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2021   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2021   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Physics 1946345  
European Journal of Psychology of Education   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0256-2928 1878-5174   01-Mar-1999 Current   Y 01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-1999 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Education|Psychology 2034548  
European Journal of Teacher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0261-9768 1469-5928   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2000           01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2011 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2011 01-Feb-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 32883  
European Journal of Training and Development   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Limerick United Kingdom 2046-9012 2046-9020   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1982 Current   01-Jan-1982 Current   01-Jan-1982 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 37218  
Evaluation & Research in Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0950-0790 1747-7514         Y                     01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2011   01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2011   01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426769  
Evaluation & the Health Professions   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0163-2787 1552-3918         Y                     01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Mar-1987 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 37701  
Evaluation Review   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0193-841X 1552-3926         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Apr-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 5399  
Evaluation and Program Planning   Elsevier Science Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0149-7189 1873-7870         Y                     01-Feb-2010 01-Jun-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Jun-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Jun-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 186245  
Exceptional Children   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Reston United States 0014-4029 2163-5560   01-Feb-1991 01-Jul-2017   Y 01-Feb-1994 01-Jul-2017   01-Feb-1991 01-Jul-2017           01-May-1934 Current 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1936; 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1938; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1951; 01-Jan-1954--31-Dec-1954; 01-Jan-1961--31-Dec-1962; 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1970; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1983; 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1988 01-May-1934 Current 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1936; 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1970; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1983; 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1988 01-Oct-1934 Current 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1938; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1951; 01-Jan-1954--31-Dec-1954; 01-Jan-1961--31-Dec-1962; 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1970; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1983; 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1988       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology 7735  
The Exceptional Parent (Online)   TCA EP World LLC Boston United States   2373-2881   01-Jun-2010 Current   N 01-Jun-2010 Current   01-Jun-2010 Current           01-Jun-2010 Current   01-Jun-2010 Current   01-Jun-2010 Current         N Magazines English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|People With Disabilities 426721  
The Exceptional Parent   TCA EP World LLC Boston United States 0046-9157     01-Jan-1988 01-May-2010   N 01-Jan-1994 01-May-2010   01-Jan-1988 01-May-2010           01-Jan-1988 01-May-2010   01-Jan-1988 01-May-2010   01-Jan-1988 01-May-2010         N Magazines English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 47516  
Exceptionality   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0936-2835 1532-7035         Y                     01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 36998  
Exercise Exchange   Appalachian State University Clarion United States 0531-531X     01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2001   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2001           01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2001         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 37733  
Faísca. Revista de Altas Capacidades   Universidad Complutense de Madrid Santiago de Compostela Spain 1136-8136 2255-5277   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2010   Y 01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2010           01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2010               Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Education 54835  
Family Relations   National Council on Family Relations Minneapolis United States 0197-6664 0197-6664   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         365 01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sociology 41641  
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1077-727X 1552-3934         Y                     01-Sep-1991 Current   01-Sep-1991 Current   01-Sep-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Home Economics 48344  
Fathering   Men's Studies Press Harriman United States 1537-6680 1933-026X   01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   Y 01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2015           01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Sociology 43303  
Feminist Teacher   Feminist Teacher Editorial Collective Champaign United States 0882-4843 1934-6034   01-Apr-1993 01-Jan-1999   Y 01-Apr-1993 01-Jan-1999                 01-Jul-1991 01-Jan-2016   01-Jul-1991 01-Jan-2016   01-Jul-1991 01-Jan-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Women's Interests 29874  
Field Educator   Simmons College Boston United States   2165-3038   01-Oct-2011 01-Oct-2021   Y 01-Oct-2011 01-Oct-2021   01-Oct-2011 01-Oct-2021           01-Oct-2011 01-Oct-2021   01-Oct-2011 01-Oct-2021   01-Oct-2011 01-Oct-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2032287  
A Fine FACTA   The Alberta Teachers' Association Edmonton Canada 1480-932X     01-Jul-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023 N 01-Jul-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023 01-Apr-2005 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023         01-Jul-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023 01-Jul-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023 01-Jul-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023       N Trade Journals English Art|Education|Music 43972  
First International Conference on Technology and Educational Science   European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Bali Slovakia     9781631901744;9781631901744 01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2018   Y       01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2018           01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2018         Y Conference Papers & Proceedings English Education 4477150  
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1088-3576 1538-4829   01-Jul-1998 01-Mar-2010   Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Dec-2008   01-Jul-1998 01-Mar-2010           01-Jun-1986 Current   01-Jun-1986 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 31128  
Focus on Exceptional Children   Love Publishing Company Denver United States 0015-511X     01-Sep-1997 01-Nov-2012   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Mar-2005   01-Sep-1997 01-Nov-2012           01-Sep-1997 01-Nov-2012   01-Sep-1997 01-Nov-2012   01-Sep-1997 01-Oct-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education 48488  
Foreign Language Annals   American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Alexandria United States 0015-718X 1944-9720   01-Apr-2004 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current           01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 48746  
Form@re   Firenze University Press Firenze Italy   1825-7321   01-Apr-2013 Current   Y       01-Apr-2013 Current           01-Apr-2013 Current   01-Apr-2013 Current   01-Apr-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Italian Education 2031383  
Free $ for College for Dummies   John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken United States     9780764554674       N                     01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2003   01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2003               N Books English Education--Adult Education 54351  
Free Speech Yearbook   National Communication Association Annandale United States 0899-7225 2168-1430         N                     01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-1998               N Reports English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 2499  
The French Review   Johns Hopkins University Press Carbondale United States 0016-111X 2329-7131   01-Oct-2018 Current   Y 01-Oct-2018 Current   01-Oct-2018 Current         365 01-Oct-2018 Current   01-Oct-2018 Current   01-Oct-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics|Literature 2037924  
Frontiers of Education in China   Higher Education Press Limited Company Beijing China 1673-341X 1673-3533         Y                     01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 54612  
The Future of Children   Princeton University Princeton United Kingdom 1054-8289 1550-1558   01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016 Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016 01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021           01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021   01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021   01-Apr-2000 01-Apr-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Public Health And Safety|Social Services And Welfare 34391  
FutureEd   Newstex   United States       18-Dec-2020 Current   N 18-Dec-2020 Current                 18-Dec-2020 Current   18-Dec-2020 Current               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Education 5343173  
The Futurist   World Future Society Washington United States 0016-3317     01-Jan-1988 01-Jul-2015   N 01-Jan-1992 01-Jul-2015   01-Jan-1988 01-Jul-2015           01-Apr-1973 01-Jul-2015   01-Apr-1973 01-Jul-2015   01-Apr-1973 01-Jul-2015         N Magazines English Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Technology: Comprehensive Works 47758  
GETUP   Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Letras Porto Portugal   2184-0091   01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 Y       01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020         01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese Education|Geography 3882645  
Gazette - Ontario Association for Mathematics   Ontario Association for Mathematics Education Caledon Canada 0030-3011     01-Mar-2014 Current   Y 01-Mar-2014 Current   01-Mar-2014 Current           01-Sep-1992 Current   01-Sep-1992 Current   01-Sep-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Mathematics 43656  
Gender and Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0954-0253 1360-0516   01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Dec-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Men's Studies|Women's Interests|Women's Studies 32738  
General Music Today   National Association for Music Education Reston United States 1048-3713     01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002   Y 01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002   01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002           01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002   01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002               Y Scholarly Journals English Music 45392  
General Music Today (Online)   National Association for Music Education Reston United States   1931-3756   01-Oct-2001 01-Apr-2010   Y 01-Oct-2001 01-Apr-2010   01-Jan-2007 01-Apr-2010           01-Oct-2001 01-Oct-2017   01-Oct-2001 01-Oct-2017               Y Scholarly Journals English Music 42985  
Geography Teacher   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1933-8341 1752-6884         Y                     01-Mar-2011 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2021 01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2021       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Geography 436446  
German Quarterly   American Association of Teachers of German, Inc. Cherry Hill United States 0016-8831 1756-1183   01-Jan-1999 Current 01-Apr-2015--31-Mar-2017 Y 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current 01-Apr-2015--31-Mar-2017         01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|German Education|Linguistics 48576  
Gerontology & Geriatrics Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0270-1960 1545-3847         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics 436430  
Gerundium   University of Debrecen Debrecen Hungary 2061-5132 2061-7097   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y       01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Hungarian Education|History 5083798  
Getting Skills Right   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France   2520-6125   08-Apr-2016 Current   N       08-Apr-2016 Current         180 08-Apr-2016 Current   08-Apr-2016 Current   08-Apr-2016 Current         N Other Sources English Education|Education--Adult Education 6246002  
The Gifted Child Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Cincinnati United States 0016-9862 1934-9041   01-Jul-2004 01-Jul-2010   Y 01-Jul-2004 01-Jul-2010   01-Jul-2004 01-Jul-2010           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Psychology 41008  
Gifted Child Today   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1076-2175 2162-951X   01-Sep-1982 01-Oct-2018   Y 01-Sep-1982 01-Oct-2018   01-Sep-1982 01-Oct-2018           01-Sep-1982 Current   01-Sep-1982 Current   01-Sep-1982 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About 46372  
Girls' Life   Girls Life Acquisition Corp Baltimore United States 1078-3326     30-Sep-1994 Current   N 30-Sep-1994 Current                 30-Sep-1994 Current   30-Sep-1994 Current   30-Sep-1994 Current         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 46893  
Global Health Promotion   International Union for Health Promotion and Education Saint-Denis Cedex France 1757-9759 1757-9767   01-Jun-1998 Current   Y 01-Jun-1998 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current           01-Jun-1998 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 30778  
Global Journal of Educational Research   Global Journal Series Calabar Nigeria       01-Jan-2009 Current   Y 01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 105791  
Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion   Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education Wilmington United States 2332-1016 2332-1024   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2016   Y       01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2016           01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Physical Fitness And Hygiene 2037372  
Global Perspectives on Accounting Education   Global Perspectives on Accounting Education Smithfield United States   1543-2955   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2017           01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Accounting 29358  
Good Apple Magazine   McGraw Hill Publications Company Torrance United States             N                     01-Sep-1995 01-May-2002   01-Sep-1995 01-May-2002   01-Sep-1995 01-May-2002         N Magazines English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 27280  
Great Plains Quarterly   Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska Lincoln Lincoln United States 0275-7664 2333-5092   01-Jan-2001 Current   Y 01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         1095 01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Geography|History--History of North And South America 105990  
Green Teacher   Green Teacher Toronto Canada 1192-1285     01-Oct-1998 01-Apr-2013   N 01-Oct-1998 01-Apr-2013   01-Oct-1998 01-Apr-2013           01-Oct-1992 Current   01-Oct-1992 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         N Magazines English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Environmental Studies 33544  
Guidance & Counselling   Guidance Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto Toronto Canada 0831-5493           Y                     01-Sep-1992 01-Oct-2005   01-Sep-1992 01-Oct-2005               Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 37079  
Harvard Educational Review   Harvard Education Press Cambridge United States 0017-8055 1943-5045   01-Feb-1988 Current   Y 01-Apr-1994 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current         365 01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 41677  
Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy   Harvard Journal of African American Policy Studies Cambridge United States 1074-1917 2162-5581   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y 01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Hispanic|Political Science 30599  
Hasan Ali Yücel Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi   Istanbul Universitesi/Istanbul University Istanbul Turkey 1304-8139     01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019   Y       01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019           01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 1796367  
Health & Social Work   Oxford University Press Oxford United States 0360-7283 1545-6854   01-Feb-1994 01-Nov-2012   Y 01-Feb-1994 01-Nov-2012   01-May-1995 01-Nov-2012           01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Public Health And Safety|Social Services And Welfare 47817  
Health Choices   Scholastic Inc. New York United States 1087-6421           N                     01-Apr-1998 01-May-1998   01-Apr-1998 01-May-1998   01-Apr-1998 01-May-1998         N Magazines English Education|Medical Sciences|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 11174  
Health Education   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 0965-4283 1758-714X   01-Jan-1995 Current   Y 01-Jan-1995 Current   01-May-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Men's Health|Physical Fitness And Hygiene 26045  
The Health Education Journal   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. London United States 0017-8969 1748-8176         Y                     01-Mar-2007 Current   01-Mar-2007 Current   01-Mar-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Medical Sciences|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 105541  
Health Education Research   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0268-1153 1465-3648         Y                     01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Social Services And Welfare 36112  
Health Education and Behavior   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1090-1981 1552-6127         Y                     01-Feb-1963 Current 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1973; 01-Jan-1976--31-Dec-1976; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1981; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Feb-1963 Current 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1973; 01-Jan-1976--31-Dec-1976; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1981; 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Mar-1975 Current 01-Jan-1976--31-Dec-1976; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education|Public Health And Safety 35845  
Hellenic Journal of Music, Education & Culture   Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers Athens Greece   1792-2518   01-Sep-2010 01-Sep-2018 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 Y       01-Sep-2010 01-Sep-2018 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017         01-Sep-2010 01-Sep-2018 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Sep-2010 01-Sep-2018 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Sep-2010 01-Sep-2018 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English|Greek, Modern (1453-) Education|Music 406421  
High Ability Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1359-8139 1469-834X   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000           01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 12118  
High Five Bilingue   Highlights for Children, Inc. Columbus United States 2330-9733     01-Dec-2016 Current   N 01-May-2023 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current           01-Dec-2016 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current         N Magazines English|Spanish; Castilian Children And Youth - For|Education 2042846  
The High School Journal   The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill United States 0018-1498 1534-5157   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 542  
High School Magazine   National Association of Secondary School Principals Reston United States 1070-9533     01-Sep-1999 01-May-2000   N 01-Sep-1999 01-May-2000   01-Sep-1999 01-May-2000           01-Oct-1998 01-May-2000   01-Oct-1998 01-May-2000               N Trade Journals English Education 33113  
Higher Education   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0018-1560 1573-174X   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-May-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 54126  
Higher Education Evaluation and Development   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2514-5789 2514-5797   01-Jan-2017 Current   Y 01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current           01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 4931640  
Higher Education Policy   Palgrave Macmillan London United Kingdom 0952-8733 1740-3863   01-Mar-1988 Current   Y 01-Mar-2002 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1988 Current         365 01-Mar-1988 Current   01-Mar-1988 Current   01-Mar-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 42469  
Higher Education Politics & Economics   STAR Scholars Network Norfolk United States 2577-7270 2577-7289   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2020   Y       01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2020         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 4378886  
Higher Education Quarterly   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0951-5224 1468-2273         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 453  
Higher Education Research and Development   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Milperra Australia 0729-4360 1469-8366   01-Feb-2005 01-Jun-2007   Y       01-Feb-2005 01-Jun-2007           01-Feb-2005 01-Jun-2007   01-Feb-2005 01-Jun-2007   01-Feb-2005 01-Jun-2007         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 44007  
Higher Education, Skills and Work - Based Learning   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2042-3896 2042-390X   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         365 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 566318  
Higher Learning Research Communications   Scholarworks Joshua Tree United States   2157-6254   01-Mar-2012 01-Jun-2020   Y 01-Mar-2012 01-Jun-2020   01-Mar-2012 01-Jun-2020           01-Mar-2012 01-Jun-2020   01-Mar-2012 01-Jun-2020   01-Mar-2012 01-Jun-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2029533  
Highlights High Five   Highlights for Children, Inc. Columbus United States 1943-1465 2330-6955   01-Jan-2017 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 N 01-Dec-2019 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020; 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2017 Current           01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 2042847  
Highlights for Children   Highlights for Children, Inc. Columbus United States 0018-165X     01-Jan-1997 Current   N 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 36440  
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0739-9863 1552-6364         Y                     01-Dec-1979 Current   01-Dec-1979 Current   01-Dec-1979 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Psychology 47590  
The Hispanic Outlook on Education   The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Saddle Brook United States 1054-2337 2471-6448   31-Jul-1990 Current   N 31-Jul-1990 Current                 31-Jul-1990 Current   31-Jul-1990 Current   31-Jul-1990 Current         N Magazines   Education--Higher Education|Ethnic Interests|Hispanic 26660  
Historia de la Educación   Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Salamanca Spain 0212-0267 2386-3846   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Education 2032100  
History of Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0046-760X 1464-5130         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426768  
History of Education Quarterly   Cambridge University Press Urbana United Kingdom 0018-2680 1748-5959   01-Dec-2004 Current 01-Aug-2008--31-Dec-2016; 01-Oct-2006--31-Dec-2015 Y 01-Dec-2004 Current 01-Oct-2006--31-Dec-2015 01-Dec-2004 Current 01-Aug-2008--31-Dec-2016       365 01-Dec-2004 Current   01-Dec-2004 Current   01-Dec-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 7994  
History of Education Review   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bundoora United Kingdom 0819-8691 2054-5649   01-Jan-2004 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         365 01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 1386347  
The Hoosier Science Teacher   Indiana University Press Indianapolis United States 2475-451X     01-Jan-2017 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 Y       01-Jan-2017 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020         01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 4661817  
The Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books     New York   1044-405X     01-Apr-2000 01-Oct-2018   N 01-Oct-2000 01-Oct-2018   01-Apr-2000 01-Oct-2018           01-Apr-2000 01-Oct-2018   01-Apr-2000 01-Oct-2018   01-Apr-2004 01-Oct-2018         N Magazines English Children And Youth - About|Library And Information Sciences|Publishing And Book Trade 46643  
The Horn Book Magazine   MSI Information Services Boston United States 0018-5078     01-Jan-1992 Current   N 01-Nov-1995 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         N Trade Journals English Children And Youth - About|Publishing And Book Trade 41564  
How To Complete Your UCAS Application : 2010 Entry   Trotman Publishing Ltd Richmond United Kingdom     9781844551941;9781844551941 01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2010   N 01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2010           01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2010   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2010         N Books English Education--Guides To Schools And Colleges 105962  
Human Communication Research   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0360-3989 1468-2958         Y                     01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Linguistics|Psychology 47999  
Human Development   S. Karger AG Basel Switzerland 0018-716X 1423-0054   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2015   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2003   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2015           01-Jan-1992 01-Aug-2018   01-Jan-1992 01-Aug-2018   01-Nov-2003 01-Aug-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Psychology 41080  
Human Resource Development Quarterly   Wiley Periodicals Inc. Hoboken United States 1044-8004 1532-1096   01-Apr-1995 01-Jul-2005 01-Jan-2003--30-Sep-2004 Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Dec-2002   01-Apr-1995 01-Jul-2005 01-Jan-2003--30-Sep-2004         01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Business And Economics--Personnel Management 36983  
Human Resource Development Review   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1534-4843 1552-6712   01-Dec-2003 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Dec-2003 01-Dec-2007   01-Dec-2003 01-Dec-2007           01-Jun-2002 Current   01-Jun-2002 Current   01-Dec-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Public Administration 42729  
Humanities   Superintendent of Documents Washington United States 0018-7526 1555-0532   01-Nov-1997 Current   N 01-Nov-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current           01-Nov-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current         N Magazines English Humanities: Comprehensive Works 48291  
Humpty Dumpty's Magazine   Benjamin Franklin Literary & Medical Society Indianapolis United States 0273-7590     01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015   N 01-Dec-1996 01-Jul-2006   01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015           01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015   01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015   01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For|Literature 35915  
The Huntington Library Quarterly   University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia United Kingdom 0018-7895 1544-399X   01-Jan-2000 Current 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2017 Y 01-Jan-2000 Current 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2000 Current 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2017       365 01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English History|Humanities: Comprehensive Works|Library And Information Sciences|Literature 42218  
The ICHPER-SD Journal of Research in Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance   International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance Reston United States 1930-4595     01-Apr-2006 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016 Y 01-Apr-2006 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016 01-Apr-2006 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016         01-Apr-2006 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016 01-Apr-2006 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016 01-Apr-2006 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Physical Fitness And Hygiene 276233  
IEEE Transactions on Education   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) New York United States 0018-9359 1557-9638         Y                     01-Feb-2000 Current   01-Feb-2000 Current   01-Feb-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Engineering--Electrical Engineering 85468  
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Piscataway United States   1939-1382         Y                     01-Jan-2008 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012 01-Jan-2008 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012 01-Jan-2008 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012       N Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Computer Applications 85505  
IRAL, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching   Walter de Gruyter GmbH Heidelberg Germany 0019-042X 1613-4141   01-Feb-1997 01-Jul-2013 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Feb-1997 01-Jul-2013 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 01-Feb-1997 01-Jul-2013 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000         01-Feb-1997 Current 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 01-Feb-1997 Current 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 01-Feb-1997 Current 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000       Y Scholarly Journals English|French|German Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 47386  
Impact   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Salisbury United States 2048-4151 2048-416X         Y                     01-Nov-2013 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2021 01-Nov-2013 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2021 01-Nov-2013 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2021       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2034132  
Impacting Education   University Library System, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh United States   2472-5889   01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 Y       01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018         01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2045001  
In Education   University of Regina Regina Canada   1927-6117         Y                     01-Dec-2009 01-Apr-2011   01-Dec-2009 01-Apr-2011               Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2032524  
Inclusión & Desarrollo   Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO Bogota Colombia 2389-7341     01-Jul-2014 Current   Y       01-Jul-2014 Current           01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current         Y Trade Journals Spanish; Castilian Education--Higher Education 3950102  
Industrial & Labor Relations Review   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Ithaca United States 0019-7939 2162-271X   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2001   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2001   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2001           01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Business And Economics--Management|Occupations And Careers|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 41821  
Infancy   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Malden United States 1525-0008 1532-7078         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 25330  
Infant and Child Development   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Hoboken United States 1522-7227 1522-7219         Y                     01-Mar-2004 01-Jul-2010   01-Mar-2004 01-Jul-2010   01-Mar-2004 01-Jul-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 46628  
Infant and Child Development (Online)   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Chichester United States   1522-7219         Y                     01-Sep-2010 Current   01-Sep-2010 Current   01-Sep-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 2034145  
Infants and Young Children   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Frederick United States 0896-3746 1550-5081         Y                     01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 37170  
InformED [BLOG]   Newstex Sydney United States       23-Jul-2018 Current   N 23-Jul-2018 Current                 23-Jul-2018 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 23-Jul-2018 Current   23-May-2019 02-May-2021 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Education 4397063  
Informatics in Education   Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Vilnius Lithuania 1648-5831 2335-8971   01-Jan-2003 Current   Y       01-Jan-2003 Current           01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Automation|Education 106037  
Information Intelligence Online Libraries and Microcomputers   Information Intelligence, Inc. Phoenix United States 0737-7770 2169-1193   01-Nov-1996 01-Dec-2002   N 01-Nov-1996 01-Dec-2002   01-Nov-1996 01-Dec-2002           01-Nov-1996 01-Dec-2002   01-Nov-1996 01-Dec-2002   01-Nov-1996 01-Dec-2002         N Trade Journals English Library And Information Sciences--Computer Applications 30757  
Information Outlook   Special Libraries Association Washington United States 1091-0808 1938-3819   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2012   N 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2012   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2012           01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2012   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2012   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2012         N Trade Journals English Library And Information Sciences 34003  
Information Outlook (Online)   Special Libraries Association Alexandria United States   1938-3819   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2020   N 01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2020         N Trade Journals English Library And Information Sciences 2028862  
Information Technology and Libraries   American Library Association Chicago United States 0730-9295     01-Dec-1987 01-Dec-2011 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1991 Y 01-Dec-1989 01-Dec-2011 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1991 01-Dec-1987 01-Dec-2011           01-Sep-1976 01-Dec-2011   01-Sep-1976 01-Dec-2011   01-Sep-1976 01-Dec-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Information Science And Information Theory|Library And Information Sciences|Library And Information Sciences--Computer Applications 37730  
Information Technology and Libraries (Online)   American Library Association Chicago United States   2163-5226   01-Mar-2012 Current   Y 01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current           01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Library And Information Sciences 1156335  
Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal   Organizational Systems Research Association Morehead United States 1535-1556     01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2011   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2011   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2011           01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2011   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2011   01-Apr-1999 01-Oct-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Office Equipment And Services|Computers--Computer Systems 9497  
Information and Learning Science   Emerald Group Publishing Limited West Yorkshire United Kingdom 2398-5348 2398-5356   01-Jan-1993 Current   Y 01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Library And Information Sciences 49204  
Innovation and Education   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   2524-8502   01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2021   Y 01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2021           01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5068527  
Innovations in Education and Teaching International   Taylor & Francis Inc. London United States 1470-3297 1470-3300   01-Feb-1998 01-Aug-2009   Y 01-Feb-1998 01-Aug-2009   01-Feb-1998 01-Aug-2009           01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 8512  
Innovative Higher Education   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0742-5627 1573-1758   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Higher Education 54016  
Instructional Science   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0020-4277 1573-1952   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 54127  
Instructor   Scholastic Inc. New York United States 1049-5851           N                     01-Jan-1989 01-May-1996   01-Jan-1989 01-May-1996   01-Jan-1989 01-May-1996         N Trade Journals English Education 41670  
Instructor Primary ed. Scholastic Inc. New York United States 2644-3589           N                     01-Aug-1996 01-Apr-1999   01-Aug-1996 01-Apr-1999   01-Aug-1996 01-Apr-1999         N Trade Journals English Education 46696  
Instructor Intermediate ed. Scholastic Inc. New York United States             N                     01-Aug-1996 01-May-1997   01-Aug-1996 01-May-1997   01-Aug-1996 01-May-1997         N Trade Journals English Education 46697  
The Instrumentalist   Instrumentalist Co. Northfield United States 0020-4331           N                     01-Jan-1946 Current 01-Jan-1958--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1946 Current   01-Aug-1957 Current 01-Jan-1958--31-Dec-1991       N Magazines English Education|Music 30299  
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities   American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Washington United States 1934-9491 1934-9556   01-Feb-2010 Current   Y 01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current           01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 806345  
InterActions   University of California Digital Library - eScholarship Oakland United States 1548-3320     01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 Y             01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022   01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2018 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       N Scholarly Journals English Education 4379812  
Interactive Learning Environments   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1049-4820 1744-5191         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Computer Applications|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 436408  
Interactive Technology and Smart Education   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 1741-5659 1758-8510   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Technology: Comprehensive Works 1006424  
Interchange   Springer Nature B.V. Toronto Netherlands 0826-4805 1573-1790   01-Jan-2012 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2011 Y 01-Jan-2012 01-May-2017   01-Dec-2013 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2011       365 01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2012 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Apr-2003 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2012       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 47497  
Intercollegiate Review   Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc. Wilmington United States 0020-5249 2168-6300   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006           01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006         N Scholarly Journals English Literary And Political Reviews|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 41262  
Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação   Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho" * Fundacao U N I Botucatu Brazil 1414-3283 1807-5762   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021   Y 01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021           01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Education 2039859  
International Association of School Librarianship. Selected Papers from the ... Annual Conference   International Association of School Librarianship Brantford United States       01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2002   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020         01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       N Scholarly Journals English Education|Library And Information Sciences 26551  
International Conference on e-Learning   Academic Conferences International Limited Kidmore End United Kingdom 2048-8882 2048-8890   01-Jun-2012 01-Jul-2018   N 01-Jun-2012 01-Jul-2018   01-Jun-2012 01-Jul-2018           01-Jun-2012 01-Jul-2018   01-Jun-2012 01-Jul-2018   01-Jun-2012 01-Jul-2018         N Conference Papers & Proceedings English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Computer Applications 1796414  
International Education   University of Tennessee, College of Education, Health & Human Sciences Knoxville United States 0160-5429     01-Oct-2003 01-Apr-2015   Y 01-Oct-2003 01-Apr-2015   01-Oct-2003 01-Apr-2015           01-Oct-2003 01-Apr-2015   01-Oct-2003 01-Apr-2015   01-Oct-2003 01-Apr-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--International Education Programs 33115  
International Educator   NAFSA : ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATORS Washington   1059-4221     01-Jan-2004 01-Nov-2019   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Nov-2019   01-Jan-2004 01-Nov-2019           01-Jan-2004 01-Nov-2019   01-Jan-2004 01-Nov-2019   01-Jan-2004 01-Nov-2019         N Scholarly Journals English Education--International Education Programs 44755  
International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education   International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education Kutahya Turkey   1307-9298   01-Mar-2011 Current   Y 01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current           01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 656305  
International Forum of Teaching and Studies   American Scholars Press, Inc. Marietta United States 1555-872X     01-Apr-2007 Current   Y 01-Apr-2007 Current   01-Apr-2007 Current           01-Apr-2007 Current   01-Apr-2007 Current   01-Apr-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 38579  
The International Journal for Academic Development   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 1360-144X 1470-1324         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426767  
International Journal for Educational Integrity   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands   1833-2595   01-Jun-2015 Current   Y       01-Jun-2015 Current           01-Jun-2015 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4402919  
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0251-2513 1573-1782   01-Jan-2001 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Jan-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 60278  
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2046-8253 2046-8261   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         365 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 1396353  
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training   European Research Network Vocational Education and Training Bremen Germany 2197-8638 2197-8646   01-Aug-2014 Current   Y       01-Aug-2014 Current           01-Aug-2014 Current   01-Aug-2014 Current   01-Aug-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5412855  
The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education   Research Information Ltd. Plymouth United Kingdom 1744-2710 2045-2519   01-Jan-2000 01-Jan-2019 01-Apr-2006--31-Mar-2013 Y 01-Jan-2000 01-Jan-2019 01-Apr-2006--31-Mar-2013 01-Jan-2000 01-Jan-2019           01-Jan-2000 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2000 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Mathematics--Computer Applications 29124  
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling   Springer Nature B.V. The Hague Netherlands 0165-0653 1573-3246   01-Jan-1998 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Jan-1998 Current         365 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 54142  
International Journal of Adult Education and Technology   IGI Global San Bernadino United States 2643-7996 2643-8003   01-Jan-2020 Current   Y       01-Jan-2020 Current           01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education|Technology: Comprehensive Works 6692864  
The International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2328-6318 2328-6296   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 5527632  
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning   International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) Vienna Austria   1867-5565   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y       01-Jan-2008 Current           01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education 4425142  
International Journal of Applied Educational Studies   Dr. Zaid Al-Shammari Al-Yarmouk Kuwait 1996-773X     01-Apr-2008 01-Apr-2012   Y 01-Apr-2008 01-Apr-2012   01-Apr-2008 01-Apr-2012           01-Apr-2008 01-Apr-2012   01-Apr-2008 01-Apr-2012   01-Apr-2008 01-Apr-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 52732  
International Journal of Art & Design Education   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1476-8062 1476-8070         Y                     01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Art|Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 42935  
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 1560-4292 1560-4306   01-Nov-2013 Current   Y 01-Nov-2013 Current   01-Nov-2013 Current         365 01-Nov-2013 Current   01-Nov-2013 Current   01-Nov-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Artificial Intelligence|Education 2043630  
The International Journal of Arts Education 4 Common Ground Research Networks Paris United States 2326-9944 2327-0306   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Humanities: Comprehensive Works 5528232  
The International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2327-7920 2327-8692   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5528231  
The International Journal of Bilingualism   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 1367-0069 1756-6878   01-Mar-2008 01-Aug-2016   Y 01-Mar-2008 01-Aug-2016   01-Mar-2008 01-Aug-2016           01-Mar-2007 Current   01-Mar-2007 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Sociology 38336  
International Journal of Bullying Prevention   Springer Nature B.V. Dublin Netherlands 2523-3653 2523-3661   01-Mar-2019 Current   Y 01-Mar-2019 Current   01-Mar-2019 Current         365 01-Mar-2019 Current   01-Mar-2019 Current   01-Mar-2019 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 6623292  
International Journal of Business Communication   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 2329-4884 2329-4892         Y                     01-Jun-1972 Current   01-Jun-1972 Current   01-Jun-1972 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Communications|Education 2549  
International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy   Springer Nature B.V. Seoul Netherlands 1976-5681 2288-6729   01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 Y       01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016         01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2034741  
International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies   University of Victoria, Department of Linguistics Victoria Canada   1920-7298   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y       01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 2046194  
International Journal of Children's Spirituality   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1364-436X 1469-8455         Y                     01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current   01-Feb-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Philosophy|Psychology|Religions And Theology 176148  
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education   International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science Vranje Serbia 2334-847X 2334-8496   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2019   Y 01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2019           01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2013 01-Jan-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Engineering|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 4402925  
International Journal of Comparative Education and Development   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2396-7404 2309-4907   01-Jan-2016 Current   Y 01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         365 01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education 2050548  
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1556-1607 1556-1615   01-Mar-2006 Current   Y 01-Mar-2006 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-2006 Current         365 01-Mar-2006 Current   01-Mar-2006 Current   01-Mar-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Computer Applications 54633  
International Journal of Curriculum Development and Learning Measurement   IGI Global Crete United States 2644-1721 2644-173X   01-Jan-2020 Current   Y       01-Jan-2020 Current           01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 6695820  
International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education   IGI Global Hershey United States 2155-6903 2155-6911         Y                     01-Apr-2012 01-Jul-2016   01-Apr-2012 01-Jul-2016   01-Apr-2012 01-Jul-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers|Education 2029133  
The International Journal of Design Education   Common Ground Research Networks Rome United States 2325-128X 2325-1298   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Architecture 5528220  
The International Journal of Design in Society   Common Ground Research Networks Rome United States 2325-1328 2325-1360   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Architecture 5528219  
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies   IGI Global Hershey United States 1539-3100 1539-3119   01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 Y       01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022         01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education 26422  
The International Journal of Diversity in Education   Common Ground Research Networks Patras United States 2327-0020 2327-2163   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5528215  
International Journal of Doctoral Studies   Informing Science Institute Santa Rosa United States 1556-8881 1556-8873   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y       01-Jan-2006 Current           01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Humanities: Comprehensive Works 5315475  
International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education   Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Ottawa Canada   2292-8588   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y 01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Education--Adult Education 446313  
International Journal of Early Childhood   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0020-7187 1878-4658   01-Jul-1997 Current   Y 01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2016   01-Jul-1997 Current         365 01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About 48368  
The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2327-7939 2327-8722   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5528214  
International Journal of Early Years Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0966-9760 1469-8463         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426766  
International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology   University of the West Indies Bridgetown Jamaica   1814-0556   01-Mar-2005 Current   Y 01-Mar-2005 Current   01-Mar-2005 Current           01-Mar-2005 Current   01-Mar-2005 Current   01-Mar-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers|Education 28521  
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering   Modern Education and Computer Science Press Hong Kong Hong Kong 2305-3623 2305-8463   01-Jul-2011 Current   Y       01-Jul-2011 Current           01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Engineering 2069183  
International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community   International Journal of Education & Psychology in the Community Oradea Romania 2069-4695     01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 1606375  
International Journal of Educational Advancement   Palgrave Macmillan Basingstoke United Kingdom 1744-6503 1744-6511   01-Jun-2003 01-Dec-2010   Y 01-May-2006 01-Dec-2010   01-Jun-2003 01-Dec-2010           01-Jun-2003 01-Dec-2010   01-Jun-2003 01-Dec-2010   01-Jun-2003 01-Dec-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 28110  
The International Journal of Educational Management   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 0951-354X 1758-6518   01-Sep-1992 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Sep-1992 Current   01-Sep-1992 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000       365 01-Sep-1992 Current   01-Sep-1992 Current   01-Sep-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Education 29800  
The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2329-1656 2329-1591   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 5528213  
International Journal of Educational Psychology   Hipatia Press Barcelona Spain   2014-3591   01-Feb-2016 01-Jun-2021   Y       01-Feb-2016 01-Jun-2021           01-Feb-2016 01-Jun-2021   01-Feb-2016 01-Jun-2021   01-Feb-2016 01-Jun-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2042206  
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands   2365-9440   01-Jul-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2018   01-Jul-2010 Current           01-Jul-2010 Current   01-Jul-2010 Current   01-Jul-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Catalan; Valencian|English|Spanish; Castilian Education|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 396499  
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education   Sage Publications Ltd. Manchester United Kingdom 0020-7209 2050-4578   01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2014   Y 01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2014   01-Jul-1997 01-Apr-2014           01-Jun-1963 Current   01-Jun-1963 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Engineering--Electrical Engineering 37651  
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Online)   International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) Vienna Austria 1863-0383     01-Jan-2006 Current   Y       01-Jan-2006 Current           01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Technology: Comprehensive Works 5452619  
International Journal of Emotional Education   European Centre for Educational Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health Msida Malta   2073-7629   01-Apr-2013 Current   Y 01-Apr-2013 Current   01-Apr-2013 Current           01-Apr-2013 Current   01-Apr-2013 Current   01-Apr-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2031381  
The International Journal of Engineering Education   Tempus Publications Hamburg Germany             Y                     01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Engineering 33186  
International Journal of English Studies   Universidad de Murcia, Facultad de Letras Murcia Spain 1578-7044 1989-6131   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current           01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Linguistics|Literature 54901  
International Journal of Higher Education Management   Centre for Business & Economic Research Harrow United Kingdom 2054-9849 2054-9857   01-Aug-2014 Current   Y       01-Aug-2014 Current           01-Aug-2014 Current   01-Aug-2014 Current   01-Aug-2014 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2043069  
The International Journal of Humanities Education   Common Ground Research Networks Madrid United States 2327-0063 2327-2457   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5529414  
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education   IGI Global Hershey United States 1550-1876 1550-1337   01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 Y       01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022         01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Computers--Information Science And Information Theory|Education 28332  
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2056-4880 2056-4899   01-Jan-1995 Current   Y 01-Jan-1995 Current   15-Mar-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Networks|Computers--Personal Computers|Library And Information Sciences--Computer Applications 31886  
International Journal of Innovation in English Language Teaching and Research   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 2156-5716 2374-099X   01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2014   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2014           01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Linguistics 2034865  
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education   University of Sydney Sydney Australia   2200-4270   01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009 Y       01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009         01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Mathematics|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 4403473  
International Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education   IGI Global Baton Rouge United States 2644-1624 2644-1640   01-Jan-2020 Current   Y       01-Jan-2020 Current           01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 6696340  
International Journal of Instructional Media   Dr. Phillip J. Sleeman New York United States 0092-1815     01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2005   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2005   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2005           01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2012   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2012   01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Technology: Comprehensive Works 30932  
The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies   Common Ground Research Networks Kraków United States 2327-011X 2327-2570   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5529411  
International Journal of Leadership in Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 1360-3124 1464-5092         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426765  
The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2327-7955 2327-8749   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 5529406  
International Journal of Lifelong Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0260-1370 1464-519X         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education|Education--Higher Education 536296  
The International Journal of Literacies   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2327-0136 2327-266X   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5529405  
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0020-739X 1464-5211         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Mathematics 176146  
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education   Sage Publications Ltd. Chichester United Kingdom 0306-4190 2050-4586   01-Jan-2004 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-2004 01-Oct-2013           01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Engineering|Engineering--Mechanical Engineering 48977  
International Journal of Medical Education   International Journal of Medical Education (IJME) Nottingham United Kingdom   2042-6372   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 266697  
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2046-6854 2046-6862   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         365 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 1396349  
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science   Modern Education and Computer Science Press Hong Kong Hong Kong 2075-0161 2075-017X   01-Oct-2009 01-Dec-2021   Y       01-Oct-2009 01-Dec-2021           01-Oct-2009 01-Dec-2021   01-Oct-2009 01-Dec-2021   01-Oct-2009 01-Dec-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers|Education 2026674  
International Journal of Multicultural Education   International Journal of Multicultural Education (IJME) Logan South Korea 1934-5267     01-Jan-2007 Current   Y       01-Jan-2007 Current           01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5465964  
International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work   Dulwich Centre Publications Adelaide Australia 1446-5019     01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2022   Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2022           01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 2031821  
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship   Walter de Gruyter GmbH Berlin Germany 2194-5772 1548-923X   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013 Y       01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013         01-Jan-2012 Current 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013 01-Jan-2012 Current 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013 01-Jan-2012 Current 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 2038902  
International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design   IGI Global Hershey United States 2155-6873 2155-6881   01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 Y       01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022         01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Internet|Education 2029143  
International Journal of Pedagogies & Learning   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Maleny United Kingdom 2204-0552 1833-4105   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2016   Y 01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2016   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2016           01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2016   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2016   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 75986  
The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2327-7963 2327-9133   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 5529397  
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education : QSE   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0951-8398           Y                     01-Feb-2012 Current   01-Feb-2012 Current   01-Feb-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 53173  
International Journal of Rehabilitation Research   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Philadelphia United States 0342-5282 1473-5660         Y                     01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 32485  
International Journal of Research & Method in Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1743-727X 1743-7288   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2000   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2000   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2000           01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2011 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2011 01-Apr-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 28761  
International Journal of STEM Education   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands   2196-7822   01-Aug-2014 Current   Y 01-Aug-2014 01-Feb-2017   01-Aug-2014 Current           01-Aug-2014 Current   01-Aug-2014 Current   01-Aug-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2034733  
International Journal of Science Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0950-0693 1464-5289         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 186296  
The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2327-7971 2327-915X   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Mathematics|Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Technology: Comprehensive Works 5529391  
The International Journal of Social Education   Indiana Council of the Social Studies Muncie United States 0889-0293     01-Oct-2007 01-Apr-2008   Y 01-Oct-2007 01-Apr-2008   01-Oct-2007 01-Apr-2008           01-Oct-2007 01-Apr-2008   01-Oct-2007 01-Apr-2008   01-Oct-2007 01-Apr-2008         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 54103  
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 1467-6370 1758-6739   01-Jan-2000 Current   Y 01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 25620  
The International Journal of Technologies in Learning   Common Ground Research Networks Champaign United States 2327-0144 2327-2686   01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Technology: Comprehensive Works 5529386  
International Journal of Technology and Design Education   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0957-7572 1573-1804   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Technology: Comprehensive Works 55387  
International Journal of Technology-Enhanced Education   IGI Global Beijing United States 2771-5612 2771-5620   01-Jan-2023 Current   Y       01-Jan-2023 Current           01-Jan-2023 Current   01-Jan-2023 Current   01-Jan-2023 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Computer Applications 6696816  
International Journal of Testing   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1530-5058 1532-7574         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 25335  
International Journal of Training & Development   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1360-3736 1468-2419         Y                     01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Business And Economics--Personnel Management 34135  
International Journal of Training Research   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Maleny United Kingdom 1448-0220 1464-5319   01-Apr-2012 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Apr-2012 01-Dec-2017   01-Apr-2012 01-Dec-2017           01-Apr-2012 01-Dec-2017   01-Apr-2012 01-Dec-2017   01-Apr-2012 01-Dec-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 826332  
International Journal of University Teaching and Faculty Development   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 1949-4947 2374-1015   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2014   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2014   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2014           01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2014   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2014   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2014         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2034856  
International Journal of Work - Integrated Learning   International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning Hamilton New Zealand   2538-1032   01-Jan-2000 Current   Y       01-Jan-2000 Current           01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4379534  
International Journal on Child Maltreatment   Springer Nature B.V. Dallas Netherlands 2524-5236 2524-5244   01-Nov-2018 Current   Y 01-Nov-2018 Current   01-Nov-2018 Current         365 01-Nov-2018 Current   01-Nov-2018 Current   01-Nov-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About 6623294  
International Journal on ELearning   Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Norfolk United States 1537-2456 1943-5932   01-Jul-2004 01-Oct-2008   Y 01-Jul-2004 01-Oct-2008   01-Jul-2004 01-Oct-2008           01-Jul-2004 Current   01-Jul-2004 Current   01-Jul-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers|Computers--Internet 27101  
International Labour Review   International Labour Organization, represented by the International Labour Office (ILO) Geneva Switzerland 0020-7780 1564-913X   01-Nov-1987 01-Dec-2015   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Dec-2015   01-Nov-1987 01-Dec-2015           01-Jul-1971 Current   01-Jul-1971 Current   01-Jul-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Labor Unions|Occupations And Careers 627  
The International Migration Review   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0197-9183 1747-7379   01-Apr-1994 01-Dec-2008   Y 01-Apr-1994 01-Dec-2008   01-Jan-1995 01-Dec-2008           01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Political Science|Population Studies|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 25110  
International Review of Education   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0020-8566 1573-0638   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French|German Education 54188  
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning   International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning Athabasca Canada   1492-3831   01-Jun-2000 Current   Y 01-Jun-2000 Current   01-Jun-2000 Current           01-Jun-2000 Current   01-Jun-2000 Current   01-Jun-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Education--Adult Education 28311  
International School   John Catt Educational Limited Woodbridge United Kingdom 1461-3956 2049-5803   01-Oct-2012 01-Jul-2020   N 01-Oct-2012 01-Jul-2020   01-Oct-2012 01-Jul-2020           01-Oct-2012 01-Jul-2020   01-Oct-2012 01-Jul-2020   01-Oct-2012 01-Jul-2020         N Magazines English Education--International Education Programs 2029237  
The International Schools Journal   ACS Athens American Community Schools Athens Greece 0264-7281     01-Nov-2012 01-Nov-2018   Y 01-Nov-2012 01-Nov-2018   01-Nov-2012 01-Nov-2018           01-Nov-2012 01-Nov-2018   01-Nov-2012 01-Nov-2018   01-Nov-2012 01-Nov-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2029238  
The International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education   "Carol I" National Defence University Bucharest Romania       01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2021   N 01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2021           01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2021         N Conference Papers & Proceedings English Education--Computer Applications 1876338  
International Summit on the Teaching Profession   Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris France   2312-7090   21-Nov-2011 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 N       21-Nov-2011 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       180 21-Nov-2011 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 21-Nov-2011 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 21-Nov-2011 Current 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020       N Other Sources English Education|Education--School Organization And Administration|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 6245989  
Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung   Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Göttingen Germany 0074-9818 2194-3699   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2017   Y       01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2017           01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2017               Y Scholarly Journals German Education--Adult Education 2038898  
Internet Research   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 1066-2243 2054-5657   01-Jan-1995 Current   Y 01-Jan-1995 Current   30-May-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Internet 46896  
Internet@Schools   Information Today, Inc. Medford United States 2156-843X     01-May-1998 01-Nov-2017   N 01-May-1998 01-Nov-2017   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2017           01-May-1998 01-Nov-2017   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2017   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2017         N Trade Journals English Computers--Computer Networks|Computers--Internet|Education|Education--Computer Applications 29385  
Intervention in School and Clinic   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1053-4512 1538-4810   01-May-1997 01-May-2010   Y 01-May-1997 01-Nov-2008   01-May-1997 01-May-2010           01-May-1997 Current   01-May-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Psychology 34569  
Investigacões em Ensino de Ciências   Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Física Porto Alegre Brazil 1518-9384 1518-8795   01-Mar-2013 Current   Y 01-Mar-2013 01-Apr-2021   01-Mar-2013 Current           01-Mar-2013 Current   01-Mar-2013 Current   01-Mar-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2032603  
Ipu Kereru: Blog of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education   Newstex   United States       30-Apr-2021 Current   N 30-Apr-2021 Current                 30-Apr-2021 Current   30-Apr-2021 Current               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Earth Sciences--Oceanography 5343206  
Irish Educational Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Dublin United Kingdom 0332-3315 1747-4965         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 426763  
Issues   Control Publications Pty Ltd Victoria Australia 0819-8101     01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2014   N 01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2014   01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2014           01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2014   01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2014   01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2014         N Magazines English Earth Sciences|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Environmental Studies|Geography 38599  
Issues in Accounting Education   American Accounting Association Sarasota United States 0739-3172 1558-7983   01-Oct-1993 01-Nov-2012   Y 01-Oct-1993 01-Nov-2004   01-Oct-1996 01-Nov-2012           01-Apr-1986 Current   01-Apr-1986 Current   01-Oct-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Accounting|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 31655  
Issues in Applied Linguistics : IAL   University of California Los Angeles United States 1050-4273 2379-4542         Y                     01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics 2037844  
Issues in Child Abuse Accusations   Institute for Psychological Therapies Northfield United States 1043-8823 2169-0308   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2014   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2014                 01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2014   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2014   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Criminology And Law Enforcement|Law--Criminal Law|Social Services And Welfare 105645  
Issues in Education   Elsevier Science Ltd. Greenwich United Kingdom 1080-9724 1879-2014         Y                     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998               Y Scholarly Journals English Education 33536  
Issues in Educational Research     Perth   0313-7155 1837-6290   01-Jan-1991 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2022 Y 01-Jan-1991 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2022 01-Jan-2008 Current           01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4676719  
Issues in Science and Technology   Issues in Science and Technology Washington United States 0748-5492 1938-1557   01-Jan-1994 Current   Y 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Technology: Comprehensive Works 32581  
Issues in Teacher Education   Caddo Gap Press San Bernadino United States 1536-3031     01-Apr-2005 Current   Y 01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current           01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 28752  
Issues in Writing   University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Stevens Point United States 0897-0696     01-Oct-2003 01-Jan-2012   Y 01-Oct-2003 01-Jan-2012   01-Oct-2003 01-Jan-2012           01-Oct-2003 01-Jan-2012   01-Oct-2003 01-Jan-2012   01-Oct-2003 01-Jan-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Journalism 44756  
JCT   Foundation for Curriculum Theory Rochester United States 1057-896X     01-Apr-2004 01-Dec-2006   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Dec-2006   01-Apr-2004 01-Dec-2006           01-Apr-2004 01-Dec-2006   01-Apr-2004 01-Dec-2006   01-Apr-2004 01-Dec-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 25997  
JCT (Online)   Foundation for Curriculum Theory Rochester United States   1942-2563   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current           01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 616295  
JEM   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Madison United States 0022-0655 1745-3984         Y                     01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 49010  
Jack and Jill   Benjamin Franklin Literary & Medical Society Indianapolis United States 0021-3829     01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015   N 01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015   01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015           01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015   01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015   01-Dec-1996 01-Mar-2015         N Magazines English Children And Youth - For 35145  
Jazz Education in Research and Practice   Indiana University Press Bloomington United States 2639-7668 2639-7676   01-Apr-2020 Current   Y 01-Apr-2020 Current   01-Apr-2020 Current           01-Apr-2020 Current   01-Apr-2020 Current   01-Apr-2020 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Music 4589209  
Jeugd En Co   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1873-9164 1876-6080         Y                     01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2018         N Scholarly Journals Dutch; Flemish Children And Youth - About|Education 54468  
Jornal Internacional de Estudos em Educacao Matematica   Kroton Educacional, Jornal Internacional de Estudos em Educação Matemática Londrina Brazil   2176-5634   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021   Y       01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021           01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English|French|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Education|Mathematics 2050515  
Journal About Women in Higher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1940-7882 1940-7890   01-Jan-2013 01-Jul-2014   Y       01-Jan-2013 01-Jul-2014           01-Jan-2013 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2013 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2013 01-Jul-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Women's Interests 2031342  
Journal for Educational Research Online   Waxmann Verlag GmbH Münster Germany   1866-6671   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y 01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|German Education 1066349  
Journal for Learning through the Arts   University of California Digital Library - eScholarship Oakland United States   1932-7528   01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2021   Y             01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2021     01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2021         N Scholarly Journals English Art|Education 4379811  
Journal for Multicultural Education   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2053-535X 2053-5368   01-Jan-2007 Current   Y 01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         365 01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Technology: Comprehensive Works 40397  
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education   National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Washington United States 0021-8251 1945-2306   01-Mar-1997 01-Jul-2003   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Jul-2003                 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Mathematics 21451  
Journal for STEM Education Research   Springer Nature B.V. College Station Netherlands 2520-8705 2520-8713   01-Dec-2018 Current   Y 01-Dec-2018 Current   01-Dec-2018 Current         365 01-Dec-2018 Current   01-Dec-2018 Current   01-Dec-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Technology: Comprehensive Works 6587173  
Journal for Specialists in Group Work   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0193-3922 1549-6295         Y                     01-Nov-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 47472  
Journal for a Just and Caring Education   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1076-285X 1938-2693         Y                     01-Jan-1996 01-Oct-1999   01-Jan-1996 01-Oct-1999   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-1999         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 31928  
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists   Genç Bilge (Young Wise) Publishing Chelmsford Turkey 2149-360X     01-Jan-2013 Current   Y       01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 6525464  
Journal for the Education of the Gifted   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0162-3532 2162-9501   01-Feb-1978 01-Dec-2018 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1994 Y 01-Feb-1978 01-Dec-2018 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1994 01-Feb-1978 01-Dec-2018           01-Feb-1978 Current   01-Feb-1978 Current   01-Feb-1978 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 36680  
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 0173-5322 1869-2699         Y                     01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals German Education|Mathematics 2043914  
Journal of Academic Advising   Indiana University Press Bloomington United States   2577-168X   01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 Y       01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019         01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4661812  
Journal of Academic Ethics   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1570-1727 1572-8544   01-Jan-2003 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Jan-2003 Current         365 01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Sociology 55388  
Journal of Academic Librarianship   Elsevier Science Ltd. Ann Arbor United Kingdom 0099-1333 1879-1999         Y                     01-Jan-1994 01-May-2022   01-Jan-1994 01-May-2022   01-Jan-1994 01-May-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Library And Information Sciences 47870  
Journal of Accounting Education   Elsevier BV Harrisonburg Netherlands 0748-5751 1873-1996         Y                     01-Apr-1983 01-Sep-2016   01-Apr-1983 01-Sep-2016   01-Oct-1989 01-Sep-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Accounting|Education--Higher Education 46985  
Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 1055-3835 2161-1874   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2013           01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Social Services And Welfare 48229  
Journal of Adolescence   John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken United States 0140-1971 1095-9254         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 30117  
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Hoboken United Kingdom 1081-3004 1936-2706   01-Jan-1989 01-May-2011   Y 01-Oct-1996 01-May-2011   01-Jan-1989 01-May-2011           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--School Organization And Administration|Linguistics 42001  
Journal of Adolescent Research   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0743-5584 1552-6895         Y                     01-Mar-1986 Current   01-Mar-1986 Current   01-Mar-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology 36441  
Journal of Adult Education   Mountain Plains Adult Education Association Brigham City United States 0090-4244     01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2016   Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2016   01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2016           01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2016   01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2016   01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 28962  
Journal of Advanced Academics   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1932-202X 2162-9536   01-Nov-1995 01-Nov-2018 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 Y 01-Nov-1995 01-Nov-2018 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Nov-1995 01-Nov-2018           01-Nov-1995 Current   01-Nov-1995 Current   01-Nov-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 40069  
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning : JAEOL   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1472-9679 1754-0402         Y                     01-Jun-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2020 01-Jun-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2020 01-Jun-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2020       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sports And Games--Outdoor Life 196229  
Journal of Advertising Education   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Columbia United States 1098-0482 2516-1873   01-Apr-2012 01-Nov-2018   Y 01-Apr-2012 01-Nov-2018   01-Apr-2012 01-Nov-2018           01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Advertising And Public Relations|Education 1686345  
Journal of Aesthetic Education   University of Illinois Press Champaign United States 0021-8510 1543-7809   01-Apr-1997 01-Dec-2001   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Dec-2001   01-Apr-1997 01-Dec-2001           01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008       Y Scholarly Journals English Art|Education|Humanities: Comprehensive Works|Literature|Philosophy 34857  
Journal of African Education   Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd London United Kingdom 2633-2922 2633-2930   01-Apr-2021 Current   Y 01-Dec-2021 Current   01-Apr-2021 Current           01-Apr-2021 Current   01-Apr-2021 Current   01-Apr-2021 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 5455935  
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1389-224X 1750-8622         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Agriculture|Education--Higher Education 216151  
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education   American Alcohol and Drug Information Foundation Lansing United States 0090-1482 2162-4119   01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022           01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   01-Mar-2004 01-Apr-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 48458  
Journal of Allied Health   Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions Washington United States 0090-7421 1945-404X   01-Apr-2002 Current   Y 01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current           01-Apr-2002 Current 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015       Y Scholarly Journals English Public Health And Safety 47699  
Journal of American College Health   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0744-8481 1940-3208   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2010   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2010           01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 860  
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Malden United Kingdom 0021-8855 1938-3703   01-Dec-2005 01-Dec-2015   Y 01-Dec-2005 01-Dec-2015   01-Dec-2005 01-Dec-2015           01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36654  
Journal of Applied Research for Business Instruction   National Business Education Association Little Rock United States 1552-8391     01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2016   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2016           01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 706376  
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2050-7003 1758-1184   01-Jan-2009 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 Y 01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2009 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       365 01-Jan-2009 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2009 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2009 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2050543  
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College   Montezuma Publishing San Diego United Kingdom 1068-610X     01-Oct-2007 Current   Y 01-Oct-2007 Current   01-Oct-2007 Current         60 01-Oct-2007 Current   01-Oct-2007 Current   01-Oct-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 26434  
Journal of Applied Technical and Educational Sciences   ST Press Budapest Serbia   2560-5429   01-Jan-2017 Current   Y 01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current           01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Hungarian|Serbian Education|Engineering 2068952  
Journal of Asia TEFL   Asia TEFL Seoul South Korea 1738-3102 2466-1511   01-Apr-2004 Current   Y       01-Apr-2004 Current           01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 4424407  
Journal of Athletic Training   National Athletic Trainers Association Dallas United States 1062-6050 1938-162X   01-Jul-1997 Current   Y 01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current         180 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sports And Games 47878  
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0162-3257 1573-3432   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Jun-2004 01-May-2017   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 48401  
Journal of Baltic Science Education   Scientia Socialis Ltd. Šiauliai Lithuania 1648-3898 2538-7138   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y       01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4477238  
Journal of Basic Writing   Journal of Basic Writing New York United States 0147-1635 2164-5116   01-Apr-2004 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Oct-2005   01-Apr-2004 Current           01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Literature 48355  
Journal of Behavioral Education   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1053-0819 1573-3513   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001       365 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 54114  
Journal of Beliefs & Values   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Bath United Kingdom 1361-7672 1469-9362         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Religions And Theology 426761  
Journal of Black Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Washington United States 0095-7984 1552-4558         Y                     01-Aug-1974 Current 01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988; 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993 01-Aug-1974 Current 01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988 01-Aug-1974 Current 01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988; 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993       Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Psychology 15745  
Journal of Black Studies   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0021-9347 1552-4566         Y                     01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Ethnic Interests|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 35944  
Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (Online)   BruCon Publishing Company New York United States   2326-6023   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current                 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         N Scholarly Journals English African American/Caribbean/African|Education--Higher Education|Ethnic Interests 1056397  
The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education   BruCon Publishing Company New York United States 1077-3711     01-Oct-1993 01-Apr-2010   Y 01-Oct-1993 01-Apr-2010   01-Dec-2004 01-Apr-2010           01-Oct-1993 01-Apr-2010   01-Oct-1993 01-Apr-2010   01-Oct-1993 01-Apr-2010         N Scholarly Journals English African American/Caribbean/African|Education--Higher Education|Ethnic Interests 26506  
Journal of Business Ethics Education   NeilsonJournals Publishing Edinburgh United Kingdom 1649-5195 2044-4559   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2011   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2011           01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Philosophy 307110  
Journal of Cancer Education   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0885-8195 1543-0154   01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2006 Y 01-Jul-2001 01-Jun-2017 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2006 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006       365 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Oncology 30493  
Journal of Career Assessment   Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. Odessa United States 1069-0727 1552-4590         Y                     01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers|Psychology 33010  
Journal of Career Development   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0894-8453 1573-3548   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005   Y       01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005           01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2005         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers 47800  
Journal of Career Development   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. New York United States 0894-8453 1573-3548         Y                     01-Feb-2017 Current   01-Feb-2017 Current   01-Feb-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers 4366611  
Journal of Catholic Education   Journal of Catholic Education, Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles United States   2373-8170   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y       01-Jan-1997 Current           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Religions And Theology 2035955  
Journal of Character Education   Information Age Publishing Greenwich United States 1543-1223     01-Jan-2003 Current   Y 01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current           01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Religions And Theology 27598  
Journal of Chemical Education   American Chemical Society Easton United States 0021-9584 1938-1328   01-Jan-1994 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Dec-2000   01-Jun-1996 01-Dec-2000           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Chemistry|Education--Higher Education 41672  
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse   Taylor & Francis LLC London United Kingdom 1067-828X 1547-0652         Y                     01-Jul-2003 01-Jul-2020   01-Jul-2003 01-Jul-2020   01-Jul-2003 01-Jul-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 46986  
Journal of Child Language   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0305-0009 1469-7602   01-Feb-2001 Current   Y 01-Aug-2007 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         365 01-Feb-2001 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Linguistics|Psychology 49003  
Journal of Child Neurology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Hamilton United States 0883-0738 1708-8283   01-Nov-1996 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000   01-Nov-1996 01-Oct-2000           01-Nov-1995 01-Oct-2001   01-Nov-1995 01-Oct-2001   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 36786  
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Malden United Kingdom 0021-9630 1469-7610         Y                     01-Jul-1995 Current   01-Jul-1995 Current   01-Jul-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 51545  
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Binghamton United Kingdom 1053-8712 1547-0679   01-Apr-1995 01-Dec-1997   Y 01-Apr-1995 01-Dec-1997   01-Apr-1995 01-Dec-1997           01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1994 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Social Services And Welfare 45127  
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Hoboken United Kingdom 1073-6077 1744-6171   01-Jan-1998 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Nov-2010   01-Jan-1998 01-Nov-2010           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 36261  
Journal of Child and Family Studies   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1062-1024 1573-2843   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-May-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 31319  
Journal of Childhood Studies   University of Victoria, Department of Linguistics Prospect Bay Canada 2371-4107 2371-4115   01-Apr-2013 Current   Y       01-Apr-2013 Current           01-Oct-1992 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Oct-1992 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010       Y Scholarly Journals   Education 43226  
Journal of Children's Literature   Children's Literature Assembly Las Vegas United States 1521-7779     01-Apr-2012 Current   Y 01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current           01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current   01-Apr-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Publishing And Book Trade 1356370  
Journal of Children's Services   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 1746-6660 2042-8677   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Social Services And Welfare 1006509  
Journal of Classics Teaching   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 1741-7627 2058-6310   01-Apr-2017 Current   Y 01-Apr-2017 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current           01-Apr-2017 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Classical Studies|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 2046287  
The Journal of Classroom Interaction   Journal of Classroom Interaction Houston United States 0749-4025 2376-6670   01-Jul-2004 01-Jan-2023   Y 01-Jul-2004 01-Dec-2005   01-Jul-2004 01-Jan-2023           01-Jul-2004 01-Jan-2023   01-Jul-2004 01-Jan-2023   01-Jul-2004 01-Jan-2023         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 48326  
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 1537-4416 1537-4424         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 25716  
Journal of Cognition and Development   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1524-8372 1532-7647         Y                     01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 25338  
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology   Springer Publishing Company New York United States 1945-8959 1810-7621   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2017           01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Psychology 646503  
Journal of College Admission   National Association of College Admissions Counselors Skokie United States 0734-6670     01-Jul-1999 01-Apr-2013   Y 01-Jul-1999 01-Apr-2013   01-Jul-1999 01-Apr-2013           01-Jul-1999 Current   01-Jul-1999 Current   01-Apr-2003 Current         Y Trade Journals English Education--Higher Education|Education--School Organization And Administration 37099  
Journal of College Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 1099-0399 2161-1882   01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 Y 01-Apr-2003 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011         01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013   01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013               Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Psychology 45906  
Journal of College Reading and Learning   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oak Creek United Kingdom 1079-0195     01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2016   Y 01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2016   01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2016           01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Apr-2008 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 42504  
Journal of College Science Teaching   National Science Teachers Association Washington United States 0047-231X 1943-4898   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Jul-2017 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current           01-Dec-1991 Current   01-Dec-1991 Current   01-Dec-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 49226  
Journal of College Student Development   Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore United States 0897-5264 1543-3382   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 34426  
Journal of College Student Retention   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 1521-0251 1541-4167   01-Jul-1999 01-Oct-2008   Y       01-Jul-1999 01-Oct-2008           01-Jul-1999 01-Oct-2011   01-Jul-1999 01-Oct-2011   01-Jul-1999 01-Oct-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 42506  
Journal of College Teaching & Learning (Online)   The Clute Institute Littleton United States   2157-894X   01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2020   Y       01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2020           01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2020   01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2020   01-Nov-2011 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2026890  
Journal of College Teaching and Learning   The Clute Institute Littleton United States 1544-0389     01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   Y 01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011           01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011   01-Oct-2009 01-Oct-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 60280  
Journal of College and Character   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Berlin United Kingdom 2194-587X 1940-1639   01-Jan-2013 01-Oct-2016   Y       01-Jan-2013 01-Oct-2016           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2031334  
Journal of Communication   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0021-9916 1460-2466         Y                     01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2017   01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2017   01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Journalism|Medical Sciences|Psychology|Sociology 47293  
Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship   University of Alabama Press Tuscaloosa United States 1944-1207     01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2018   Y 01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2018   01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2018           01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2018   01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2018   01-Oct-2008 01-Jan-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 53167  
Journal of Community Health   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0094-5145 1573-3610   01-Feb-1991 Current   Y 01-Apr-1995 01-Jun-2017   01-Feb-1991 Current         365 01-Jan-1987 Current   01-Jan-1987 Current   01-Jan-1987 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Health Facilities And Administration|Medical Sciences|Public Health And Safety 48530  
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Oxford United States 0266-4909 1365-2729         Y                     01-Dec-1998 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2009 01-Dec-1998 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2009 01-Feb-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Computer Applications 37794  
Journal of Computers in Education   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 2197-9987 2197-9995   01-Mar-2014 Current   Y 01-Mar-2014 Current   01-Mar-2014 Current         365 01-Mar-2014 Current   01-Mar-2014 Current   01-Mar-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 2044305  
The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching   Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Austin United States 0731-9258 1943-5908   01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2008   Y 01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2008   01-Oct-2004 01-Oct-2008           01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Mathematics|Mathematics--Computer Applications|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 23124  
Journal of Computing in Higher Education   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1042-1726 1867-1233   01-Apr-1997 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Apr-1997 Current         365 01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Computer Applications|Education--Higher Education 54488  
The Journal of Conflict Resolution (1986-1998)   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0022-0027 1552-8766   01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994   Y       01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994           01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994   01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994   01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science--International Relations|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 34887  
The Journal of Conflict Resolution (pre-1986)   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0022-0027 1552-8766   01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985   Y       01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985           01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985   01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985   01-Mar-1957 01-Dec-1985         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science--International Relations|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 34886  
The Journal of Conflict Resolution   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0022-0027 1552-8766   01-Sep-1995 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Feb-1997 01-Dec-2007   01-Sep-1995 01-Dec-2007           01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science--International Relations|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 2004  
The Journal of Consumer Affairs   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Madison United Kingdom 0022-0078 1745-6606   01-Dec-1987 01-Oct-2009   Y 01-Jul-1992 01-Oct-2009   01-Dec-1987 01-Oct-2009           01-Dec-1972 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973 01-Dec-1972 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973 01-Dec-1972 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973       Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Consumer Education And Protection 35935  
Journal of Continuing Education Topics & Issues   American Medical Technologies Rosemont United States 1522-8606     01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   Y 01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019           01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   01-Aug-2017 01-Apr-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Medical Sciences--Experimental Medicine, Laboratory Technique 136112  
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing   SLACK INCORPORATED Thorofare United States 0022-0124 1938-2472   01-Jul-1970 Current   Y 01-Jul-1970 Current   01-Jul-1970 Current           01-Jul-1970 Current   01-Jul-1970 Current   01-Jul-1970 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 35533  
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Chicago United States 0894-1912 1554-558X   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001           01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Adult Education|Medical Sciences 37746  
Journal of Cooperative Education   Cooperative Education Association Beltsville United States 0022-0132     01-Apr-1998 01-Jan-2001   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Jan-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Jan-2001           01-Apr-1998 01-Jan-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Jan-2001   01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 48056  
Journal of Correctional Education   Correctional Education Association Lanham United States 0740-2708     01-Jun-2003 Current   Y 01-Jun-2003 Current   01-Jun-2003 Current           01-Dec-1983 Current   01-Dec-1983 Current   01-Dec-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Education|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 41370  
Journal of Counseling Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0022-0167 1939-2168         Y                     01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41013  
Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 0748-9633 1556-6676   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2013           01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Occupations And Careers|Psychology 25041  
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision   North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Montclair United States   2164-3288   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2027398  
Journal of Cross - Cultural Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0022-0221 1552-5422         Y                     01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 48985  
Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education   United States Society for Education Through Art Greenville United States 2152-7172     01-Oct-1983 01-Jan-2011   Y 01-Oct-1983 01-Jan-2011   01-Oct-1983 01-Jan-2011           01-Oct-1983 01-Jan-2011   01-Oct-1983 01-Jan-2011   01-Oct-1983 01-Jan-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Art|Education 40077  
Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education (Online)   United States Society for Education Through Art Bloomington United States       01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Art|Education 2031815  
Journal of Curriculum Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0022-0272 1366-5839         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 536295  
Journal of Curriculum Studies   Angle Publishing Co., Ltd. Taipei Taiwan 1816-5338 2410-3322   01-Sep-2005 Current   Y       01-Sep-2005 Current           01-Sep-2005 Current   01-Sep-2005 Current   01-Sep-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Chinese Education--Higher Education 2036188  
Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1550-5170 2156-8154         Y                     01-Apr-2017 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 4451208  
Journal of Curriculum and Supervision   Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Alexandria United States 0882-1232     01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-1999   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-1999   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-1999           01-Apr-1997 01-Jan-2000   01-Apr-1997 01-Jan-2000   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-1999         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 35996  
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Cary United Kingdom 1081-4159 1465-7325         Y                     01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2016   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2016   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 33804  
Journal of Developmental Education   Appalachian State University d/b/a Boone United States 0894-3907     01-Dec-1998 01-Apr-2021   Y 01-Dec-1998 01-Apr-2021   01-Dec-1998 01-Apr-2021           01-Dec-1998 01-Apr-2021   01-Dec-1998 01-Apr-2021   01-Dec-1998 01-Apr-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 47765  
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1056-263X 1573-3580   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y       01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|People With Disabilities 2038057  
Journal of Disability Policy Studies   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1044-2073 1538-4802   01-Jul-2001 01-Mar-2010   Y 01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2008   01-Jul-2001 01-Mar-2010           01-Apr-1990 Current   01-Apr-1990 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|People With Disabilities 26334  
Journal of Distance Education   Canadian Network for Innovation in Education Ottawa Canada 0830-0445     01-Apr-2004 01-Oct-2008   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Oct-2005   01-Apr-2004 01-Oct-2008           01-Apr-1992 01-Oct-2008   01-Apr-1992 01-Oct-2008   01-Apr-2004 01-Oct-2008         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Education 25998  
Journal of Documentation   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 0022-0418 1758-7379   01-Mar-2001 Current   Y 01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         365 01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Library And Information Sciences 33225  
Journal of Drug Education   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0047-2379 1541-4159         Y                     01-Mar-1971 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Mar-1971 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Mar-1971 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Education 105520  
The Journal of Early Adolescence   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0272-4316 1552-5449         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 38160  
Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education   Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad Pakistan 2616-7557 2616-7565   01-Jan-2017 Current   Y       01-Jan-2017 Current           01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4543194  
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Cincinnati United Kingdom 1090-1027 1745-5642         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Higher Education 426759  
Journal of Early Intervention   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1053-8151 2154-3992   01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2017   01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2017           01-Jul-1981 Current   01-Jul-1981 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 32947  
Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education   Indiana University Press Bloomington United States   2642-0600   01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2020   Y       01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2019 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 4661819  
Journal of Economic Education   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0022-0485 2152-4068   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 47601  
Journal of Economic Education (1986-1998)   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0022-0485 2152-4068   01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1996   Y       01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1996           01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1996   01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1996   01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1996         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 47604  
Journal of Economic Education (pre-1986)   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0022-0485 2152-4068   01-Oct-1969 01-Oct-1985   Y       01-Oct-1969 01-Oct-1985           01-Oct-1969 01-Oct-1985   01-Oct-1969 01-Oct-1985   01-Oct-1969 01-Oct-1985         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 47603  
Journal of Education   Sage Publications Ltd. Boston United Kingdom 0022-0574 2515-5741         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 41432  
Journal of Education & Psychology   National Chengchi University, Editorial Board of Journal of Education & Psychology Taipei Taiwan 1024-9885     20-Mar-2015 Current   Y       20-Mar-2015 Current           20-Mar-2015 Current   20-Mar-2015 Current   20-Mar-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Chinese Education 2043106  
Journal of Education & Teaching in Emergency Medicine   University of California Digital Library - eScholarship Orange United States   2474-1949   01-Jan-2019 Current   Y       01-Jan-2019 Current           01-Jan-2019 Current   01-Jan-2019 Current   01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Medical Sciences 4397042  
Journal of Education Research   Angle Publishing Co., Ltd. Taipei Taiwan 1680-6360     01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Chinese Education--Higher Education 2036185  
Journal of Education and Educational Development   Institute of Business Management Karachi Pakistan 2310-0869 2313-3538   01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2020   Y       01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4450591  
Journal of Education and Future   Nesibe Aydin Education Institutio Ankara Turkey 2146-8249     01-Jan-2012 Current   Y       01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2030900  
Journal of Education for Business   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0883-2323 1940-3356   01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2010   01-May-1996 01-Nov-2010           01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education--Higher Education 41304  
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science   University of Toronto Press North York Canada 0748-5786 2328-2967   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current           01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Library And Information Sciences 34491  
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1082-4669 1532-7671         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 46400  
Journal of Education for Teaching   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0260-7476 1360-0540   01-Oct-1996 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Nov-2000   01-Oct-1996 01-Nov-2000           01-Oct-1996 Current   01-Oct-1996 Current   01-Oct-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 37641  
Journal of Education in Muslim Societies   Indiana University Press Bloomington United States 2641-0044 2641-0052   01-Oct-2019 Current   Y 01-Oct-2019 Current   01-Oct-2019 Current           01-Oct-2019 Current   01-Oct-2019 Current   01-Oct-2019 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Education|Religions And Theology--Islamic 4589208  
Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 1047-4412 1532-768X         Y                     01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 46263  
Journal of Educational Administration   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Armidale United Kingdom 0957-8234 1758-7395   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 49119  
Journal of Educational Administration and History   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Leeds United Kingdom 0022-0620 1478-7431         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration|History 426757  
Journal of Educational Change   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1389-2843 1573-1812   01-Jan-2000 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2013 Y 01-Jan-2004 01-May-2017 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2013 01-Jan-2000 Current         365 01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2034535  
The Journal of Educational Foundations   Caddo Gap Press Ann Arbor United States 1047-8248     01-Oct-1999 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 Y 01-Oct-1999 Current   01-Oct-1999 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015         01-Oct-1999 Current   01-Oct-1999 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 31133  
Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society   Berghahn Books, Inc. Oxford United States 2041-6938 2041-6946   01-Apr-2011 Current   Y       01-Apr-2011 Current         365 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 2037561  
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia   Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Norfolk United States 1055-8896 1943-5916   01-Jan-2004 01-Oct-2009   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-2004 01-Oct-2009           01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Computer Assisted Instruction|Education--Computer Applications|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 34242  
Journal of Educational Practice and Research   National Taipei University of Education Taipei Taiwan 1993-5633     01-Jun-2014 Current   Y       01-Jun-2014 Current           01-Jun-2014 Current   01-Jun-2014 Current   01-Jun-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Chinese|English Education 2041167  
Journal of Educational Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0022-0663 1939-2176         Y                     01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 42319  
Journal of Educational Research   AsiaNet Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Bahawalpur Pakistan 1027-9776 2309-8554   01-Jul-2011 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2020 Y 01-Jul-2011 01-Jan-2021   01-Jul-2011 01-Jan-2021 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2020         01-Jul-2011 01-Jan-2021   01-Jul-2011 01-Jan-2021   01-Jul-2011 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 1616349  
The Journal of Educational Research   Taylor & Francis Inc. Bloomington United States 0022-0671 1940-0675   01-May-1996 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-May-1996 01-Nov-2010   01-May-1996 01-Nov-2010           01-May-1996 Current   01-May-1996 Current   01-May-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 40761  
Journal of Educational Research and Practice   Walden University Publishing Minneapolis United States       01-Jan-2012 Current   Y       01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2044062  
Journal of Educational Sciences   Qatar University Press Doha Qatar 2706-6711 2706-672X   01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2018 Y       01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2018         01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals Arabic|English Education 6480294  
Journal of Educational Sciences and Psychology   PG University Ploiesti Publishling House Ploiesti Romania 2247-6377 2247-8558   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   Y       01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019           01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 786381  
Journal of Educational Technology & Society   International Forum of Educational Technology & Society Palmerston North Canada 1176-3647 1436-4522   01-Jan-2004 Current   Y       01-Jan-2004 Current           01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Computer Applications|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 1586335  
Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning   Gürhan Durak Balıkesir Turkey 2618-6586     01-Jan-2018 Current   Y       01-Jan-2018 Current           01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Education 4414562  
The Journal of Educational Thought   University of Calgary, Faculty of Education Calgary Canada 0022-0701 2561-7990   01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2011   Y 01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2011   01-Dec-2004 01-Dec-2011           01-Aug-1992 Current   01-Aug-1992 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 41372  
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics   American Educational Research Association Washington United States 1076-9986 1935-1054   01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009   01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009           01-Mar-1977 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003 01-Mar-1977 Current   01-Mar-1977 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Statistics 6204  
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1063-4266 1538-4799   01-Apr-1998 01-Mar-2010   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Dec-2008   01-Apr-1998 01-Mar-2010           01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Oct-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 31756  
Journal of Employment Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 0022-0787 2161-1920   01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2013           01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Occupations And Careers|Psychology 2350  
Journal of Engineering Education   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 1069-4730     01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2014   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2014   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2014           01-Apr-1998 Current 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current 01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Engineering 42405  
The Journal of Environmental Education   Taylor & Francis Inc. Madison United States 0095-8964 1940-1892   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Environmental Studies 34493  
The Journal of Experiential Education   Association for Experiential Education Boulder United States 1053-8259 2169-009X   01-May-1998 01-Jan-2013   Y 01-May-1998 01-Jan-2013   01-May-1998 01-Jan-2013           01-May-1978 Current   01-May-1978 Current   01-May-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 47692  
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology   Elsevier BV New York Netherlands 0022-0965 1096-0457         Y                     01-Feb-1989 01-Mar-2017 01-Mar-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1989 01-Mar-2017 01-Mar-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1989 01-Mar-2017 01-Mar-2001--30-Jun-2006       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 29837  
The Journal of Experimental Education   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0022-0973 1940-0683   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 40928  
The Journal of Faculty Development   Magna Publications Madison United States 2153-1900 2153-1919   01-May-2008 Current   Y 01-May-2008 Current   01-May-2008 Current           01-May-2008 Current   01-May-2008 Current   01-May-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 39886  
Journal of Family Issues   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0192-513X 1552-5481         Y                     01-Mar-1980 Current   01-Mar-1980 Current   01-Jun-1980 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 37704  
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences   American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Alexandria United States 1082-1651 2331-5369   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Apr-2022   01-Jan-1997 Current           01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Consumer Education And Protection|Home Economics 41036  
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning   Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Columbus United States 1052-3073     01-Jan-1995 Current   Y 01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current           01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Banking And Finance 38873  
Journal of Food Science Education   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Chicago United States   1541-4329         Y                     01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2021   01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2021   01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Food And Food Industries 1006408  
Journal of Formative Design in Learning   Springer Nature B.V. Fort Myers Netherlands   2509-8039   01-Jun-2017 Current   Y 01-Jun-2017 Current   01-Jun-2017 Current         365 01-Jun-2017 Current   01-Jun-2017 Current   01-Jun-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 6587172  
Journal of Further and Higher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0309-877X 1469-9486         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 456310  
The Journal of Genetic Psychology   Taylor & Francis Inc. New York United States 0022-1325 1940-0896   01-Mar-1994 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Mar-1994 01-Oct-2010   01-Sep-1996 01-Oct-2010           01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Genetics|Psychology 34448  
The Journal of Geography   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Indiana United Kingdom 0022-1341 1752-6868   01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2007   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2007   01-Jan-1999 01-Sep-2007           01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Geography 41958  
Journal of Geography in Higher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0309-8265 1466-1845   01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Geography 33232  
Journal of Geoscience Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Bellingham United Kingdom 1089-9995 2158-1428   01-Mar-2003 01-Nov-2020   Y 01-Mar-2003 01-Nov-2020   01-Mar-2003 01-Nov-2020           01-Mar-2003 Current   01-Mar-2003 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Earth Sciences--Geology|Education--Higher Education 34533  
Journal of Global Responsibility   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2041-2568 2041-2576   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         365 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 106027  
The Journal of Health Administration Education   Association of University Programs in Health Administration Arlington United States 0735-6722 2158-8236   01-Jan-2007 Current   Y       01-Jan-2007 Current           01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Health Facilities And Administration 105455  
Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques   Sagamore Publishing LLC Urbana US Minor Outlying Islands 2332-0990 2332-1008   01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2015   Y       01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2015           01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2015   01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2015   01-Jan-2014 01-Jan-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Medical Sciences 2037368  
Journal of Health and Social Behavior   American Sociological Association Washington United States 0022-1465 2150-6000   01-Mar-1992 01-Jun-2013   Y 01-Mar-1994 01-Jun-2013   01-Mar-1992 01-Jun-2013           01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 25061  
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1360-080X 1469-9508   01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2000   01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2000           01-Nov-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2011 01-Nov-1998 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2011 01-Feb-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Education--School Organization And Administration 36007  
The Journal of Higher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Columbus United Kingdom 0022-1546 1538-4640   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2003   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2003   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2003           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 41328  
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice   North American Business Press West Palm Beach United States 2158-3595     01-Apr-2011 Current   Y 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current           01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 766331  
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education   Elsevier Limited Oxford United Kingdom 1473-8376     01-Jun-2016 01-Nov-2021   Y 01-Jun-2016 01-Nov-2021   01-Jun-2016 01-Nov-2021           01-Jun-2016 01-Nov-2021   01-Jun-2016 01-Nov-2021   01-Jun-2016 01-Nov-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2031003  
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (Pre-2012)   Elsevier Limited Oxford United Kingdom 1473-8376     01-Apr-2008 01-Oct-2011   Y 01-Apr-2008 01-Oct-2011   01-Apr-2008 01-Oct-2011           01-Apr-2008 01-Oct-2011   01-Apr-2008 01-Oct-2011   01-Apr-2008 01-Oct-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 40023  
Journal of Human Resources Education   Troy University - Sorrell College of Business; Journal of Human Resources Education Troy United States 1937-5891     01-Jan-2007 Current   Y       01-Jan-2007 Current           01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education 5483412  
The Journal of Human Resources   University of Wisconsin Press Madison United States 0022-166X 1548-8004   01-Oct-1987 01-Oct-1998   Y 01-Jan-1995 01-Oct-1998   01-Oct-1987 01-Oct-1998           01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Sociology 35922  
The Journal of Humanistic Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 2159-0311 2161-1939   01-Mar-1998 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Oct-2013   01-Mar-1998 01-Oct-2013           01-Mar-1998 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003 01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 46224  
Journal of Information Systems Education   EDSIG West Lafayette United States 1055-3096 2574-3872   01-Jan-2002 Current   Y 01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current           01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Electronic Data Processing|Education--Computer Applications 25848  
Journal of Information Technology Education. Innovations in Practice   Informing Science Institute Santa Rosa United States 2165-3151 2165-316X   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y       01-Jan-2008 Current           01-Jan-2008 Current 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current 01-Jan-2023--31-Dec-2023       Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Information Science And Information Theory|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 5324111  
Journal of Information Technology Education. Research   Informing Science Institute Santa Rosa United States 1547-9714 1539-3585   01-Jan-2002 Current   Y       01-Jan-2002 Current           01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Computers--Information Science And Information Theory|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 5324456  
Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom   2043-8869   01-Mar-2011 01-May-2020   Y 01-Mar-2011 01-May-2016   01-Mar-2011 01-May-2020           01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 756339  
Journal of Innovation in Psychology, Education and Didactics   “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Education Bacau Romania 2247-4579 2392-7127   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 2055403  
Journal of Instructional Psychology   Journal of Instructional Psychology Mobile United States 0094-1956     01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013           01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   01-Mar-2012 01-Dec-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 48173  
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1366-8250 1469-9532   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 48383  
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2050-8824 2050-8832   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         365 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 1006505  
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Oxford United States 0964-2633 1365-2788         Y                     01-Dec-1998 Current   01-Dec-1998 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Social Services And Welfare 48635  
Journal of Interactive Learning Research   Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education Charlottesville United States 1093-023X     01-Jul-2004 01-Oct-2009   Y 01-Jul-2004 01-Oct-2009   01-Jul-2004 01-Oct-2009           01-Jul-2004 Current   01-Jul-2004 Current   01-Jul-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Computer Applications 32024  
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education   Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education Jonesboro United States   2166-2681   01-Jan-2012 01-May-2019   Y       01-Jan-2012 01-May-2019           01-Jan-2012 01-May-2019   01-Jan-2012 01-May-2019   01-Jan-2012 01-May-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2029209  
Journal of International Business Education   NeilsonJournals Publishing Edinburgh United Kingdom 1649-4946 2044-4575   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   Y 01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011           01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics 307109  
Journal of International Education Research   The Clute Institute Littleton United States 2158-0979 2158-0987   01-Jan-2011 15-Mar-2018   Y       01-Jan-2011 15-Mar-2018           01-Jan-2011 15-Mar-2018   01-Jan-2011 15-Mar-2018   01-Jan-2011 15-Mar-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 2026732  
Journal of International Education in Business   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Acton United Kingdom 2046-469X 1836-3261   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         365 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Education 1386337  
Journal of International Students   Journal of International Students (JIS) Jonesboro United States 2162-3104 2166-3750   01-Oct-2011 Current   Y 01-Oct-2011 Current   01-Oct-2011 Current           01-Oct-2011 Current   01-Oct-2011 Current   01-Oct-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2028787  
Journal of Interpersonal Violence   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0886-2605 1552-6518         Y                     01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology|Sociology 30963  
Journal of Jewish Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 1524-4113 1554-611X         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Religions And Theology--Judaic 186337  
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 1534-8458 1532-7701         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics 25341  
Journal of Latinos and Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1534-8431 1532-771X         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Ethnic Interests 25476  
Journal of Law and Education   University of South Carolina, School of Law Columbia United States 0275-6072     01-Oct-2000 Current   Y 01-Oct-2000 Current   01-Oct-2000 Current           01-Oct-1981 Current   01-Oct-1981 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education|Law 47861  
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies   Sage Publications Ltd. Flint United Kingdom 1548-0518 1939-7089   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2007   Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Apr-2007   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2007           01-Mar-1994 Current   01-Mar-1994 Current   01-Mar-1994 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 27332  
Journal of Learning Disabilities   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 0022-2194 1538-4780   01-May-1997 01-May-2010   Y 01-May-1997 01-Nov-2008   01-May-1997 01-May-2010           01-Feb-1976 Current   01-Feb-1976 Current   01-May-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences|Psychology 36290  
Journal of Legal Studies Education   Academy of Legal Studies in Business Bloomington United States 0896-5811 1744-1722   01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2007   Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2007   01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2007           01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2007   01-Jan-2002 01-Jul-2007               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Law 44422  
Journal of Leisure Research   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Urbana United Kingdom 0022-2216 2159-6417   01-Jan-1994 20-Oct-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 Y 01-Jan-1994 20-Oct-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-1996 20-Oct-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017         01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Conservation|Leisure And Recreation|Sports And Games--Outdoor Life 34631  
Journal of Life Education   National Taiwan University, Life Education Center Taipei Taiwan 2074-6601     01-Jun-2015 Current   Y       01-Jun-2015 Current           01-Jun-2015 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Chinese Education 2043101  
The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education   Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918" Alba Iulia, Editura Aeternitas Alba Iulia Romania 2065-6599     01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2019   Y 01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2019           01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English|French|German|Italian|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Education|Linguistics 756357  
Journal of Literacy Research   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1086-296X 1554-8430         Y                     01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 6034  
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies   Liverpool University Press Liverpool United Kingdom 1757-6458 1757-6466         Y                     01-May-2007 Current   01-May-2007 Current   01-May-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 76074  
The Journal of Management Development   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 0262-1711 1758-7492   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         365 01-Jan-1983 Current   01-Jan-1983 Current   01-Jan-1983 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 37225  
Journal of Management Education   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1052-5629 1552-6658   01-Feb-1996 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Feb-1996 01-Dec-2007   01-Feb-1996 01-Dec-2007           01-Nov-1981 Current   01-Nov-1981 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 12196  
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Hoboken United Kingdom 0194-472X 1752-0606   01-Jan-1994 Current   Y 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jul-1996 Current           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Matrimony|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare|Sociology 47664  
Journal of Marketing Education   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Boulder United States 0273-4753 1552-6550   01-Dec-1999 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Dec-1999 01-Dec-2007   01-Dec-1999 01-Dec-2007           01-Apr-1979 Current   01-Apr-1979 Current   01-Dec-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 30245  
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0884-1241 1540-7144         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 466394  
Journal of Marriage and Family   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Minneapolis United Kingdom 0022-2445 1741-3737   01-Feb-1988 Current   Y 01-Feb-1994 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current         365 01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Matrimony|Public Health And Safety|Sociology 25922  
Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development   Sage Publications Ltd. Thousand Oaks United Kingdom   2382-1205   01-Jan-2016 Current   Y             01-Jan-2016 Current     01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Medical Sciences 4451105  
Journal of Memory and Language   Elsevier BV New York Netherlands 0749-596X 1096-0821         Y                     01-Feb-1992 01-Apr-2017 01-Feb-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1992 01-Apr-2017 01-Feb-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1992 01-Feb-2017 01-Feb-2001--30-Jun-2006       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics|Psychology 29955  
Journal of Mental Health Counseling   American Mental Health Counselors Association Alexandria United States 1040-2861 2163-5749   01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 Y 01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 01-Oct-1997 Current           01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 47399  
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1931-5864 1931-5872         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 196165  
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education, and Practice   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Brighton United Kingdom 1755-6228 2042-8707   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Occupational Health And Safety 1006506  
Journal of Moral Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0305-7240 1465-3877   01-Mar-1997 01-Sep-2000   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Sep-2000   01-Mar-1997 01-Sep-2000           01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics 47401  
Journal of Motor Behavior   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0022-2895 1940-1027   01-Mar-1998 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Nov-2010   01-Mar-1998 01-Nov-2010           01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 35941  
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0883-8534 2161-1912   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2013           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Multi-Ethnic|Sociology 35948  
Journal of Music Teacher Education   National Association for Music Education Reston United States 1057-0837     01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002   Y 01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002   01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002           01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002   01-Apr-1999 01-Apr-2002   01-Oct-1999 01-Apr-2002         N Scholarly Journals English Education|Music 45376  
Journal of Music Therapy   Oxford University Press Silver Spring United Kingdom 0022-2917 2053-7395   01-Dec-2002 01-Dec-2016   Y 01-Dec-2002 01-Dec-2016   01-Dec-2002 01-Dec-2016           01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1996 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Music 47718  
Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education   American Society of Agronomy Madison United States 1059-9053 1539-1582   01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2012   Y 01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2012   01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2012           01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2012   01-Jan-2001 01-Jan-2012   01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Agriculture--Crop Production And Soil|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 33242  
The Journal of Negro Education   Howard University, School of Divinity Washington United States 0022-2984 2167-6437   01-Jan-1994 01-Apr-2021   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Apr-2021   01-Jul-1995 01-Apr-2021           01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2021   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2021   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Ethnic Interests 47655  
Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research   NAER - Journal of New Approaches in Education Research Alicante Spain   2254-7339   01-Jul-2012 Current   Y 01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2012 Current           01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Education 2031847  
Journal of Nursing Education   SLACK INCORPORATED Thorofare United States 0148-4834 1938-2421   01-Dec-1962 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1980 Y 01-Dec-1962 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1980 01-Dec-1962 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1980         01-Dec-1962 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1980 01-Dec-1962 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1980 01-Mar-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 47628  
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior   Elsevier Limited Philadelphia United Kingdom 1499-4046 1708-8259   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2001   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2001   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2001           01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Nutrition And Dietetics 8794  
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation   Taylor & Francis LLC London United Kingdom 1050-9674 1540-8558         Y                     01-Jan-1980 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1980 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 47163  
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching   Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) Long Beach United States   1558-9528   01-Mar-2009 01-Mar-2015   Y 01-Mar-2009 01-Sep-2013   01-Mar-2012 01-Mar-2015           01-Mar-2009 01-Mar-2015   01-Mar-2009 01-Mar-2015   01-Mar-2009 01-Mar-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 2030650  
Journal of Organizational Behavior Education : JOBE   NeilsonJournals Publishing Edinburgh United Kingdom 1649-7627 2047-9999   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   Y 01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011           01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011   01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 307107  
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0160-8061 1540-8604   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1997   Y 01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1997   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1997           01-Jan-1981 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1981 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1981 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47142  
Journal of Organizational and Educational Leadership   Gardner-Webb University Boiling Springs United States   2380-0860   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y       01-Jan-2015 Current           01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--School Organization And Administration 2043068  
Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education   Springer Nature B.V. Milton Netherlands 2206-3110 2522-879X   01-Jul-1999 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Jul-1999 01-Jan-2017   01-Jul-1999 01-Jan-2017           01-Jul-1999 Current   01-Jul-1999 Current   01-Jul-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sports And Games--Outdoor Life 29628  
Journal of Peace Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1740-0201 1740-021X         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science--International Relations 466395  
Journal of Pedagogical Research   Journal of Pedagogical Research Duzce Turkey   2602-3717   01-Jan-2017 Current   Y       01-Jan-2017 Current           01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 4421849  
Journal of Pedagogy   De Gruyter Poland Warsaw Poland 1338-1563 1338-2144   01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 Y       01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015         01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015       Y Scholarly Journals Czech|English Education 2026547  
The Journal of Pediatrics   Mosby-Year Book, Inc. St. Louis United States 0022-3476           Y                     01-Mar-1998 01-May-1999   01-Mar-1998 01-May-1999               Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Genetics|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 41348  
Journal of Personality Disorders   Guilford Press New York United States 0885-579X 1943-2763   01-Mar-1987 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Mar-1987 01-Apr-2010   01-Mar-1987 01-Dec-2017           01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Mar-1987 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 32723  
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research   PCTE Group of Institutes Ludhiana India 0976-8173 0976-8238   01-Jun-2010 01-Jun-2013   Y 01-Jun-2010 01-Jun-2013   01-Jun-2010 01-Jun-2013           01-Jun-2010 01-Jun-2013   01-Jun-2010 01-Jun-2013   01-Jun-2010 01-Jun-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 276246  
Journal of Philosophy of Education   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0309-8249 1467-9752         Y                     01-May-2007 Current   01-May-2007 Current   01-May-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Philosophy 31212  
Journal of Physical Education and Sport   Universitatea din Pitesti Pitesti Romania 2247-8051 2247-806X   01-Mar-2011 Current   Y 01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current           01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Sports And Games 1006394  
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Reston United Kingdom 0730-3084 2168-3816   01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-2016   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-2016           01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety|Sports And Games 40789  
Journal of Physical Therapy Education   Journal of Physical Therapy Education St. Louis United States 0899-1855 1938-3533   01-Jan-1999 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-1999 01-Jan-2017           01-Jan-1999 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-1999 01-Jan-2017   01-Apr-2006 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Orthopedics And Traumatology 26719  
Journal of Planning Education and Research   Sage Publications Ltd. Thousand Oaks United Kingdom 0739-456X 1552-6577         Y                     01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Housing And Urban Planning 43228  
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management   Wiley Periodicals Inc. Hoboken United States 0276-8739 1520-6688   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2005   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2004   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2005           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science|Public Administration 48213  
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