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The ADHD Report   Guilford Press New York United States 1065-8025 1943-2747   01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Feb-2001 01-Apr-2010   01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017           01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017   01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 44810  
AIDS Care   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0954-0121 1360-0451   01-Oct-1996 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Feb-1997 01-Oct-2000   01-Oct-1996 01-Oct-2000           01-Oct-1996 Current   01-Oct-1996 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Communicable Diseases|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 32745  
AIDS Education and Prevention   Guilford Press New York United States 0899-9546 1943-2755   01-Aug-1998 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Aug-1998 01-Apr-2010   01-Aug-1998 01-Dec-2017           01-Aug-1998 Current   01-Aug-1998 Current   01-Aug-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Communicable Diseases|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 32604  
AIDS and Behavior   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1090-7165 1573-3254   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 Y 01-Mar-2004 01-May-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998       365 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Allergology And Immunology|Psychology 33605  
AJOB Neuroscience   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 2150-7740 2150-7759         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Philosophy 436440  
ANS   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Baltimore United States 0161-9268 1550-5014         Y                     01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 48107  
Academic Psychiatry   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1042-9670 1545-7230   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Jun-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 48683  
Academy of Management Journal   Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor United States 0001-4273 1948-0989   01-Mar-1987 01-Dec-2001   Y 01-Mar-1992 01-Dec-2001   01-Mar-1987 01-Dec-2001           01-Sep-1971 Current   01-Sep-1971 Current   01-Sep-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 35200  
Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review   Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor United States 0363-7425 1930-3807   01-Jan-1987 01-Oct-2001   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2001   01-Jan-1987 01-Oct-2001           01-Jan-1976 Current   01-Jan-1976 Current   01-Jan-1976 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 37198  
Acción Psicológica   Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) Madrid Spain 1578-908X 2255-1271   01-Jan-2002 Current   Y 01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current           01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Psychology 1576339  
Acta Analytica   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0353-5150 1874-6349   01-Mar-2009 01-Dec-2018   Y       01-Mar-2009 01-Dec-2018           01-Mar-2009 Current   01-Mar-2009 Current   01-Mar-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|German Philosophy 2034507  
Acta Colombiana de Psicología   Universidad Católica de Colombia, Facultad de Psicología Bogotá Colombia 0123-9155 1909-9711   01-Jan-2002 Current   Y       01-Jan-2002 Current           01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Portuguese|Spanish; Castilian Psychology 5517080  
Acta Ethologica   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 0873-9749 1437-9546   01-Aug-2001 01-Oct-2018   Y       01-Aug-2001 01-Oct-2018           01-Aug-2001 Current   01-Aug-2001 Current   01-Aug-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Zoology|Psychology 43992  
Acta Neuropathologica   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 0001-6322 1432-0533   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-May-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 49178  
Acta Neuropsychiatrica   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0924-2708 1601-5215   01-Feb-2013 Current   Y 01-Feb-2013 Current   01-Feb-2013 Current         365 01-Feb-2013 Current   01-Feb-2013 Current   01-Feb-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Dutch; Flemish|English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 5514149  
Acta Psychologica   Elsevier Science Ltd. Amsterdam United Kingdom 0001-6918 1873-6297         Y                     01-Nov-2016 01-Nov-2020   01-Nov-2016 01-Nov-2020   01-Nov-2016 01-Nov-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English|French|German Psychology 2038283  
Acta Sociologica   Sage Publications Ltd. Oslo United Kingdom 0001-6993 2067-3809         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 47835  
Activitas Nervosa Superior   Springer Nature B.V. Prague Netherlands 1802-9698     01-Jul-2007 01-Sep-2016 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 Y 01-Jul-2007 01-Sep-2016 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 01-Jul-2007 01-Sep-2016 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008         01-Jul-2007 01-Sep-2016 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 01-Jul-2007 01-Sep-2016 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 01-Dec-2012 01-Sep-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 28235  
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands   2198-7335   01-Mar-2015 Current   Y 01-Mar-2015 Current   01-Mar-2015 Current         365 01-Mar-2015 Current   01-Mar-2015 Current   01-Mar-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Physiology 2044271  
Addiction   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0965-2140 1360-0443   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jan-1996 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Jan-1996 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 37458  
Addiction Biology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1355-6215 1369-1600   01-Oct-1998 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Oct-1998 01-Oct-2000   01-Oct-1998 01-Oct-2000           01-Oct-1998 01-Oct-2000   01-Oct-1998 01-Oct-2000               Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 33521  
Addiction Science & Clinical Practice   BioMed Central London United Kingdom 1940-0632 1940-0640   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y       01-Jan-2015 Current           01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 2040177  
Addictive Behaviors   Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0306-4603 1873-6327         Y                     01-Jan-1995 01-Oct-2019   01-Jan-1995 01-Oct-2019   01-Jan-1995 01-Oct-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 45705  
Administration and Policy in Mental Health   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0894-587X 1573-3289   01-Nov-1999 01-May-2005   Y       01-Nov-1999 01-May-2005           01-Nov-1999 01-May-2005   01-Nov-1999 01-May-2005   01-Jan-2000 01-May-2005         Y Scholarly Journals English Public Health And Safety 47289  
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0894-587X 1573-3289   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2006 01-May-2017   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Public Health And Safety 38575  
Administrative Science Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0001-8392 1930-3815   01-Mar-1987 01-Sep-2001   Y 01-Mar-1992 01-Sep-2001   01-Mar-1987 01-Sep-2001           01-Jun-1971 Current   01-Jun-1971 Current   01-Jun-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Public Administration|Sociology 24293  
Adolescence   Libra Publishers Incorporated Roslyn Heights United States 0001-8449     01-Apr-1988 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Apr-1994 01-Dec-2009   01-Apr-1988 01-Dec-2009           01-Apr-1986 01-Dec-2009   01-Apr-1986 01-Dec-2009   01-Apr-1986 01-Dec-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 41539  
Adult Education Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Washington United States 0741-7136 1552-3047         Y                     01-Jan-1997 01-Feb-2006   01-Jan-1997 01-Feb-2006   01-Aug-2001 01-Feb-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education 277  
Adultspan Journal   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 1524-6817 2161-0029   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013           01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2013               N Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Psychology 45903  
Advanced Development   Institute for the Study of Advanced Development Denver United States 1042-2021     01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2016   Y 01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2016           01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 28640  
Advances in Cognitive Psychology   Vizja Press & IT Warsaw United States   1895-1171   01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2021   Y       01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2021           01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 4661186  
Advances in Dual Diagnosis   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Hove United Kingdom 1757-0972 2042-8324   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         365 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 1046394  
Advances in Mental Health   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Maleny United Kingdom 1838-7357 1837-4905   01-Oct-2010 01-Sep-2017   Y 01-Oct-2010 01-Sep-2017   01-Oct-2010 01-Sep-2017           01-Oct-2010 01-Jul-2024   01-Oct-2010 01-Jul-2024   01-Oct-2010 01-Sep-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 826331  
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Hove United Kingdom 2044-1282 2044-1290   01-Jan-2007 Current   Y 01-May-2011 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         365 01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 1046392  
African Journal of Sociological and Psychological Studies   Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd London United Kingdom 2752-6577 2752-6585   01-Jun-2021 Current   Y 01-Dec-2021 Current   01-Jun-2021 Current           01-Jun-2021 Current   01-Jun-2021 Current   01-Jun-2021 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 5455931  
Ageing and Society   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0144-686X 1469-1779   01-Dec-1995 Current   Y 01-Jul-2007 Current   01-Dec-1995 Current         365 01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 37022  
Aggression and Violent Behavior   Elsevier Science Ltd. Tarrytown United Kingdom 1359-1789 1873-6335         Y                     01-Jan-2010 01-May-2022   01-Jan-2010 01-May-2022   01-Jan-2010 01-May-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 186261  
Aggressive Behavior   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Hoboken United States 0096-140X 1098-2337         Y                     01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 1936366  
Aging & Mental Health   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1360-7863           Y                     01-Jul-2018 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 01-Jul-2018 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 01-Jul-2018 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 53150  
Agora - estudos em teoria psicanalítica   Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica Rio de Janeiro Brazil 1516-1498 1809-4414   01-Jul-2000 Current   Y 01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current           01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Portuguese Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 2040943  
Alcohol   Elsevier Limited Philadelphia United Kingdom 0741-8329 1873-6823   01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 Y 01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002       60 01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 01-Jan-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002       Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 1216346  
Alcohol Research   Superintendent of Documents Bethesda United States 2168-3492 2169-4796   01-Jan-1990 Current   Y 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jan-1990 Current           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 48866  
Alcohol and Alcoholism : International Journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0735-0414 1464-3502         Y                     01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2009   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2009   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 46106  
Aliventures [BLOG]   Newstex Leeds United States       23-Jul-2018 Current   N 23-Jul-2018 Current                 23-Jul-2018 Current   23-Jul-2018 Current               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Literature 4396020  
American Annals of the Deaf   Gallaudet University Press Washington United Kingdom 0002-726X 1543-0375   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Apr-2012--31-Mar-2017 Y 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Apr-2012--31-Mar-2017         01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 25220  
American Anthropologist   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0002-7294 1548-1433   01-Mar-1988 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Mar-1999 01-Dec-2009   01-Mar-1988 01-Dec-2009           01-Mar-1988 Current   01-Mar-1988 Current   01-Mar-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology 40961  
American Educational Research Journal   American Educational Research Association Washington United States 0002-8312 1935-1011   01-Apr-2001 01-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1996 Y 01-Apr-2001 01-Dec-2009 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1996 01-Apr-2001 01-Dec-2009           01-Apr-2001 Current 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1994; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003 01-Apr-2001 Current 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1994 01-Apr-2004 Current 01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1994; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 40697  
American Ethnologist   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Arlington United States 0094-0496 1548-1425         Y                     01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology 47675  
American Imago   Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore United States 0065-860X 1085-7931   01-Apr-1996 Current   Y 01-Apr-1996 Current   01-Apr-2000 Current         365 01-Apr-1988 Current   01-Apr-1988 Current   01-Apr-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Literary And Political Reviews|Psychology 40970  
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (Online)   UCHSC Aurora United States   1533-7731   01-Jan-2000 Current   Y 01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current           01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Native People|Psychology 28776  
American Journal of Business   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 1935-519X 1935-5181   01-Apr-1986 Current   Y 01-Oct-2001 Current   01-Apr-1986 Current         365 01-Apr-1986 Current   01-Apr-1986 Current   01-Apr-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics 38574  
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Bloomingdale United Kingdom 0002-9157 2160-0562   01-Jan-2003 01-Apr-2015   Y 01-Jan-2003 01-Apr-2015   01-Jan-2003 01-Apr-2015           01-Jan-2003 01-Apr-2015 01-Apr-2010--30-Jun-2011 01-Jan-2003 01-Apr-2015 01-Apr-2010--30-Jun-2011 01-Jan-2003 01-Apr-2014 01-Apr-2010--30-Jun-2011       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Hypnosis|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 41536  
American Journal of Community Psychology   Blackwell Science Ltd. Macon United Kingdom 0091-0562 1573-2770   01-Dec-1994 01-Jun-2018 01-Sep-2004--31-Dec-2015 Y 01-Feb-1995 01-Jun-2018 01-Sep-2004--31-Dec-2015 01-Dec-1994 01-Dec-2015           01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 47760  
American Journal of Criminal Justice : AJCJ   Springer Nature B.V. Louisville Netherlands 1066-2316 1936-1351   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Apr-1999 01-Jun-2017 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Mar-1997 Current           01-Apr-1981 Current 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1992 01-Apr-1981 Current 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1992 01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 49167  
American Journal of Critical Care   American Association of Critical - Care Nurses Aliso Viejo United States 1062-3264 1937-710X   01-Jan-1998 01-May-2007   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-May-2007   01-Jan-1998 01-May-2007           01-Jan-1998 01-May-2007   01-Jan-1998 01-May-2007   01-Jan-1998 01-Mar-2007         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing|Medical Sciences--Orthopedics And Traumatology 33078  
American Journal of Dance Therapy   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0146-3721 1573-3262   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Oct-2004 01-Dec-2016   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Dance|Psychology 54104  
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0095-2990 1097-9891         Y                     01-Feb-1994 Current   01-Feb-1994 Current   01-Feb-1994 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 48364  
American Journal of Education   University of Chicago, acting through its Press Chicago United States 0195-6744 1549-6511         Y                     01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education 41725  
The American Journal of Family Therapy   Brunner-Mazel Publishing Company Abingdon United States 0192-6187 1521-0383   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 23101  
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry   Elsevier Limited Washington United Kingdom 1064-7481 1545-7214   01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2013   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2013   01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2013           01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2022 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2022 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2022 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015       Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 30840  
American Journal of Health Behavior   PNG Publications Star City United States 1087-3244 1945-7359   01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   Y 01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009           01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2009   01-Sep-2004 01-Nov-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Physical Fitness And Hygiene 48054  
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0002-9432 1939-0025         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 35372  
American Journal of Play   The Strong Rochester United States 1938-0399 1938-0402   01-Jan-2012 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current           01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Leisure And Recreation|Psychology 1946343  
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Evanston United Kingdom 1548-7768 1548-7776         Y                     01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 186265  
The American Journal of Psychiatry   American Psychiatric Association Washington US Minor Outlying Islands 0002-953X 1535-7228         Y                     01-Jan-1986 01-Jun-2024   01-Jan-1986 01-Jun-2024   01-Jan-1986 01-Dec-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 40661  
American Journal of Psychoanalysis   Palgrave Macmillan Basingstoke United Kingdom 0002-9548 1573-6741   01-Dec-1995 Current 01-Jul-2004--31-Dec-2006 Y 01-Jun-1996 01-Apr-2017 01-Jul-2004--31-Dec-2006 01-Dec-1995 Current         365 01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 24122  
The American Journal of Psychology   University of Illinois Press Urbana United States 0002-9556 1939-8298   01-Jul-1995 01-Dec-2001   Y 01-Jul-1995 01-Dec-2001   01-Dec-1995 01-Dec-2001           01-Apr-1986 Current   01-Apr-1986 Current   01-Apr-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41758  
American Journal of Psychotherapy   American Psychiatric Association Washington US Minor Outlying Islands 0002-9564 2575-6559   01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2016   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2016   01-Apr-1995 01-Apr-2013           01-Jan-1989 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-1990 01-Oct-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 32010  
American Journal of Public Health   American Public Health Association Washington United States 0090-0036     01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Public Health And Safety 41804  
The American Journal of Sociology   University of Chicago, acting through its Press Chicago United States 0002-9602 1537-5390         Y                     01-Nov-1949 Current   01-Nov-1949 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 42155  
American Journal of Speech - Language Pathology   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States 1058-0360 1558-9110   01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   Y 01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009           01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   01-Feb-1998 01-Nov-2009   01-Feb-2003 01-Nov-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Medical Sciences|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 33337  
American Journal of Speech - Language Pathology (Online)   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States   1558-9110   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   Y 01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022           01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 135353  
The American Journal on Addictions   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Hoboken United States 1055-0496 1521-0391         Y                     01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-1999   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-1999   01-Oct-1999 01-Oct-1999         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 30841  
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities   American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Washington United States 1944-7515 1944-7558   01-Sep-2011 Current   Y 01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current           01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 806346  
The American Psychologist   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0003-066X 1935-990X         Y                     01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 42223  
American Sociological Review   American Sociological Association Washington United States 0003-1224 1939-8271   01-Feb-1988 01-Jun-2013   Y 01-Feb-1994 01-Jun-2013   01-Feb-1988 01-Jun-2013           01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Population Studies|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 41945  
Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi   Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry Sivas Turkey 1302-6631     01-Mar-2000 01-Dec-2020   Y 01-Mar-2000 01-Dec-2020   01-Mar-2000 01-Dec-2020           01-Mar-2000 01-Dec-2020   01-Mar-2000 01-Dec-2020   01-Apr-2017 01-Dec-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 136214  
Anales de Psicología   Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia Murcia Spain 0212-9728 1695-2294   01-Jan-1984 Current   Y       01-Jan-1984 Current           01-Jan-1984 Current   01-Jan-1984 Current   01-Jan-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Psychology 1606360  
Animal Behaviour   Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Ltd. London United Kingdom 0003-3472 1095-8282         Y                     01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993 01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993 01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993       Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Zoology|Psychology|Veterinary Science 47204  
Animal Cognition   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 1435-9448 1435-9456   01-Jul-1998 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-May-2017   01-Jul-1998 Current         365 01-Jul-1998 Current   01-Jul-1998 Current   01-Jul-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 55406  
Annals of A.I. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series   Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Psychology Department Iasi Romania 2069-1386     01-Jan-2013 Current   Y 01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2032490  
Annals of Behavioral Medicine   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0883-6612 1532-4796   01-Mar-1997 01-Dec-2017   Y       01-Mar-1997 01-Dec-2017           01-Mar-1997 01-Mar-2021   01-Mar-1997 01-Mar-2021   01-Mar-1997 01-Mar-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Abstracting And Indexing Services|Medical Sciences--Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics 30054  
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1040-1237 1573-3238   01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2003 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 Y       01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2003 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001         01-Mar-1999 01-Jan-2004   01-Mar-1999 01-Jan-2004   01-Mar-1999 01-Jan-2004         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 44867  
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology   John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Bognor Regis United States   2328-9503   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2034580  
Annals of Dyslexia   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0736-9387 1934-7243   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2017 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-1998 Current         365 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 38024  
Annals of General Psychiatry   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   1744-859X   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Health Facilities And Administration|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 28123  
Annals of Neurosciences   Annals of Neurosciences Chandigarh India 0972-7531 0976-3260   01-Jan-2006 01-Oct-2015   Y       01-Jan-2006 01-Oct-2015           01-Jan-2006 01-Oct-2015   01-Jan-2006 01-Oct-2015   01-Jan-2006 01-Oct-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 686313  
Annual Review of Anthropology   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 0084-6570 1545-4290   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2005   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2005   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2005           01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology 47370  
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 1548-5943 1548-5951   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2005   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2005   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2005           01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2006               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 29191  
Annual Review of Medicine   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 0066-4219 1545-326X   01-Jan-1998 01-Feb-2005 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Feb-2005 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 01-Jan-1998 01-Feb-2005           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Health Facilities And Administration|Medical Sciences 24900  
Annual Review of Neuroscience   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 0147-006X 1545-4126   01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2005 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2005 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000 01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2005           01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Physiology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 48084  
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 0362-1642 1545-4304   01-Jan-1997 01-Feb-2005 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Feb-2005 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 01-Jan-1997 01-Feb-2005           01-Jan-1996 01-Feb-2006   01-Jan-1996 01-Feb-2006   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Chemistry|Environmental Studies--Toxicology And Environmental Safety|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 24895  
Annual Review of Physiology   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 0066-4278 1545-1585   01-Jan-1998 01-Mar-2005   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Mar-2005   01-Jan-1998 01-Mar-2005           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Physiology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 24890  
Annual Review of Psychology   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 0066-4308 1545-2085   01-Jan-1993 01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Jan-2005 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 01-Jan-1993 01-Jan-2005           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 24892  
Annual Review of Sex Research   Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Mount Vernon United States 1053-2528 2168-3654   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2007   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2007   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2007           01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2007   01-Jan-1997 01-Jan-2007   01-Jan-2000 01-Jan-2007         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 33860  
Annual Review of Sociology   Annual Reviews, Inc. Palo Alto United States 0360-0572 1545-2115   01-Jan-1995 01-Aug-2005 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Jan-1995 01-Aug-2005 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 01-Jan-1995 01-Aug-2005           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 48086  
The Annual of Psychoanalysis   Analytic Press New York United States 0092-5055     01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2004   Y 01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2004   01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2004           01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2004   01-Jan-2003 01-Jan-2004               N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 46523  
Anthropologica   Canadian Anthropology Society Waterloo Canada 0003-5459 2292-3586   01-Jan-1993 01-Jul-2016   Y 01-Jan-1993 01-Jul-2016   01-Jul-2004 01-Jul-2016           01-Jan-1984 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-1984 01-Jan-2019   01-Jan-1993 01-Jan-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Anthropology|Archaeology|Multi-Ethnic 46875  
Anthropological Review   University of Łódź Poznan Poland 1898-6773 2083-4594   01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2021   Y       01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2021           01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2021   01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology 1976405  
Anthropology and Education Quarterly   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0161-7761 1548-1492   01-Jun-1999 01-Dec-2010   Y 01-Jun-1999 01-Dec-2010   01-Jun-1999 01-Mar-2008           01-Jun-1999 Current   01-Jun-1999 Current   01-Jun-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Education 48441  
Anuario de Psicología   Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Psicología Barcelona Spain 0066-5126 1988-5253   01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 Y       01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010         01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010       Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Psychology 5500197  
Anuario de Psicología Juridica     Madrid   1133-0740 2174-0542   01-Jan-1991 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1996; 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2013 Y 01-Jan-1991 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1996; 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2013 01-Jan-1998 Current           01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current   01-Jan-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Law|Psychology 4852146  
Applied Cognitive Psychology   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Bognor Regis United States 0888-4080 1099-0720         Y                     01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37238  
Applied Developmental Science   Psychology Press Mahwah United Kingdom 1088-8691 1532-480X         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 32555  
Applied H.R.M. Research   Society of I-O Graduates Radford United States 1055-9094     01-Jul-2006 01-Jan-2013   Y 01-Jul-2006 01-Jan-2013   01-Jul-2006 01-Jan-2013           01-Jul-2006 01-Jan-2013   01-Jul-2006 01-Jan-2013               Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Psychology 29081  
Applied Linguistics   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) London United Kingdom 0142-6001 1477-450X         Y                     01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 36686  
Applied Psycholinguistics   Cambridge University Press New York United Kingdom 0142-7164 1469-1817   01-Mar-2001 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         365 01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 47826  
Applied Psychological Measurement   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0146-6216 1552-3497         Y                     01-Sep-1998 01-May-2003   01-Sep-1998 01-May-2003               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 48091  
Applied Psychology   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0269-994X 1464-0597         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Psychology 46971  
Applied Psychology. Health and Well - Being   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Oxford United States 1758-0846 1758-0854         Y                     01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2012 Current   01-Jul-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2026874  
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1090-0586 1573-3270   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 37406  
Archives de Psychologie   Éditions Médecine et Hygiène Geneva Switzerland 0003-9640     01-Mar-2006 01-Sep-2009   Y 01-Mar-2006 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-2006 01-Sep-2009           01-Mar-2006 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-2006 01-Sep-2009               N Scholarly Journals English|French Psychology 37974  
Archives of Psychiatry Research   Centre for Study and Control of Alcoholism and Addictions, Zagreb Zagreb Croatia 2671-1079 2671-2008   01-Jul-2005 01-May-2018   Y 01-Jul-2005 01-May-2018   01-Jul-2005 01-May-2018           01-Jul-2005 01-May-2018   01-Jul-2005 01-May-2018   01-Jan-2009 01-May-2018         Y Scholarly Journals   Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Medical Sciences 34821  
Archives of Sexual Behavior   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0004-0002 1573-2800   01-Feb-1992 Current   Y 01-Apr-1995 01-Apr-2017   01-Feb-1992 Current         365 01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 48144  
Archives of Suicide Research   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1381-1118 1543-6136         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 186242  
Archives of Women's Mental Health   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1434-1816 1435-1102   01-Mar-2001 Current   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Mar-2001 Current         365 01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current   01-Nov-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Women's Health 32254  
Arteterapia   Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid Spain 1886-6190 1988-8309   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2015   01-Jan-2006 Current           01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Art 54821  
Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 2218-7138 2195-3007   01-Feb-2013 01-Dec-2017   Y       01-Feb-2013 01-Dec-2017           01-Feb-2013 01-Dec-2017   01-Feb-2013 01-Dec-2017   01-Feb-2013 01-Dec-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Public Health And Safety|Sociology|Sports And Games 2034797  
Asian Journal of Social Psychology   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1367-2223 1467-839X         Y                     01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English History--History of Asia|Psychology 26998  
Assessment   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Odessa United States 1073-1911 1552-3489         Y                     01-Dec-1998 01-Dec-2001   01-Dec-1998 01-Dec-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 12799  
Athletic Insight   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 2374-0531 1947-6299   01-Jan-2012 01-Sep-2015   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Sep-2015   01-Jan-2012 01-Sep-2015           01-Jan-2012 01-Sep-2015   01-Jan-2012 01-Sep-2015   01-Jan-2012 01-Sep-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2034813  
Attachment & Human Development   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1461-6734 1469-2988         Y                     01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current   01-Jul-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 186232  
Attention, Perception and Psychophysics   Springer Nature B.V. Austin Netherlands 1943-3921 1943-393X   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         365 01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 976350  
Audiology   Decker Periodicals, Inc. Hamilton Canada 0020-6091     01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2001   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Nov-2001   01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2001           01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2001   01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2001   01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 34796  
Audiology & Neurotology   S. Karger AG Basel Switzerland 1420-3030 1421-9700   01-Jan-1998 01-Nov-2015   Y       01-Jan-1998 01-Nov-2015           01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2016   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2016   01-Jan-1998 01-Nov-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Otorhinolaryngology 33658  
Augmentative and Alternative Communication   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Hamilton United Kingdom 0743-4618 1477-3848   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2001   Y 01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2001   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2001           01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2001   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 32867  
Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies   MASSEY UNIVERSITY Palmerston North New Zealand   1174-4707   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Orthopedics And Traumatology 2036038  
The Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom   2054-2232   01-Apr-2011 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Dec-2012 01-Jan-2017   01-Apr-2011 01-Jan-2017           01-Apr-2011 01-Jan-2017   01-Apr-2011 01-Jan-2017   01-Apr-2011 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 1586362  
Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis   Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists Brisbane Australia 0810-0713     01-Mar-1999 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 Y 01-Mar-1999 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Mar-1999 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019         01-Mar-1999 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Mar-1999 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Apr-2016 01-Apr-2020 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Hypnosis 30864  
Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Heidelberg Australia 0156-0417     01-May-2005 01-Nov-2009   Y 01-Nov-2007 01-Nov-2009   01-May-2005 01-Nov-2009           01-May-2005 01-Nov-2009   01-May-2005 01-Nov-2009               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Hypnosis 27665  
Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Online)   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Heidelberg Australia   1839-2563   01-May-2010 01-Nov-2017   Y 01-May-2010 01-Nov-2017   01-May-2010 01-Nov-2017           01-May-2010 01-Nov-2017   01-May-2010 01-Nov-2017   01-Nov-2017 01-Nov-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Hypnosis 446302  
The Australian Journal of Music Therapy   Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) Turramurra Australia 1036-9457     01-Jan-2005 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current           01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Music 28265  
Australian Journal of Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Melbourne United Kingdom 0004-9530 1742-9536         Y                     01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Dec-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 33721  
Australian Psychologist   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Melbourne United Kingdom 0005-0067 1742-9544         Y                     01-Mar-2005 Current   01-Mar-2005 Current   01-Sep-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 30051  
Autism   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. London United States 1362-3613           Y                     01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 2033404  
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments   Sage Publications Ltd. Thousand Oaks United Kingdom   2396-9415   01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 Y             01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017   01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2016 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 4450821  
Autism Research and Treatment   Hindawi Limited New York United Kingdom 2090-1925 2090-1933   01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 Y 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011         01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Jan-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2037470  
Avaliação Psicológica   Universidade São Francisco, Revista Avaliação Psicológica Itatiba Brazil 1677-0471 2175-3431   01-Jun-2002 Current   Y 01-Jun-2002 Current   01-Jun-2002 Current           01-Jun-2002 Current   01-Jun-2002 Current   01-Jun-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Portuguese Psychology 5599823  
BJPsych Advances   Cambridge University Press London United Kingdom 2056-4678 2056-4686   01-Jan-2018 Current   Y 01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         365 01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jan-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 3962592  
BJPsych Bulletin   Cambridge University Press London United Kingdom 2056-4694 2053-4868   01-Feb-2018 Current   Y 01-Feb-2018 Current   01-Feb-2018 Current         365 01-Dec-2015 Current   01-Dec-2015 Current   01-Feb-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2040981  
BJPsych International   Cambridge University Press London United Kingdom 2056-4740 2058-6264   01-Feb-2018 Current   Y 01-Feb-2018 Current   01-Feb-2018 Current           01-Feb-2018 Current   01-Feb-2018 Current   01-Feb-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2040207  
BJPsych Open   Cambridge University Press London United Kingdom   2056-4724   01-Jun-2015 Current   Y 01-Jan-2018 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current           01-Jun-2015 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 3962591  
BMC Neuroscience   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   1471-2202   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Physiology|Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 44779  
BMC Psychiatry   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   1471-244X   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 44775  
BMC Psychology   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   2050-7283   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y       01-Jan-2015 Current           01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2040159  
BMJ Mental Health   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom   2755-9734   01-Feb-1998 Current   Y 01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-1998 Current         360 01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 2041886  
BMJ Open   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom   2044-6055   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2040975  
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom 2045-435X 2045-4368   01-Apr-2011 Current   Y 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current         360 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2040968  
Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology   Bahria University - Karachi Campus Karachi Pakistan 1816-0840     30-Jun-2018 Current   Y 30-Jun-2018 Current   30-Jun-2018 Current           30-Jun-2018 Current   30-Jun-2018 Current   30-Jun-2018 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 3950100  
Basic and Applied Social Psychology   Psychology Press Mahwah United Kingdom 0197-3533 1532-4834         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 36966  
Behavior Genetics   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0001-8244 1573-3297   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-May-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Biology--Genetics|Medical Sciences|Psychology 48147  
Behavior Modification   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0145-4455 1552-4167         Y                     01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37698  
Behavior Research Methods   Psychonomic Society, Inc. Madison United States 1554-351X 1554-3528   01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010   01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010           01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010   01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010   01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 28877  
Behavior Research Methods (Online)   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands   1554-3528   01-Mar-2011 01-Jun-2014   Y 01-Mar-2011 01-Jun-2014   01-Mar-2011 01-Jun-2014           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 976348  
Behavior Therapy   Academic Press Orlando United States 0005-7894 1878-1888         Y                     01-Jan-1992 01-Sep-2016   01-Jan-1992 01-Sep-2016   01-Jan-1992 01-Sep-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 29855  
Behavior and Philosophy   Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies Cambridge United States 1053-8348     01-Oct-1997 01-Jan-2010   Y 01-Oct-1997 01-Jan-2010   01-Oct-1997 01-Jan-2010           01-Oct-1997 01-Jan-2010   01-Oct-1997 01-Jan-2010               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 6094  
Behavior and Philosophy (Online)   Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies Littleton United States   1943-3328   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2034343  
Behavior and Social Issues   Springer Nature B.V. Cambridge Netherlands 1064-9506 2376-6786   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-1999   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-1999   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-1999           01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-1999   01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-1999               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 32980  
Behavior and Social Issues   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1064-9506 2376-6786   01-Oct-2001 01-Jan-2018   Y 01-Oct-2001 01-Jan-2018   01-Oct-2001 01-Jan-2018           01-Oct-2001 Current   01-Oct-2001 Current   01-Oct-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 32981  
Behavioral Disorders   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Tempe United States 0198-7429 2163-5307   01-May-1975 01-Nov-2018   Y 01-May-1975 01-Nov-2018   01-May-1975 01-Nov-2018           01-May-1975 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2003 01-May-1975 Current   01-May-1975 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 48220  
Behavioral Ecology   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 1045-2249 1465-7279         Y                     01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2018   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2018   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Environmental Studies|Psychology 30428  
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 0340-5443 1432-0762   01-Jan-2003 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jan-2003 Current         365 01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Environmental Studies|Psychology 54055  
Behavioral Medicine   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0896-4289 1940-4026   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 37579  
Behavioral Neuroscience   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0735-7044 1939-0084         Y                     01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 49168  
Behavioral Psychology = Psicología Conductual   Fundacíon VECA Madrid Spain 1132-9483     01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Psychology 966333  
Behavioral Sciences & the Law   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Bognor Regis United States 0735-3936 1099-0798         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|Medical Sciences--Forensic Sciences|Psychology 49030  
Behavioral Sleep Medicine   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Mahwah United Kingdom 1540-2002 1540-2010         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 216142  
Behavioral and Brain Functions   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   1744-9081   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 55045  
Behavioral and Brain Sciences   Cambridge University Press New York United Kingdom 0140-525X 1469-1825   01-Feb-2001 Current   Y 01-Jul-2007 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         365 01-Mar-1978 Current   01-Mar-1978 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 47829  
Behaviour Change   Cambridge University Press Bowen Hills United Kingdom 0813-4839 2049-7768   01-Apr-2000 Current   Y 01-Apr-2000 Current   01-Apr-2000 Current         365 01-Apr-2000 Current   01-Apr-2000 Current   01-Jun-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 31179  
Behaviour Research and Therapy   Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0005-7967 1873-622X         Y                     01-Jan-1989 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-1989 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-1989 01-Jul-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 45719  
Behavioural Neurology   Hindawi Limited Cairo United Kingdom 0953-4180 1875-8584   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2037352  
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 1352-4658 1469-1833   01-Jan-2001 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 10905  
Bereavement Care   Cruse Bereavement Care Richmond United Kingdom 0268-2621 1944-8279         Y                     01-Apr-2011 01-Jul-2020   01-Apr-2011 01-Jul-2020   01-Apr-2011 01-Jul-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 436439  
Best Practices in Mental Health   The Follmer Group, Inc Chicago United States 1553-555X 2329-5384   01-Apr-2014 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 Y 01-Apr-2014 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 01-Apr-2014 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022         01-Apr-2014 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 01-Apr-2014 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 01-Oct-2016 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2035674  
Bilingualism   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 1366-7289 1469-1841   01-Apr-2001 Current   Y 01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         365 01-Apr-2001 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 32700  
BioPsychoSocial Medicine   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   1751-0759   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 55235  
Biodemography and Social Biology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 1948-5565 1948-5573   01-Oct-2000 01-Nov-2012 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007 Y 01-Oct-2000 01-Nov-2012 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007 01-Oct-2000 01-Nov-2012 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007         01-Apr-1989 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Apr-1989 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Apr-1989 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Biology|Biology--Genetics|Population Studies|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 42418  
Biofeedback   Allen Press Inc. Lawrence United Kingdom 1081-5937 2158-348X   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2010   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Jul-2006   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2010           01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2010   01-Apr-2005 01-Apr-2010               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 39806  
Biofeedback (Online)   Allen Press Inc. Lawrence United Kingdom   2158-348X   01-Jul-2010 01-Dec-2023   Y 01-Jul-2010 01-Jul-2020   01-Jul-2010 01-Dec-2023           01-Jul-2010 01-Apr-2024   01-Jul-2010 01-Apr-2024   01-Apr-2011 01-Oct-2023         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 506344  
Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   2045-5380   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2015   Y       01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2015           01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2015   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2015   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2040164  
Biomedical Human Kinetics   De Gruyter Poland Warsaw Poland   2080-2234   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Physical Fitness And Hygiene 2026354  
Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   2051-6673   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y       01-Jan-2015 Current           01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2040158  
Brain   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0006-8950 1460-2156         Y                     01-Feb-1994 01-Aug-2018 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1996 01-Feb-1994 01-Aug-2018   01-Apr-1994 01-Sep-2009 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1996       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 35133  
Brain Blogger [BLOG]   Newstex Boston United States       23-Jul-2018 03-Feb-2019   N 23-Jul-2018 03-Feb-2019                 23-Jul-2018 03-Feb-2019   23-Jul-2018 03-Feb-2019               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 4395946  
Brain Connectivity   Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. New Rochelle United States 2158-0014 2158-0022   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2019           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2029230  
Brain Imaging and Behavior   Springer Nature B.V. Indianapolis Netherlands 1931-7557 1931-7565   01-Jun-2007 Current   Y 01-Jun-2007 01-Apr-2017   01-Jun-2007 Current         365 01-Jun-2007 Current   01-Jun-2007 Current   01-Jun-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 1486349  
Brain Impairment   Cambridge University Press Bowen Hills United Kingdom 1443-9646 1839-5252   01-May-2000 Current   Y 01-Jul-2012 Current   01-May-2000 Current         365 01-May-2000 Current   01-May-2000 Current   01-May-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 5515558  
Brain Posts [BLOG]   Newstex Tulsa United States       04-Dec-2018 04-Dec-2018   N 04-Dec-2018 04-Dec-2018                 04-Dec-2018 04-Dec-2018   04-Dec-2018 04-Dec-2018               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Medical Sciences--Internal Medicine 4395944  
Brain Science Advances   Sage Publications Ltd. Thousand Oaks United Kingdom   2398-2128   01-Sep-2018 Current   Y             01-Sep-2018 Current     01-Sep-2018 Current   01-Sep-2018 Current   01-Sep-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 6703839  
Brain Structure and Function   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 1863-2653 0340-2061   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-May-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Physiology|Medical Sciences 38983  
Brain Topography   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0896-0267 1573-6792   01-Jul-1999 Current   Y 01-Jul-1999 01-May-2017   01-Jul-1999 Current         365 01-Jul-1999 Current   01-Jul-1999 Current   01-Jul-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 37296  
Brain and Behavior   John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Los Angeles United States   2162-3279   01-Sep-2011 Current   Y 01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current           01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current   01-Sep-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 976341  
Brain and Mind   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1389-1987 1573-3300   01-Apr-2000 01-Dec-2003   Y       01-Apr-2000 01-Dec-2003           01-Apr-2000 01-Dec-2003   01-Apr-2000 01-Dec-2003   01-Apr-2000 01-Dec-2003         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 42631  
Brain, Behavior and Evolution   S. Karger AG Basel Switzerland 0006-8977 1421-9743   01-Sep-1998 01-Dec-2015   Y 01-Sep-1998 01-Oct-2003   01-Sep-1998 01-Dec-2015           01-Sep-1998 01-Aug-2016   01-Sep-1998 01-Aug-2016   01-Sep-1998 01-Aug-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 35174  
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Cary United Kingdom 1474-3310 1474-3329         Y                     01-Jun-2001 01-Nov-2008   01-Jun-2001 01-Nov-2008   01-Jun-2001 01-Nov-2008         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 43770  
The British Journal of Clinical Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0144-6657 2044-8260   01-Feb-1998 01-Jun-2006   Y 01-Feb-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Feb-1998 01-Jun-2006           01-Feb-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Feb-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Feb-1998 01-Jun-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 38181  
The British Journal of Criminology   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) London United Kingdom 0007-0955 1464-3529         Y                     01-Jan-1982 01-Mar-2016 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988 01-Jan-1982 01-Mar-2016 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988 01-Jan-1989 01-Mar-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology 34052  
The British Journal of Developmental Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0261-510X 2044-835X   01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006           01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36006  
British Journal of Educational Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0007-0998 2044-8279   01-Sep-1998 01-Mar-2006   Y 01-Sep-1998 01-Mar-2006   01-Sep-1998 01-Mar-2006           01-Sep-1998 Current   01-Sep-1998 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 32346  
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Cambridge United Kingdom 0306-9885 1469-3534   01-Nov-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Nov-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Nov-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Nov-1997 10-Aug-2016   01-Nov-1997 10-Aug-2016   01-Nov-1997 10-Aug-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers|Psychology 33035  
British Journal of Health Psychology   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Leicester United States 1359-107X 2044-8287         Y                     01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Nov-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Psychology 33660  
British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0007-1102 2044-8317   01-May-1998 01-May-2006 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 Y 01-May-1998 01-May-2006   01-May-1998 01-May-2006 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003         01-May-1998 Current   01-May-1998 Current   01-May-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Mathematics|Psychology|Statistics 36005  
British Journal of Music Education   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0265-0517 1469-2104   01-Mar-2001 Current   Y 01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         365 01-Mar-1984 Current   01-Mar-1984 Current   01-Mar-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Music 37435  
British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom 0007-1242     01-Jan-1953 01-Mar-1977   Y       01-Jan-1953 01-Mar-1977           01-Jan-1953 01-Dec-1977   01-Jan-1953 01-Dec-1977   01-Feb-1974 01-Mar-1977         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2041064  
The British Journal of Psychiatry   Cambridge University Press London United Kingdom 0007-1250 1472-1465   01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999 Y 01-Feb-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999 01-Jan-1990 Current         365 01-Jan-1990 Current   01-Jan-1990 Current   01-Jan-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 40635  
British Journal of Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0007-1269 2044-8295   01-Feb-1995 01-May-2006   Y 01-Feb-1995 01-May-2006   01-Feb-1996 01-May-2006           01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 38178  
British Journal of Psychotherapy   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. London United States 0265-9883 1752-0118         Y                     01-Feb-2013 Current   01-Feb-2013 Current   01-Feb-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 976339  
British Journal of Social Medicine   BMJ Publishing Group LTD   United Kingdom 0366-0842     01-Jan-1947 01-Oct-1952   Y       01-Jan-1947 01-Oct-1952           01-Jan-1947 01-Oct-1952   01-Jan-1947 01-Oct-1952               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2041063  
The British Journal of Social Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0144-6665 2044-8309   01-Mar-1998 01-Mar-2006   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Mar-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Mar-2006           01-Mar-1998 01-Mar-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Mar-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Mar-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 38180  
British Journal of Social Work   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0045-3102 1468-263X         Y                     01-Aug-1999 Current   01-Aug-1999 Current   01-Aug-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 47486  
British Psychological Society's Research Digest [BLOG]   Newstex London United States       23-Jul-2018 Current   N 23-Jul-2018 Current                 23-Jul-2018 Current   23-Jul-2018 Current               N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Psychology 4395937  
British Psychological Society. Proceedings   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 1350-472X           Y                     01-Feb-2005 01-Feb-2006   01-Feb-2005 01-Feb-2006               N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 32350  
The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Providence United States 1058-1073 1556-7575         Y                     01-Nov-2012 Current   01-Nov-2012 Current   01-Nov-2012 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 976336  
The Brown University Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Providence United States 1527-8395 1556-7567         N                     01-Nov-2012 Current   01-Nov-2012 Current   01-Nov-2012 Current         N Trade Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 976335  
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic   Guilford Press New York United States 0025-9284 1943-2828   01-Jul-1998 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Jan-2010   01-Jul-1998 01-Dec-2017           01-Jul-1998 Current   01-Jul-1998 Current   01-Jul-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 40729  
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 2694-6416 2694-6424         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Business And Economics|Philosophy 29942  
CNS Drugs   Springer Nature B.V. Auckland Netherlands 1172-7047 1179-1934   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         365 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 33311  
CNS Spectrums   Cambridge University Press New York United Kingdom 1092-8529     01-Jun-2012 Current   Y 01-Jun-2012 Current   01-Jun-2012 Current         365 01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Jun-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 5528237  
Cambridge Journal of Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Cambridge United Kingdom 0305-764X 1469-3577   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 49174  
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science   Canadian Psychological Association Ottawa Canada 0008-400X 1879-2669   01-Jan-1993 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1999 Y 01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1999         01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 48737  
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health   Canadian Periodical for Community Studies   Canada 0713-3936 1929-7084         Y                     01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Public Health And Safety 33963  
Canadian Journal of Counselling   Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Kanata Canada 0828-3893     01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2009   Y 01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-2002 01-Oct-2009           01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2009               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 49259  
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Online)   Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Kanata Canada   1923-6182   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 266703  
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice   University of Toronto Press Toronto Canada 1707-7753 1911-0219   01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2006   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2006   01-Jan-1996 01-Oct-2006           01-Jan-1981 01-Sep-2021   01-Jan-1981 01-Sep-2021   01-Jan-1989 01-Sep-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Education 43670  
Canadian Journal of Education   Canadian Society for the Study of Education Toronto Canada 0380-2361 1918-5979   01-Jan-1993 Current   Y 01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current           01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 37189  
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology   Canadian Psychological Association Ottawa Canada 1196-1961 1878-7290   01-Mar-1993 Current   Y 01-Mar-1993 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current           01-Dec-1988 Current   01-Dec-1988 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47265  
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality   Sex Information and Education Council of Canada Toronto Canada 1188-4517 2291-7063   01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2012   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2012   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2012           01-Jan-1993 01-Jul-2012   01-Jan-1993 01-Jul-2012   01-Jan-1997 01-Jul-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 33400  
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality   University of Toronto Press Toronto Canada 1188-4517 2291-7063   01-Jan-2013 01-Sep-2017   Y 01-Jan-2013 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2013 01-Sep-2017           01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current   01-Jan-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2037334  
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy   Canadian Association for Music Therapy Waterloo Canada 1199-1054     01-Oct-2004 Current   Y 01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current           01-Oct-2004 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2013; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2013; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 29370  
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences   Cambridge University Press Calgary United Kingdom 0317-1671     01-Jan-2015 Current   Y 01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         365 01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 5515555  
The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Ottawa United States 0008-4174 1911-9828   01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1940--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1945; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1955--31-Dec-1955; 01-Jan-1958--31-Dec-1958; 01-Jan-1960--31-Dec-1960; 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1964 Y 01-Dec-1934 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1940--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1945; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1955--31-Dec-1955; 01-Jan-1958--31-Dec-1958; 01-Jan-1960--31-Dec-1960; 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1964 01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017           01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1941--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1944 01-Sep-1933 01-Oct-2017   01-Dec-1934 01-Oct-2017 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1941--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1944       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 37339  
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC.   United States 0706-7437 1497-0015   01-Sep-2004 01-Dec-2016   Y 01-Sep-2004 01-Dec-2016   01-Sep-2004 01-Dec-2016           01-Jan-1956 Current   01-Jan-1956 Current   01-Jan-1956 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 35547  
Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis   Canadian Psychoanalytic Society Montréal Canada 1195-3330     01-Apr-1993 01-Apr-2011   Y 01-Apr-1993 01-Apr-2011   01-Apr-1993 01-Apr-2011           01-Apr-1993 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Apr-1993 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 01-Apr-2006 Current 01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 44050  
Canadian Journal of School Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Vancouver United States 0829-5735 2154-3984   01-Oct-1997 01-Sep-2017   Y 01-Oct-1997 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2003 01-Sep-2017           01-Apr-1987 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Aug-2016 01-Apr-1987 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Aug-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 46521  
Canadian Journal on Aging   Cambridge University Press Toronto United Kingdom 0714-9808 1710-1107   01-Mar-2009 Current   Y 01-Mar-2009 Current   01-Mar-2009 Current         365 01-Apr-1987 Current   01-Apr-1987 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics 32817  
Canadian Medical Association. Journal   CMA Impact, Inc. Ottawa Canada 0820-3946 1488-2329   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-1997 Current   15-Mar-1997 Current           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 41339  
Canadian Psychology   Canadian Psychological Association Ottawa Canada 0708-5591 1878-7304   01-Jan-1993 Current   Y 01-Jan-1993 Current   01-May-2000 Current           01-Jul-1986 Current   01-Jul-1986 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41992  
The Canadian Review of Sociology   Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, c/o Concordia University Department of Sociology and Anthropology Montreal Canada 1755-6171 1755-618X   01-Feb-1992 01-Nov-2008   Y 01-Nov-1998 01-Nov-2008   01-Feb-1992 01-Nov-2008           01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|French Anthropology|Sociology 39159  
Cancer Letters   Elsevier Limited Clare United Kingdom 0304-3835 1872-7980         Y                     03-May-1999 28-Jan-2023 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 03-May-1999 28-Jan-2023 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 03-May-1999 28-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Oncology 2031080  
The Career Development Quarterly   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 0889-4019 2161-0045   01-Mar-1994 Current   Y 01-Mar-1994 Current   01-Jun-1996 Current           01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Occupations And Careers 35120  
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 2165-1434 2165-1442   01-Apr-2005 01-May-2010   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Dec-2008   01-Apr-2005 01-May-2010           01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Occupations And Careers 37725  
Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology   Human Kinetics Champaign Canada 2470-4849 2470-4857         Y                     01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sports And Games 3748015  
The Cerebellum   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1473-4222 1473-4230   01-Mar-2002 Current   Y 01-Jun-2006 01-Apr-2017   01-Mar-2002 Current         365 01-Mar-2002 Current   01-Mar-2002 Current   01-Mar-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 1456356  
Cerebral Cortex   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 1047-3211 1460-2199         Y                     01-Jan-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Jan-1999 01-Oct-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 31422  
Ceskoslovenska Psychologie   Institute of Psychology, Academy of Science Praha Czech Republic 0009-062X 1804-6436   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y       01-Jan-2006 Current           01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Czech Psychology 28548  
Chemical Senses   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0379-864X 1464-3553         Y                     01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Biochemistry|Biology--Physiology 35981  
Chemosensory Perception   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1936-5802 1936-5810   01-Mar-2008 Current   Y 01-Mar-2008 01-Dec-2016   01-Mar-2008 Current         365 01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Biochemistry 54772  
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology News   Guilford Press New York United States 1085-0295 1943-2739   01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2005   01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017           01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017   01-Feb-2001 01-Dec-2017   01-Apr-2017 01-Dec-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 44811  
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0738-0151 1573-2797   01-Aug-2005 Current   Y 01-Aug-2005 01-Jun-2017   01-Aug-2005 Current         365 01-Feb-1995 Current   01-Feb-1995 Current   01-Feb-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology|Sociology 37911  
Child & Family Behavior Therapy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0731-7107 1545-228X         Y                     01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47006  
Child & Family Social Work   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1356-7500 1365-2206         Y                     01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current   01-Nov-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Social Services And Welfare 33491  
Child & Youth Care Forum   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1053-1890 1573-3319   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 54018  
Child Abuse & Neglect   Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0145-2134 1873-7757         Y                     01-Jan-1992 01-May-2023   01-Jan-1992 01-May-2023   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2023         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Criminology And Law Enforcement|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 46284  
Child Abuse Review   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Hoboken United States 0952-9136 1099-0852         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 196251  
Child Development   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Ann Arbor United Kingdom 0009-3920 1467-8624         Y                     01-Feb-1988 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Psychology 35183  
Child Language Teaching and Therapy   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0265-6590 1477-0865   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2015   Y       01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2015           01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 32208  
Child Maltreatment   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1077-5595 1552-6119         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology|Sociology 31924  
Child Psychiatry and Human Development   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0009-398X 1573-3327   01-Apr-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Apr-1997 Current         365 01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 54019  
Child Welfare   Child Welfare League of America, Inc. Arlington United States 0009-4021     01-Jan-1994 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 Y 01-Jan-1994 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-May-1996 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003         01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare|Sociology 40853  
Child and Adolescent Mental Health   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. London United States 1475-357X 1475-3588         Y                     01-Sep-2012 Current   01-Sep-2012 Current   01-Sep-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 1006522  
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   1753-2000   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 54777  
Childhood   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0907-5682 1461-7013         Y                     01-Feb-1993 Current 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Feb-1993 Current 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Feb-1993 Current 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About 46519  
Children & Schools   Oxford University Press Oxford United States 1532-8759 1545-682X   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2012   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2012   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2012           01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Social Services And Welfare 26011  
Children's Health Care   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 0273-9615 1532-6888         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Health Facilities And Administration|Social Services And Welfare 48043  
Chronic Stress   Sage Publications Ltd. Thousand Oaks United Kingdom   2470-5470   01-Jan-2017 Current   Y             01-Jan-2017 Current     01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 4450814  
City & Community   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 1535-6841 1540-6040         Y                     01-Mar-2005 Current   01-Mar-2005 Current   01-Mar-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 28185  
The Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Journal   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Lawrence United States 1055-6656 1545-1569   01-Jan-2005 01-Nov-2017   Y 01-Jan-2005 01-Nov-2017   01-Jan-2005 01-Nov-2017           01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Dentistry|Medical Sciences--Surgery 36255  
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1096-4037 1573-2827   01-Mar-1998 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1998 Current         365 01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 54101  
Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners   Springer Publishing Company Philadelphia United States 1085-2360 1532-8236   01-Apr-2005 01-Dec-2005   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Dec-2005   01-Apr-2005 01-Dec-2005           01-Apr-2005 01-Dec-2005   01-Apr-2005 01-Dec-2005               N Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 32206  
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery   Elsevier Limited Assen United Kingdom 0303-8467 1872-6968   01-May-1996 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2001 Y 01-Jan-2002 Current   01-May-1996 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2001       60 01-Jan-1983 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2001 01-Jan-1983 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2001 01-May-1996 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2001       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Medical Sciences--Surgery 1226360  
Clinical Nursing Research   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1054-7738 1552-3799         Y                     01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 15130  
Clinical Pediatrics   Westminster Publications, Inc. Glen Head United States 0009-9228 1938-2707   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics 42114  
Clinical Psychologist   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Melbourne United Kingdom 1328-4207 1742-9552         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Mar-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 01-Mar-2010 Current 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 186214  
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy   John Wiley and Sons, Limited Bognor Regis United Kingdom 1063-3995 1099-0879         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 32495  
Clinical Psychology in Europe   PsychOpen Trier Germany 2625-3410     28-Jun-2019 20-Sep-2019   Y       28-Jun-2019 20-Sep-2019           28-Jun-2019 20-Sep-2019   28-Jun-2019 20-Sep-2019   28-Jun-2019 20-Sep-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 4433877  
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Washington United States 0969-5893 1468-2850         Y                     01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2009 01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2009 01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2009       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 32887  
Clinical Rehabilitation   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0269-2155 1477-0873   01-Jan-1998 01-Dec-2015   Y       01-Jan-1998 01-Dec-2015           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 32201  
Clinical Social Work Journal   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0091-1674 1573-3343   01-Dec-1996 Current   Y 01-Dec-1998 01-Mar-2017   01-Dec-1996 Current         365 01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 48519  
Clocks & Sleep   MDPI AG Basel Switzerland   2624-5175   01-Jan-2021 Current   Y 01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current           01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 5046909  
Clínica Contemporánea     Madrid   1989-9912     01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2017 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Psychology 4852145  
Clínica y Salud     Madrid   1130-5274 2174-0550   01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 Y 01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021         01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021       Y Scholarly Journals Spanish; Castilian Psychology 4852149  
Coaching   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 1752-1882 1752-1890         Y                     01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 186212  
Cogent Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom   2331-1908   01-Dec-2014 Current   Y       01-Dec-2014 Current           01-Dec-2014 Current   01-Dec-2014 Current   01-Dec-2014 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2043308  
Cognition, Brain, Behavior   A.S.C.R. PRESS Cluj-Napoca United Kingdom 2247-9228 2061-226X   01-Dec-2006 Current   Y 01-Dec-2006 Current   01-Dec-2006 Current           01-Dec-2006 Current   01-Dec-2006 Current   01-Jun-2015 Current         N Scholarly Journals   Psychology 29487  
Cognition, Technology & Work   Springer Nature B.V. London Netherlands 1435-5558 1435-5566   01-Apr-2002 Current   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Feb-2017   01-Apr-2002 Current         365 01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Philosophy|Psychology 43846  
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom   1754-470X   01-Apr-2008 Current   Y 01-Apr-2008 Current   01-Apr-2008 Current         365 01-Apr-2008 Current   01-Apr-2008 Current   01-Apr-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 5516371  
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1650-6073 1651-2316         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 186210  
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Cognitive Psychology   Academic Press San Diego United States 0010-0285 1095-5623         Y                     01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 5199  
Cognitive Research   Springer Nature B.V. London Netherlands   2365-7464   01-Dec-2016 Current   Y       01-Dec-2016 Current           01-Dec-2016 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 4402895  
Cognitive Science   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Hoboken United States 0364-0213 1551-6709         Y                     01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Psychology 30149  
Cognitive Sciences   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 1556-8237     01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2014   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2014           01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2014   01-Jan-2011 01-Jul-2014         N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2034886  
Cognitive Therapy and Research   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0147-5916 1573-2819   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47945  
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1530-7026 1531-135X   01-Mar-2011 Current   Y 01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         365 01-Dec-2004 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016 01-Dec-2004 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 976343  
Collabra : Psychology   University of California Press, Journals & Digital Publishing Division Oakland United States   2474-7394   01-Nov-2020 Current   Y 01-Nov-2020 Current   01-Nov-2020 Current           01-Jul-2015 Current   01-Jul-2015 Current   01-Jul-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Humanities: Comprehensive Works|Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 5583636  
Communication Disorders Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1525-7401 1538-4837   01-Oct-1999 01-May-2010   Y       01-Oct-1999 01-May-2010           01-Dec-1976 Current   01-Dec-1976 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 46927  
Communication Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0363-4523 1479-5795         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 1271  
Communication Monographs   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0363-7751 1479-5787         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Linguistics 1273  
Communication Reports   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Salt Lake City United Kingdom 0893-4215 1745-1043   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005   N 01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005   01-Jan-1998 01-Apr-2005           01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2016         N Trade Journals English Education|Linguistics 21770  
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Communication Theory   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 1050-3293 1468-2885         Y                     01-Feb-1998 01-May-2021   01-Feb-1998 01-May-2021   01-Feb-1998 01-May-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Linguistics 31255  
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Counselling Psychology Quarterly   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0951-5070 1469-3674   01-Sep-1997 01-Jun-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Jun-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Jun-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 32882  
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The Elementary School Journal   University of Chicago, acting through its Press Chicago United States 0013-5984 1554-8279         Y                     01-May-1965 Current   01-May-1965 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology 40700  
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Evidence - Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine   Hindawi Limited New York United Kingdom 1741-427X 1741-4288   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Alternative Medicine 2037463  
Evolutionary Psychology   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 1474-7049     01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 Y             01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015   01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 4451125  
Exceptional Children   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Reston United States 0014-4029 2163-5560   01-Feb-1991 01-Jul-2017   Y 01-Feb-1994 01-Jul-2017   01-Feb-1991 01-Jul-2017           01-May-1934 Current 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1936; 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1938; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1951; 01-Jan-1954--31-Dec-1954; 01-Jan-1961--31-Dec-1962; 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1970; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1983; 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1988 01-May-1934 Current 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1936; 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1970; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1983; 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1988 01-Oct-1934 Current 01-Jan-1936--31-Dec-1938; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1951; 01-Jan-1954--31-Dec-1954; 01-Jan-1961--31-Dec-1962; 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1970; 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1983; 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1988       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology 7735  
Exceptionality   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0936-2835 1532-7035         Y                     01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 36998  
Experimental Aging Research   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0361-073X 1096-4657         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Psychology 176158  
Experimental Brain Research   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 0014-4819 1432-1106   01-Aug-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Jul-2004 01-May-2017   01-Aug-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000       365 01-Aug-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000 01-Aug-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000 01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 47176  
Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics   Informa Healthcare London United Kingdom 1473-7175 1744-8360   01-Sep-2001 01-Sep-2014   Y 01-Sep-2001 01-Sep-2014   01-Sep-2001 01-Sep-2014           01-Sep-2001 01-Sep-2014   01-Sep-2001 01-Sep-2014   01-Sep-2001 01-Sep-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 54578  
Eye and Brain   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Macclesfield United Kingdom   1179-2744   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Ophthalmology And Optometry|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 3933164  
Families in Society   Sage Publications Ltd. Milwaukee United Kingdom 1044-3894 1945-1350   01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2007   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Apr-2006   01-Mar-1995 01-Oct-2007           01-Jan-1990 Current   01-Jan-1990 Current   01-Jan-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare|Sociology 41932  
Families, Systems & Health   American Psychological Association Rochester United States 1091-7527 1939-0602         Y                     01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Oct-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 49309  
Family Court Review   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Madison United States 1531-2445 1744-1617         Y                     01-Apr-1996 Current   01-Apr-1996 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|Law--Family And Matrimonial Law 42521  
Family Journal   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Alexandria United States 1066-4807 1552-3950         Y                     01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Matrimony|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare|Sociology 31181  
Family Practice   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0263-2136 1460-2229         Y                     01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 36687  
Family Process   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Rochester United Kingdom 0014-7370 1545-5300   01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2012   Y 01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2012   01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2012           01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 49117  
Family Relations   National Council on Family Relations Minneapolis United States 0197-6664 0197-6664   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         365 01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Sociology 41641  
Family Therapy   Libra Publishers Incorporated San Diego United States 0091-6544     01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2009   Y 01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2009   01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2009           01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2009   01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2009               N Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Social Services And Welfare 47866  
Family and Community Health   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Gaithersburg United States 0160-6379 1550-5057         Y                     01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 48112  
Fathering   Men's Studies Press Harriman United States 1537-6680 1933-026X   01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   Y 01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   01-Oct-2008 01-Oct-2015           01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015   01-Feb-2003 01-Oct-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Sociology 43303  
Federal Probation   Administrative Office of the United States Courts Washington United States 0014-9128 1555-0303   01-Jun-2002 Current   N 01-Jun-2002 Current   01-Jun-2002 Current           01-Mar-1981 Current   01-Mar-1981 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         N Trade Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 25138  
Feminism & Psychology   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0959-3535 1461-7161         Y                     01-Jun-1991 Current   01-Jun-1991 Current   01-Jun-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Women's Interests|Women's Studies 32812  
Feminist Criminology   Sage Publications Ltd. Thousand Oaks United Kingdom 1557-0851 1557-086X         Y                     01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Women's Studies 186244  
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1088-3576 1538-4829   01-Jul-1998 01-Mar-2010   Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Dec-2008   01-Jul-1998 01-Mar-2010           01-Jun-1986 Current   01-Jun-1986 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 31128  
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica   S. Karger AG Basel Switzerland 1021-7762 1421-9972   01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2015   Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Sep-2003   01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2015           01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2016   01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2016   01-Jul-1998 01-Jul-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Otorhinolaryngology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 40950  
Folia Primatologica   S. Karger AG Basel Switzerland 0015-5713 1421-9980   01-Sep-1998 01-Oct-2015   Y 01-Sep-1998 01-May-2003   01-Sep-1998 01-Oct-2015           01-Sep-1998 01-Jul-2016   01-Sep-1998 01-Jul-2016   01-Sep-1998 01-Jul-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology 40952  
Forensic Examiner   American College of Forensic Examiners Springfield United States 1084-5569     01-Apr-2006 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Apr-2006 01-Dec-2013   01-Apr-2006 01-Dec-2013           01-Apr-2006 01-Dec-2013   01-Apr-2006 01-Dec-2013   01-Apr-2006 01-Dec-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Forensic Sciences 25766  
Fortean Times   Diamond Publishing Ltd. London United Kingdom 0308-5899     01-Jan-2014 Current   N 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         N Magazines English Parapsychology And Occultism|Sciences: Comprehensive Works 2032228  
Forum der Psychoanalyse   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 0178-7667 1437-0751   01-Mar-1999 Current 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 Y 01-Jun-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1999 Current 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001       365 01-Mar-1999 Current 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 01-Mar-1999 Current 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 01-Dec-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals German Psychology 54082  
Forum for Social Economics   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0736-0932 1874-6381   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2011   Y       01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2011           01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Economic Systems And Theories, Economic History 54513  
Foundation University Journal of Psychology   Foundation University Islamabad Pakistan 2519-710X 2520-4343   01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2020   Y       01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2020           01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2017 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 4914462  
Functional Neurology   CIC Edizioni Internazionali Roma Italy 0393-5264 1971-3274   01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2019   Y 01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2019   01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2019           01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2019 01-Oct-2014--31-Mar-2017 01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2019   01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2019 01-Oct-2014--31-Mar-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 34390  
Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 2156-941X 2374-0566   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2016   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2016           01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2034878  
The Future of Children   Princeton University Princeton United Kingdom 1054-8289 1550-1558   01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016 Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016 01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021           01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021   01-Jul-1998 01-Apr-2021   01-Apr-2000 01-Apr-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Public Health And Safety|Social Services And Welfare 34391  
Games and Economic Behavior   Academic Press Duluth United States 0899-8256 1090-2473         Y                     01-Jan-2004 01-Sep-2016   01-Jan-2004 01-Sep-2016   01-Jan-2004 01-Sep-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Mathematics--Computer Applications|Psychology 33317  
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review   The Australian Psychological Society Limited Melbourne Australia 1833-4512     01-Dec-2007 01-Apr-2013   Y 01-Dec-2007 01-Apr-2013   01-Dec-2007 01-Apr-2013           01-Dec-2007 01-Apr-2013   01-Dec-2007 01-Apr-2013   01-Dec-2007 01-Apr-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Lgbtq+|Psychology 38956  
Gender & Behaviour   IFE Centre for Psychological Studies Ile-Ife Nigeria 1596-9231     01-Dec-2008 Current   Y 01-Dec-2008 Current   01-Dec-2008 Current           01-Dec-2008 Current   01-Dec-2008 Current   01-Dec-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 39577  
Gender & Society   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0891-2432 1552-3977         Y                     01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Men's Studies|Sociology|Women's Interests|Women's Studies 5019  
Gender, Work and Organization   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0968-6673 1468-0432         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Sociology|Women's Studies 29898  
General Psychiatry   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom 2096-5923 2517-729X   01-Jul-2018 Current   Y 01-Oct-2018 Current   01-Jul-2018 Current           01-Jul-2018 Current   01-Jul-2018 Current   01-Jul-2018 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 4758913  
Genetic Counseling   Éditions Médecine et Hygiène Geneva Switzerland 1015-8146     01-Jan-2007 01-Oct-2016   Y 01-Jan-2007 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-2007 01-Oct-2016           01-Jan-2007 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-2007 01-Oct-2016   01-Jan-2007 01-Jul-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Genetics 36889  
Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs   Kirkpatrick Jordon Foundation Washington United States 8756-7547 1940-5286   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2006   Y 01-May-1998 01-Nov-2006   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2006           01-May-1998 01-Nov-2006   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2006   01-Feb-2000 01-Nov-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36144  
The Gerontologist   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0016-9013 1758-5341         Y                     01-Feb-1987 Current   01-Feb-1987 Current   01-Feb-1987 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Medical Sciences 41522  
Gerontology   S. Karger AG Basel Switzerland 0304-324X 1423-0003   01-Jan-1994 01-Dec-2015   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2003   01-Jan-1994 01-Dec-2015           01-Jan-1994 01-Aug-2016   01-Jan-1994 01-Aug-2016   01-Jan-1997 01-Aug-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics 33168  
Gestalt Review   Pennsylvania State University Press South Wellfleet United States 1084-8657 1945-4023   01-May-2008 01-Sep-2019   Y 01-May-2008 01-Sep-2019   01-May-2008 01-Sep-2019           01-May-2008 01-Sep-2019   01-May-2008 01-Sep-2019   01-Jan-2017 01-Sep-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 29198  
The Gifted Child Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Cincinnati United States 0016-9862 1934-9041   01-Jul-2004 01-Jul-2010   Y 01-Jul-2004 01-Jul-2010   01-Jul-2004 01-Jul-2010           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Psychology 41008  
Global Social Welfare   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands   2196-8799   01-Mar-2014 Current   Y 01-Mar-2014 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-2014 Current         365 01-Mar-2014 Current   01-Mar-2014 Current   01-Mar-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 2034540  
Group & Organization Management   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1059-6011 1552-3993   01-Dec-1987 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Dec-1995 01-Dec-2007   01-Dec-1987 01-Dec-2007           01-Mar-1981 Current   01-Mar-1981 Current   01-Mar-1981 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47347  
Group Analysis   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0533-3164 1461-717X         Y                     01-Dec-2001 01-Mar-2003   01-Dec-2001 01-Mar-2003               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 32990  
Group Decision and Negotiation   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0926-2644 1572-9907   01-Jan-1999 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-May-2017   01-Jan-1999 Current         365 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Cooperatives|Business And Economics--Management|Computers 30672  
Harvard Educational Review   Harvard Education Press Cambridge United States 0017-8055 1943-5045   01-Feb-1988 Current   Y 01-Apr-1994 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current         365 01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 41677  
Harvard Health Publications. The Harvard Mental Health Letter   Harvard Health Publications Boston United States 1057-5022 1943-5118   01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2020 N 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2020               01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2020 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2022 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2020       N Magazines English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2026471  
Health & Social Work   Oxford University Press Oxford United States 0360-7283 1545-6854   01-Feb-1994 01-Nov-2012   Y 01-Feb-1994 01-Nov-2012   01-May-1995 01-Nov-2012           01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Public Health And Safety|Social Services And Welfare 47817  
Health Education Research   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0268-1153 1465-3648         Y                     01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009   01-Feb-1999 01-Oct-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Social Services And Welfare 36112  
Health Education and Behavior   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1090-1981 1552-6127         Y                     01-Feb-1963 Current 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1973; 01-Jan-1976--31-Dec-1976; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1981; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Feb-1963 Current 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1973; 01-Jan-1976--31-Dec-1976; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1981; 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995 01-Mar-1975 Current 01-Jan-1976--31-Dec-1976; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Adult Education|Public Health And Safety 35845  
Health Marketing Quarterly   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0735-9683 1545-0864   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1998   Y 01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1998           01-Jan-1985 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-1985 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-1985 01-Jul-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Public Health And Safety 46992  
Health Promotion International   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Oxford United Kingdom 0957-4824 1460-2245         Y                     01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009   01-Mar-1999 01-Sep-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Public Health And Safety 34187  
Health Psychology Open   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom   2055-1029   01-Jan-2016 Current   Y             01-Jan-2016 Current     01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2041997  
Health Psychology Review   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Hove United Kingdom 1743-7199 1743-7202         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 196237  
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom   2164-2850   01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019 Y       01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019         01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-2013 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 3933310  
Health Sociology Review   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1446-1242 1839-3551   01-Dec-2006 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Dec-2006 01-Jan-2017   01-Dec-2006 01-Jan-2017           01-Dec-2006 01-Jan-2017   01-Dec-2006 01-Jan-2017   01-Sep-2012 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 29657  
Heart Asia   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom 1759-1104 1468-201X   01-Jan-2009 01-Jul-2019   Y 01-Jan-2009 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2009 01-Jul-2019           01-Jan-2009 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2009 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2009 01-Jul-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Cardiovascular Diseases 2041034  
High Ability Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1359-8139 1469-834X   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000   Y 01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000           01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000   01-Jun-1998 01-Dec-2000               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 12118  
The High School Journal   The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill United States 0018-1498 1534-5157   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 542  
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0739-9863 1552-6364         Y                     01-Dec-1979 Current   01-Dec-1979 Current   01-Dec-1979 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Psychology 47590  
History of the Human Sciences   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0952-6951 1461-720X         Y                     01-Feb-1995 Current   01-Feb-1995 Current   01-Feb-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 33755  
Homicide Studies   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1088-7679 1552-6720         Y                     01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 32675  
The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 2059-1098 2059-1101         Y                     01-Sep-1981 Current   01-Sep-1981 Current   01-Feb-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 48486  
Human - Computer Interaction   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Hillsdale United Kingdom 0737-0024 1532-7051         Y                     01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jan-1994 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers|Psychology 46402  
Human Communication Research   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0360-3989 1468-2958         Y                     01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-1988 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Linguistics|Psychology 47999  
Human Development   S. Karger AG Basel Switzerland 0018-716X 1423-0054   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2015   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2003   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2015           01-Jan-1992 01-Aug-2018   01-Jan-1992 01-Aug-2018   01-Nov-2003 01-Aug-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Psychology 41080  
Human Factors   Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Santa Monica United States 0018-7208 1547-8181   01-Mar-1997 01-Feb-2007   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Feb-2007   01-Mar-1997 01-Feb-2007           01-Sep-1958 Current   01-Sep-1958 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sciences: Comprehensive Works 48481  
Human Nature : An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1045-6767 1936-4776   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 55427  
Human Organization   Society of Applied Anthropology Oklahoma City United States 0018-7259 1938-3525   01-Dec-1996 Current   Y 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Dec-1996 Current           01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 47564  
Human Performance   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 0895-9285 1532-7043         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 46404  
Human Relations   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0018-7267 1741-282X   01-Jan-1992 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Dec-2007   01-Dec-1994 01-Dec-2007           01-Jul-1972 Current   01-Jul-1972 Current   01-Jul-1972 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 41702  
Human Resource Development Quarterly   Wiley Periodicals Inc. Hoboken United States 1044-8004 1532-1096   01-Apr-1995 01-Jul-2005 01-Jan-2003--30-Sep-2004 Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Dec-2002   01-Apr-1995 01-Jul-2005 01-Jan-2003--30-Sep-2004         01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Business And Economics--Personnel Management 36983  
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Ife Psychologia   IFE Centre for Psychological Studies Ile-Ife Nigeria 1117-1421     01-Jan-2008 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current           01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 28639  
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Indian Journal of Positive Psychology   Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare Hisar India 2229-4937 2321-368X   01-Mar-2012 Current   Y 01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current           01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current   01-Mar-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2032133  
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The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 1461-1457 1469-5111   01-Mar-2001 01-Dec-2014   Y       01-Mar-2001 01-Dec-2014           01-Mar-2001 01-Dec-2014   01-Mar-2001 01-Dec-2014   01-Mar-2001 01-Dec-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Pharmacy And Pharmacology|Psychology 43629  
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International Journal of Psychology Research   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 1932-6092     01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2017   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2017           01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Oct-2017         N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2034860  
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International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education : QSE   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0951-8398           Y                     01-Feb-2012 Current   01-Feb-2012 Current   01-Feb-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 53173  
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International Journal of STD & AIDS   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0956-4624 1758-1052   01-Nov-1998 01-Sep-2006   Y 01-Nov-1998 01-Sep-2006   01-Nov-1998 01-Sep-2006           01-Nov-1998 01-Sep-2006   01-Nov-1998 01-Sep-2006   01-Oct-2004 01-Sep-2006         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Communicable Diseases 32843  
International Journal of Sexual Health   Taylor & Francis LLC Binghamton United Kingdom 1931-7611 1931-762X         Y                     31-Dec-1998 Current   31-Dec-1998 Current   31-Dec-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 38985  
The International Journal of Social Psychiatry   Sage Publications Ltd. Brookmans Park United Kingdom 0020-7640 1741-2854         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 31987  
International Journal of Social Welfare   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 1369-6866 1468-2397         Y                     01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current   01-Oct-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 46663  
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Morgantown United Kingdom 1612-197X 1557-251X   01-Mar-2007 01-Dec-2012   Y 01-Mar-2007 01-Dec-2012   01-Mar-2007 01-Dec-2012           01-Mar-2007 01-Dec-2012   01-Mar-2007 01-Dec-2012               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sports And Games 28645  
The International Journal on Drug Policy   Elsevier Science Ltd. Amsterdam United Kingdom 0955-3959 1873-4758         Y                     01-Jan-2010 01-Jun-2022   01-Jan-2010 01-Jun-2022   01-Jan-2010 01-Jun-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 186238  
International Marketing Review   Emerald Group Publishing Limited London United Kingdom 0265-1335 1758-6763   01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2000       365 01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 36649  
International Psychogeriatrics   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 1041-6102 1741-203X   01-Mar-1990 Current   Y 01-Oct-2007 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current         365 01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 31252  
International Review of Psychiatry   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0954-0261 1369-1627   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jun-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jun-1997 01-Oct-2016   01-Jun-1997 01-Oct-2016   01-Jun-1997 01-Oct-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 33503  
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1750-984X 1750-9858         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Mar-2010 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 01-Mar-2010 Current 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Sports Medicine|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Psychology 186289  
International Social Work   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0020-8728 1461-7234         Y                     01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 5799  
Intervención Psicosocial     Madrid   1132-0559 2173-4712   01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2014 Y 01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2014 01-Jan-1999 Current           01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Psychology 4852148  
Invisibilia (Podcast)   NPR Washington United States       09-Jan-2015 27-Apr-2023   N 09-Jan-2015 27-Apr-2023                 09-Jan-2015 27-Apr-2023   09-Jan-2015 27-Apr-2023   09-Jan-2015 14-Sep-2018         N Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites English Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 3962596  
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry   Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center Tehran Iran 1735-4587 2008-2215   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y 01-Jan-2009 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 105762  
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0790-9667 2051-6967   01-Mar-2013 Current   Y 01-Mar-2013 Current   01-Mar-2013 Current         365 01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current   01-Mar-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 5516383  
The Irish Journal of Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Dublin United Kingdom 0303-3910 2158-0812   01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2011 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2011 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2011 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010         01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2011 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2006 01-Sep-2011 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010             Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 32818  
Israel Journal of Psychiatry   Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences Jerusalem Israel   2617-2402   01-Jan-1998 Current   Y 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current           01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Oct-2013--31-Mar-2016 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Oct-2013--31-Mar-2016       Y Scholarly Journals   Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 47717  
JAMA   American Medical Association Chicago United States 0098-7484 1538-3598         Y                     03-Jan-1986 Current   03-Jan-1986 Current   03-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Abstracting And Indexing Services|Medical Sciences|Meetings And Congresses 42339  
JAMA Neurology   American Medical Association Chicago United States 2168-6149 2168-6157         Y                     01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Abstracting And Indexing Services|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 42446  
JAMA Psychiatry   American Medical Association Chicago United States 2168-622X 2168-6238         Y                     01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 1114  
JEM   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Madison United States 0022-0655 1745-3984         Y                     01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 49010  
JMIR Human Factors   JMIR Publications Toronto Canada   2292-9495   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current           01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 4997115  
JMIR Mental Health   JMIR Publications Toronto Canada   2368-7959   01-Jul-2014 Current   Y 01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current           01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 4997118  
JMR, Journal of Marketing Research   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Chicago United States 0022-2437 1547-7193   01-May-1987 01-Nov-2002   Y 01-Nov-1995 01-Nov-2002   01-May-1987 01-Nov-2002           01-Nov-1971 Current   01-Nov-1971 Current   01-Nov-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 40686  
JMR, Journal of Marketing Research (pre-1986)   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Chicago United States 0022-2437 1547-7193   01-Jan-1964 01-Nov-1985   Y       01-Jan-1964 01-Nov-1985           01-Jan-1964 01-Nov-1985   01-Jan-1964 01-Nov-1985               Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 40685  
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education   National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Washington United States 0021-8251 1945-2306   01-Mar-1997 01-Jul-2003   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Jul-2003                 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Mathematics 21451  
Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology   Ball State University Muncie United States 2159-8142     01-Apr-2007 Current   Y       01-Apr-2007 Current           01-Apr-2007 Current   01-Apr-2007 Current   01-Apr-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Spanish; Castilian Psychology 4380456  
Journal for Specialists in Group Work   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0193-3922 1549-6295         Y                     01-Nov-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 47472  
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Hoboken United Kingdom 1539-0136 1744-6155   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2010   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2010   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2010           01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012 01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 25318  
Journal for the Education of the Gifted   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0162-3532 2162-9501   01-Feb-1978 01-Dec-2018 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1994 Y 01-Feb-1978 01-Dec-2018 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1994 01-Feb-1978 01-Dec-2018           01-Feb-1978 Current   01-Feb-1978 Current   01-Feb-1978 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 36680  
Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 1055-3835 2161-1874   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2013           01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Social Services And Welfare 48229  
Journal of Addictive Diseases   Taylor & Francis LLC Binghamton United Kingdom 1055-0887 1545-0848         Y                     01-Apr-1983 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Apr-1983 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 45691  
Journal of Adolescence   John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken United States 0140-1971 1095-9254         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 30117  
Journal of Adolescent Research   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0743-5584 1552-6895         Y                     01-Mar-1986 Current   01-Mar-1986 Current   01-Mar-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Psychology 36441  
Journal of Adolescent and Family Health   University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga United States       01-Jul-2009 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2013 Y 01-Jul-2009 01-Jan-2010   01-Jul-2009 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2013         01-Jul-2009 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2013 01-Jul-2009 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2013 01-Jan-2018 01-Jan-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Public Health And Safety 28641  
Journal of Adult Development   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1068-0667 1573-3440   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y       01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 4408555  
Journal of Advertising   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0091-3367 1557-7805   01-Jan-1987 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Mar-1992 01-Dec-2013   01-Jan-1987 01-Dec-2013           01-Oct-1975 Current   01-Oct-1975 Current   01-Oct-1975 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Advertising And Public Relations|Business And Economics 35930  
Journal of Advertising (pre-1986)   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Provo United Kingdom 0091-3367 1557-7805   01-Jan-1972 01-Jan-1985   Y       01-Jan-1972 01-Jan-1985           01-Jan-1972 01-Jan-1985   01-Jan-1972 01-Jan-1985               Y Scholarly Journals English Advertising And Public Relations|Business And Economics 35929  
Journal of Advertising Research   Advertising Research Foundation New York United States 0021-8499 1740-1909         Y                     01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Advertising And Public Relations 41329  
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 1759-6599 2042-8715   01-Apr-2009 Current   Y 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current         365 01-Apr-2009 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current   01-Apr-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 196254  
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1092-6771 1545-083X         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 53128  
Journal of Aging and Health   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0898-2643 1552-6887         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics 29875  
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education   American Alcohol and Drug Information Foundation Lansing United States 0090-1482 2162-4119   01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022           01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   01-Oct-1996 01-Apr-2022   01-Mar-2004 01-Apr-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 48458  
Journal of American College Health   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0744-8481 1940-3208   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2010   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2010           01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Physical Fitness And Hygiene|Public Health And Safety 860  
Journal of Analytical Psychology   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. London United States 0021-8774 1468-5922         Y                     01-Nov-2012 Current   01-Nov-2012 Current   01-Nov-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 1096408  
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Mahwah United Kingdom 1088-8705 1532-7604         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Agriculture--Poultry And Livestock|Medical Sciences--Experimental Medicine, Laboratory Technique|Psychology 216141  
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Malden United Kingdom 0021-8855 1938-3703   01-Dec-2005 01-Dec-2015   Y 01-Dec-2005 01-Dec-2015   01-Dec-2005 01-Dec-2015           01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36654  
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Arlington United States 0021-8863 1552-6879   01-Sep-1995 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Sep-1995 01-Dec-2007   01-Sep-1995 01-Dec-2007           01-Jul-1971 Current 01-Mar-1972--31-Dec-1974 01-Jul-1971 Current 01-Mar-1972--31-Dec-1974 01-Jul-1971 Current 01-Mar-1972--31-Dec-1974       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 24478  
Journal of Applied Communication Research   National Communication Association Annandale United States 0090-9882 1479-5752         Y                     01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current   01-Feb-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications 47871  
Journal of Applied Gerontology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0733-4648 1552-4523         Y                     01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics 30007  
Journal of Applied Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0021-9010 1939-1854         Y                     01-Oct-1971 Current 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1975 01-Oct-1971 Current 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1975 01-Oct-1971 Current 01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1975       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41284  
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling   National Rehabilitation Counseling Association Manassas United States 0047-2220 2639-7641   01-Apr-1998 Current   Y 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current           01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Jul-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 35933  
Journal of Applied Research on Children   Children at Risk Houston United States   2155-5834   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y       01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About 5042542  
Journal of Applied Social Psychology   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Hoboken United States 0021-9029 1559-1816         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 5203  
Journal of Athletic Training   National Athletic Trainers Association Dallas United States 1062-6050 1938-162X   01-Jul-1997 Current   Y 01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current         180 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sports And Games 47878  
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0162-3257 1573-3432   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Jun-2004 01-May-2017   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 48401  
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making   Wiley Periodicals Inc. Chichester United States 0894-3257 1099-0771   01-Mar-1999 01-Jul-2005   Y       01-Mar-1999 01-Jul-2005           01-Mar-1999 Current   01-Mar-1999 Current   01-Mar-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36333  
Journal of Behavioral Education   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1053-0819 1573-3513   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001       365 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 01-Mar-1997 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 54114  
The Journal of Behavioral Finance   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1542-7560 1542-7579         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Banking And Finance|Psychology 44518  
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1094-3412 1556-3308   01-Apr-1992 Current 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2010; 01-Oct-2004--30-Sep-2009 Y 01-Apr-1992 01-Apr-2017 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-1996 Current 01-Oct-2004--30-Sep-2009       365 01-Jul-1991 Current   01-Jul-1991 Current   01-Jul-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Health Facilities And Administration|Psychology|Public Health And Safety|Social Services And Welfare 30572  
Journal of Behavioral Medicine   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0160-7715 1573-3521   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 37571  
Journal of Behavioral Optometry   Optometric Extension Program Foundation Santa Ana United States 1045-8395     01-Jan-2007 01-Sep-2012   Y 01-Jan-2007 01-Sep-2012   01-Jan-2007 01-Sep-2012           01-Jan-2007 01-Sep-2012   01-Jan-2007 01-Sep-2012               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Psychology 28904  
Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management   Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management Glendale United States 1930-0158     01-Jan-2005 Current   Y 01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current           01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Business And Economics--Personnel Management 39831  
Journal of Behavioural Sciences   AsiaNet Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. Lahore Pakistan 1028-9097     01-Jan-2007 Current   Y 01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 01-May-2018           01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current   01-Jan-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 136244  
Journal of Bioeconomics   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1387-6996 1573-6989   01-Jan-1999 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-1999 Current         365 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Business And Economics--Economic Systems And Theories, Economic History 25710  
Journal of Biological Rhythms   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. New York United States 0748-7304 1552-4531         Y                     01-Mar-1986 Current   01-Mar-1986 Current   01-Sep-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 5639  
Journal of Biosocial Science   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0021-9320 1469-7599   01-Jan-2001 Current   Y 01-Jul-2009 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Genetics|Population Studies|Sociology 34392  
Journal of Bisexuality   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1529-9716 1529-9724         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Lgbtq+|Medical Sciences|Psychology 196225  
Journal of Black Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Washington United States 0095-7984 1552-4558         Y                     01-Aug-1974 Current 01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988; 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993 01-Aug-1974 Current 01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988 01-Aug-1974 Current 01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988; 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993       Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Psychology 15745  
Journal of Black Studies   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0021-9347 1552-4566         Y                     01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Ethnic Interests|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works 35944  
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 0883-8151 1550-6878         Y                     01-Jan-1986 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987 01-Jan-1986 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987 01-Jan-1986 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987       Y Scholarly Journals English Communications--Television And Cable|Education 42128  
Journal of Business Ethics   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0167-4544 1573-0697   01-Nov-1987 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2017   01-Nov-1987 Current           01-Nov-1984 Current   01-Nov-1984 Current   01-Nov-1984 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Law 6472  
Journal of Business Ethics (1986-1998)   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0167-4544     01-Feb-1986 01-Dec-1987   Y       01-Feb-1986 01-Dec-1987           01-Feb-1986 01-Dec-1987   01-Feb-1986 01-Dec-1987   01-Feb-1986 01-Nov-1987         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Law 36328  
Journal of Business Ethics (pre-1986)   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0167-4544     01-May-1982 01-Dec-1985   Y       01-May-1982 01-Dec-1985           01-May-1982 01-Dec-1985   01-May-1982 01-Dec-1985               Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Law 36326  
Journal of Business and Psychology   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0889-3268 1573-353X   01-Apr-1999 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Apr-1999 Current         365 01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Psychology 38113  
Journal of Cancer Education   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0885-8195 1543-0154   01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2006 Y 01-Jul-2001 01-Jun-2017 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2006 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006       365 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Dec-2003--31-Dec-2006       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Oncology 30493  
Journal of Cancer Survivorship   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1932-2259 1932-2267   01-Jun-2007 Current   Y 01-Sep-2007 01-Apr-2017   01-Jun-2007 Current         365 01-Jun-2007 Current   01-Jun-2007 Current   01-Jun-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Oncology 54423  
Journal of Career Assessment   Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. Odessa United States 1069-0727 1552-4590         Y                     01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers|Psychology 33010  
Journal of Career Development   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0894-8453 1573-3548   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005   Y       01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005           01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005   01-Jan-1998 01-Jul-2005   01-Jan-1999 01-Jul-2005         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers 47800  
Journal of Career Development   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. New York United States 0894-8453 1573-3548         Y                     01-Feb-2017 Current   01-Feb-2017 Current   01-Feb-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Occupations And Careers 4366611  
Journal of Change Management   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 1469-7017 1479-1811         Y                     01-Aug-2001 Current   01-Aug-2001 Current   01-Aug-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 27404  
Journal of Character Education   Information Age Publishing Greenwich United States 1543-1223     01-Jan-2003 Current   Y 01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current           01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Religions And Theology 27598  
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse   Taylor & Francis LLC London United Kingdom 1067-828X 1547-0652         Y                     01-Jul-2003 01-Jul-2020   01-Jul-2003 01-Jul-2020   01-Jul-2003 01-Jul-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 46986  
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1936-1521 1936-153X         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-2011 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 436399  
Journal of Child Language   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 0305-0009 1469-7602   01-Feb-2001 Current   Y 01-Aug-2007 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         365 01-Feb-2001 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current   01-Feb-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Linguistics|Psychology 49003  
Journal of Child Neurology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Hamilton United States 0883-0738 1708-8283   01-Nov-1996 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2000   01-Nov-1996 01-Oct-2000           01-Nov-1995 01-Oct-2001   01-Nov-1995 01-Oct-2001   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 36786  
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Malden United Kingdom 0021-9630 1469-7610         Y                     01-Jul-1995 Current   01-Jul-1995 Current   01-Jul-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 51545  
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Binghamton United Kingdom 1053-8712 1547-0679   01-Apr-1995 01-Dec-1997   Y 01-Apr-1995 01-Dec-1997   01-Apr-1995 01-Dec-1997           01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1993 Current   01-Apr-1994 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Social Services And Welfare 45127  
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology   Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. New Rochelle United States 1044-5463 1557-8992   01-Sep-2000 01-Feb-2021   Y 01-Feb-2014 01-Feb-2021   01-Sep-2000 01-Feb-2021           01-Sep-2000 Current   01-Sep-2000 Current   01-Sep-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Pharmacy And Pharmacology 46504  
Journal of Child and Family Studies   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1062-1024 1573-2843   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-May-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 31319  
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 1537-4416 1537-4424         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 25716  
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry   Physicians Postgraduate Press Memphis United States 0160-6689 1555-2101         Y                     01-Jan-1995 01-Mar-2006   01-Jan-1995 01-Mar-2006   01-Jan-1997 01-Sep-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 42096  
Journal of Clinical Psychology   Wiley Periodicals Inc. Hoboken United States 0021-9762 1097-4679         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 42414  
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology   Human Kinetics Champaign Canada 1932-9261 1932-927X         Y                     01-Dec-2017 Current   01-Dec-2017 Current   01-Dec-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sports And Games 3748009  
Journal of Cognition and Development   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1524-8372 1532-7647         Y                     01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 25338  
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology   Springer Publishing Company New York United States 1945-8959 1810-7621   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2017           01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2017   01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum|Psychology 646503  
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience   MIT Press Journals, The Cambridge US Minor Outlying Islands 0898-929X 1530-8898         Y                     01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 37146  
Journal of Cognitive Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Hove United Kingdom 2044-5911 2044-592X         Y                     01-Feb-2012 Current   01-Feb-2012 Current   01-Feb-2012 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 105448  
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy   Springer Publishing Company New York United States 0889-8391 1938-887X   01-Oct-1987 01-Jul-2016   Y 01-Oct-1987 01-Jul-2016   01-Oct-1987 01-Jul-2016           01-Oct-1987 01-Jul-2016   01-Oct-1987 01-Jul-2016               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 28723  
Journal of College Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 1099-0399 2161-1882   01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 Y 01-Apr-2003 01-Apr-2006   01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011         01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013   01-Apr-2003 01-Oct-2013               Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Psychology 45906  
Journal of College Student Development   Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore United States 0897-5264 1543-3382   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education 34426  
Journal of Communication   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 0021-9916 1460-2466         Y                     01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2017   01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2017   01-Jan-1988 01-Dec-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Journalism|Medical Sciences|Psychology|Sociology 47293  
Journal of Communication (1986-1998)   Oxford University Press New York United Kingdom 0021-9916 1460-2466         Y                     01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1987   01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1987   01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-1987         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Journalism|Medical Sciences|Psychology|Sociology 47295  
Journal of Communication (pre-1986)   Oxford University Press New York United Kingdom 0021-9916 1460-2466         Y                     01-May-1951 01-Oct-1985   01-May-1951 01-Oct-1985   01-May-1951 01-Oct-1985         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Education|Journalism|Medical Sciences|Psychology|Sociology 47296  
Journal of Communication Management   Emerald Group Publishing Limited London United Kingdom 1363-254X 1478-0852   01-Jan-2000 Current   Y 01-Sep-2001 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         365 01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Communications 26325  
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Chichester United States 1052-9284 1099-1298         Y                     01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 30962  
Journal of Community Health   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0094-5145 1573-3610   01-Feb-1991 Current   Y 01-Apr-1995 01-Jun-2017   01-Feb-1991 Current         365 01-Jan-1987 Current   01-Jan-1987 Current   01-Jan-1987 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Health Facilities And Administration|Medical Sciences|Public Health And Safety 48530  
Journal of Community Health Nursing   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 0737-0016 1532-7655         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 36978  
Journal of Community Psychology   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Hoboken United States 0090-4392 1520-6629         Y                     01-May-2004 Current   01-May-2004 Current   01-May-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 48397  
Journal of Comparative Family Studies   University of Toronto Press Calgary Canada 0047-2328 1929-9850   01-Apr-1994 01-Oct-2014   Y 01-Apr-1994 01-Oct-2014   01-Oct-1995 01-Oct-2014           01-Apr-1989 01-Jan-2021   01-Apr-1989 01-Jan-2021   01-Apr-1989 01-Jan-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 34616  
Journal of Comparative Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0735-7036 1939-2087         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 42312  
Journal of Computational Neuroscience   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0929-5313 1573-6873   01-Jan-1999 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Jan-1999 Current         365 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Computers--Artificial Intelligence|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 44274  
The Journal of Conflict Resolution (1986-1998)   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0022-0027 1552-8766   01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994   Y       01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994           01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994   01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994   01-Mar-1986 01-Dec-1994         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science--International Relations|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 34887  
The Journal of Conflict Resolution (pre-1986)   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0022-0027 1552-8766   01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985   Y       01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985           01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985   01-Jan-1957 01-Dec-1985   01-Mar-1957 01-Dec-1985         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science--International Relations|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 34886  
The Journal of Conflict Resolution   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0022-0027 1552-8766   01-Sep-1995 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Feb-1997 01-Dec-2007   01-Sep-1995 01-Dec-2007           01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Political Science--International Relations|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 2004  
Journal of Constructivist Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1072-0537 1521-0650         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 196219  
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology   American Psychological Association Arlington United States 0022-006X 1939-2117         Y                     01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 42317  
The Journal of Consumer Affairs (1986-1998)   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Madison United Kingdom 0022-0078 1745-6606   01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1986   Y       01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1986           01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1986   01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1986   01-Jan-1986 01-Jul-1986         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Consumer Education And Protection 35936  
The Journal of Consumer Affairs (pre-1986)   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Madison United Kingdom 0022-0078 1745-6606   01-Jan-1972 01-Jul-1985   Y       01-Jan-1972 01-Jul-1985           01-Jan-1972 01-Jul-1985   01-Jan-1972 01-Jul-1985   01-Jan-1972 01-Jul-1985         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Consumer Education And Protection 35937  
The Journal of Consumer Affairs   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Madison United Kingdom 0022-0078 1745-6606   01-Dec-1987 01-Oct-2009   Y 01-Jul-1992 01-Oct-2009   01-Dec-1987 01-Oct-2009           01-Dec-1972 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973 01-Dec-1972 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973 01-Dec-1972 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973       Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Consumer Education And Protection 35935  
Journal of Consumer Behaviour   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. London United States 1472-0817 1479-1838         Y                     01-Jun-2001 Current   01-Jun-2001 Current   01-Jun-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing|Consumer Education And Protection 25343  
The Journal of Consumer Marketing   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Santa Barbara United Kingdom 0736-3761 2052-1200   01-Oct-1987 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2000 Y 20-Mar-1992 Current   01-Oct-1987 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2000       365 01-Jun-1983 Current   01-Jun-1983 Current   01-Jun-1983 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 37088  
Journal of Consumer Research   Oxford University Press Oxford United States 0093-5301 1537-5277         Y                     01-Jun-1974 01-Feb-2017   01-Jun-1974 01-Feb-2017   01-Jun-1974 01-Feb-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 38026  
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1043-9862 1552-5406         Y                     01-Mar-1991 Current   01-Mar-1991 Current   01-Mar-1991 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 31620  
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0891-2416 1552-5414         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1974; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1979; 01-Jan-1981--31-Dec-1981; 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1974; 01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1979; 01-Jan-1981--31-Dec-1981; 01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986; 01-Jan-1988--31-Dec-1988       Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Sociology 7018  
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0022-0116 1573-3564   01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998       365 01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Physics|Psychology 48134  
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford United Kingdom 0966-0879 1468-5973         Y                     01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current   01-Mar-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 31737  
Journal of Counseling Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0022-0167 1939-2168         Y                     01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41013  
Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 0748-9633 1556-6676   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-1988 01-Oct-2013           01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Occupations And Careers|Psychology 25041  
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision   North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Montclair United States   2164-3288   01-Jan-2009 Current   Y       01-Jan-2009 Current           01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 2027398  
Journal of Criminal Justice   Elsevier Science Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0047-2352 1873-6203         Y                     01-May-1981 01-Mar-2023   01-May-1981 01-Mar-2023   01-Jan-1989 01-Jan-2023         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Law|Law--Criminal Law 46459  
Journal of Criminal Psychology   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2009-3829 2049-9388   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2012 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         365 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology 1386339  
Journal of Cross - Cultural Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0022-0221 1552-5422         Y                     01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 48985  
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 0169-3816 1573-0719   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Anthropology|Gerontology And Geriatrics 54159  
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education   Oxford Publishing Limited (England) Cary United Kingdom 1081-4159 1465-7325         Y                     01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2016   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2016   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 33804  
Journal of Disability Policy Studies   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1044-2073 1538-4802   01-Jul-2001 01-Mar-2010   Y 01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2008   01-Jul-2001 01-Mar-2010           01-Apr-1990 Current   01-Apr-1990 Current   01-Apr-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|People With Disabilities 26334  
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage   Taylor & Francis LLC New York United Kingdom 1050-2556 1540-4811         Y                     30-Sep-1977 Current   30-Sep-1977 Current   30-Sep-1977 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Law--Family And Matrimonial Law|Matrimony|Sociology 11381  
Journal of Drug Education   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0047-2379 1541-4159         Y                     01-Mar-1971 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Mar-1971 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Mar-1971 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Education 105520  
Journal of Drug Issues   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0022-0426 1945-1369   01-Jan-1971 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-1988--01-Apr-1996; 01-Jan-1988--01-Jul-1995; 01-Jan-2014--01-Sep-2016 Y 01-Jan-1971 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-1988--01-Apr-1996 01-Jan-1971 01-Oct-2018 01-Jan-1988--01-Jul-1995; 01-Jan-2014--01-Sep-2016         01-Jan-1971 Current   01-Jan-1971 Current   01-Jan-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Medical Sciences 34918  
The Journal of ECT   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies New York United States 1095-0680 1533-4112         Y                     01-Mar-2004 01-Dec-2020   01-Mar-2004 01-Dec-2020   01-Mar-2004 01-Dec-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 43095  
Journal of EMDR Practice and Research   Springer Publishing Company New York United States 1933-3196 1933-320X   01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2016   Y 01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2016   01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2016           01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2016   01-Jan-2008 01-Jul-2016   01-Jul-2014 01-Jul-2014         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 40348  
The Journal of Early Adolescence   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0272-4316 1552-5449         Y                     01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current   01-Feb-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 38160  
Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology   Pace University New York United States 1554-6144     01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2012   Y 01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2012   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2012           01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2012   01-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2012               Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 1216398  
Journal of Early Intervention   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1053-8151 2154-3992   01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2017   01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2017           01-Jul-1981 Current   01-Jul-1981 Current   01-Mar-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 32947  
Journal of Eating Disorders   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   2050-2974   01-Jan-2015 Current   Y       01-Jan-2015 Current           01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current   01-Jan-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2040217  
Journal of Economic Psychology   Elsevier Sequoia S.A. Amsterdam Switzerland 0167-4870 1872-7719         Y                     01-Dec-1984 01-Oct-2016   01-Dec-1984 01-Oct-2016   01-Dec-1984 01-Oct-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing|Psychology 45654  
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1082-4669 1532-7671         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 46400  
Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 1047-4412 1532-768X         Y                     01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 46263  
Journal of Educational Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0022-0663 1939-2176         Y                     01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 42319  
The Journal of Educational Research   Taylor & Francis Inc. Bloomington United States 0022-0671 1940-0675   01-May-1996 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-May-1996 01-Nov-2010   01-May-1996 01-Nov-2010           01-May-1996 Current   01-May-1996 Current   01-May-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 40761  
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics   American Educational Research Association Washington United States 1076-9986 1935-1054   01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009   01-Jul-2001 01-Dec-2009           01-Mar-1977 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003 01-Mar-1977 Current   01-Mar-1977 Current 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Statistics 6204  
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0894-6566 1540-4129   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1998   Y 01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1998           01-Jan-1990 Current   01-Jan-1990 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics 45689  
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1063-4266 1538-4799   01-Apr-1998 01-Mar-2010   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Dec-2008   01-Apr-1998 01-Mar-2010           01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Oct-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 31756  
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 1556-2646 1556-2654   01-Mar-2006 01-Dec-2012   Y       01-Mar-2006 01-Dec-2012           01-Mar-2006 Current   01-Mar-2006 Current   01-Mar-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Philosophy 75959  
Journal of Employment Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Alexandria United Kingdom 0022-0787 2161-1920   01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Jun-2006   01-Mar-1998 01-Dec-2013           01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Occupations And Careers|Psychology 2350  
The Journal of Environmental Education   Taylor & Francis Inc. Madison United States 0095-8964 1940-1892   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Apr-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Environmental Studies 34493  
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom 0143-005X 1470-2738   01-Jun-1979 Current   Y 01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jun-1979 Current         180 01-Jun-1979 Current   01-Jun-1979 Current   01-Jun-1979 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2041065  
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1978)   BMJ Publishing Group LTD   United Kingdom 0141-7681     01-Mar-1978 01-Dec-1978   Y       01-Mar-1978 01-Dec-1978           01-Mar-1978 01-Dec-1978   01-Mar-1978 01-Dec-1978   01-Mar-1978 01-Dec-1978         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2041062  
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1531-3204 1531-3212         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Social Services And Welfare 53152  
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse   Taylor & Francis LLC Binghamton United Kingdom 1533-2640 1533-2659         Y                     01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current   01-Jan-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Library And Information Sciences 45946  
Journal of Evidence - Based Psychotherapies   A.S.C.R. PRESS Cluj-Napoca United Kingdom 2360-0853     01-Sep-2006 Current   Y 01-Sep-2006 Current   01-Sep-2006 Current           01-Sep-2006 Current   01-Sep-2006 Current   01-Mar-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 28893  
Journal of Evolutionary Economics   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 0936-9937 1432-1386   01-Feb-2003 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2001 Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Feb-2003 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2001       365 01-Mar-2002 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2001 01-Feb-2003 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2001 01-Mar-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics 31401  
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology   Elsevier BV New York Netherlands 0022-0965 1096-0457         Y                     01-Feb-1989 01-Mar-2017 01-Mar-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1989 01-Mar-2017 01-Mar-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1989 01-Mar-2017 01-Mar-2001--30-Jun-2006       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 29837  
Journal of Experimental Criminology   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1573-3750 1572-8315   01-Apr-2005 Current   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Mar-2017   01-Apr-2005 Current         365 01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 54298  
The Journal of Experimental Education   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0022-0973 1940-0683   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2010           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 40928  
Journal of Experimental Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0278-7393 1939-1285         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 7533  
Journal of Experimental Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0096-1523 1939-1277         Y                     01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37630  
Journal of Experimental Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 2329-8456 2329-8464         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37634  
Journal of Experimental Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0096-3445 1939-2222         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41282  
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom   2043-8087   01-Apr-2016 Current   Y             01-Apr-2016 Current     01-Apr-2016 Current   01-Apr-2016 Current   01-Apr-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology 4451110  
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology   Academic Press San Diego United States 0022-1031 1096-0465         Y                     01-Jan-1989 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-1989 01-Jan-2017   01-Jan-1989 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 5209  
Journal of Family Communication   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1526-7431 1532-7698         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Sociology 216140  
Journal of Family Issues   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0192-513X 1552-5481         Y                     01-Mar-1980 Current   01-Mar-1980 Current   01-Jun-1980 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 37704  
Journal of Family Nursing   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1074-8407 1552-549X         Y                     01-May-1995 Current   01-May-1995 Current   01-May-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 31052  
Journal of Family Psychology   American Psychological Association Newbury Park United States 0893-3200 1939-1293         Y                     01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Mar-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 30144  
Journal of Family Strengths   Children at Risk Houston United States 2168-670X     01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010 Y       01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010         01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2002 Current 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010       Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 5431407  
Journal of Family Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Maleny United Kingdom 1322-9400 1839-3543   01-Apr-2005 01-Nov-2017   Y       01-Apr-2005 01-Nov-2017           01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2005 Current   01-Apr-2013 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Matrimony|Psychology 28267  
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 2690-4586 2690-4594         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Children And Youth - About 196222  
Journal of Family Violence   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0885-7482 1573-2851   01-Feb-2005 Current   Y 01-Feb-2005 01-Apr-2017   01-Feb-2005 Current         365 01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology|Sociology 37715  
Journal of Family and Economic Issues   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1058-0476 1573-3475   01-Apr-1998 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Apr-1998 Current         365 01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37909  
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy   Taylor & Francis LLC Binghamton United Kingdom 0895-2833 1540-4099         Y                     31-Mar-1989 Current   31-Mar-1989 Current   31-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Women's Interests|Women's Studies 47141  
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning   Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Columbus United States 1052-3073     01-Jan-1995 Current   Y 01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current           01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Banking And Finance 38873  
Journal of Forensic Practice   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Brighton United Kingdom 2050-8794 2050-8808   01-Nov-2003 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Nov-2003 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 01-Nov-2003 Current         365 01-Nov-2003 Current   01-Nov-2003 Current   01-Nov-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Forensic Sciences 44508  
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1478-9949 1478-9957         Y                     01-Feb-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Feb-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Feb-2010 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Forensic Sciences|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 186234  
Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 2473-2850 2473-2842         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Law--Criminal Law|Psychology 196197  
Journal of Gambling Studies   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1050-5350 1573-3602   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2004   Y       01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2004           01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2004   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2004   01-Apr-1998 01-Oct-2004         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology|Sports And Games 37471  
Journal of Gambling Studies (Online)   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands   1573-3602         Y                     01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Dec-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Sports And Games 2034451  
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health   Taylor & Francis LLC Binghamton United Kingdom 1935-9705 1935-9713         Y                     31-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 31-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 31-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Lgbtq+|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 18781  
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services   Taylor & Francis LLC Binghamton United Kingdom 1053-8720 1540-4056         Y                     31-Mar-1994 Current   31-Mar-1994 Current   31-Mar-1994 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Lgbtq+|Social Services And Welfare 45252  
Journal of Gender Studies   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0958-9236 1465-3869   01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-Jul-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Men's Studies|Women's Studies 33228  
The Journal of General Psychology   Taylor & Francis Inc. Philadelphia United States 0022-1309 1940-0888   01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-1996 01-Oct-2010           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36277  
Journal of Genetic Counseling   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. New York United Kingdom 1059-7700 1573-3599   01-Feb-1998 01-Dec-2018   Y       01-Feb-1998 01-Dec-2018           01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-1998 Current   01-Feb-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 31322  
The Journal of Genetic Psychology   Taylor & Francis Inc. New York United States 0022-1325 1940-0896   01-Mar-1994 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Mar-1994 01-Oct-2010   01-Sep-1996 01-Oct-2010           01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Genetics|Psychology 34448  
Journal of Geriatric Mental Health   Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai   2348-9995 2395-3322   01-Jan-2014 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2014 01-Jul-2019   01-Jan-2020 Current     01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2014 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 4170339  
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Hamilton United States 0891-9887           Y                     01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2001   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2001   01-Jan-1999 01-Oct-2001         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 29863  
Journal of Gerontological Social Work   Taylor & Francis LLC London United Kingdom 0163-4372 1540-4048         Y                     01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics 11387  
Journal of Happiness Studies   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1389-4978 1573-7780   01-Mar-2000 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Mar-2000 Current         365 01-Mar-2000 Current   01-Mar-2000 Current   01-Mar-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 55390  
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Frederick United States 0885-9701 1550-509X         Y                     01-Feb-1998 01-Jul-2004   01-Feb-1998 01-Jul-2004   01-Oct-1998 01-Jul-2004         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Orthopedics And Traumatology 38109  
The Journal of Headache and Pain   Springer Nature B.V. Milano Netherlands 1129-2369 1129-2377   01-Jul-2000 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jul-2000 Current           01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 43392  
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved   Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore United States 1049-2089 1548-6869   01-Jan-1996 Current   Y 01-Jan-1996 Current   01-May-1996 Current         365 01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current   01-Jan-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Public Health And Safety|Social Services And Welfare 30234  
Journal of Health Communication   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1081-0730 1087-0415         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Medical Sciences 105614  
Journal of Health Sciences   University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Health Studies Sarajevo Bosnia And Herzegovina 2232-7576 1986-8049   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y       01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2035071  
Journal of Health Service Psychology   Springer Nature B.V. Washington Netherlands 2662-2645 2662-2653   01-Apr-2017 Current   Y 01-Feb-2020 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current         365 01-Apr-2017 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 6587186  
Journal of Health and Social Behavior   American Sociological Association Washington United States 0022-1465 2150-6000   01-Mar-1992 01-Jun-2013   Y 01-Mar-1994 01-Jun-2013   01-Mar-1992 01-Jun-2013           01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Sociology 25061  
Journal of Homosexuality   Taylor & Francis LLC New York United Kingdom 0091-8369 1540-3602         Y                     31-Oct-1974 Current   31-Oct-1974 Current   31-Oct-1974 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Lgbtq+|Sociology 46991  
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1091-1359 1540-3556         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare|Sociology 52912  
The Journal of Humanistic Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Beverly Hills United States 0022-1678 1552-650X         Y                     01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 35078  
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1557-1912 1557-1920   01-Jan-1999 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Jan-1999 Current         365 01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2004         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Medical Sciences 39812  
Journal of Individual Psychology   University of Texas at Austin (University of Texas Press) Austin United States 1522-2527 2332-0583         Y                     01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2002   01-Jan-2001 01-Oct-2002               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 35661  
Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy   Taylor & Francis Inc. New York United States 1528-9168 1940-9214   01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2009   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2009           01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2009   01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2009               Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 29582  
Journal of Injury and Violence Research   Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences Kermanshah Iran 2008-2053 2008-4072   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current           01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Social Services And Welfare 266698  
Journal of Instructional Psychology   Journal of Instructional Psychology Mobile United States 0094-1956     01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   Y 01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013           01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2013   01-Mar-2012 01-Dec-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 48173  
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1366-8250 1469-9532   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   Y 01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000   01-Sep-1997 01-Sep-2000           01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current   01-Sep-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 48383  
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bingley United Kingdom 2050-8824 2050-8832   01-Jan-2010 Current   Y 01-Apr-2011 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         365 01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 1006505  
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Oxford United States 0964-2633 1365-2788         Y                     01-Dec-1998 Current   01-Dec-1998 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Social Services And Welfare 48635  
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders   Equinox Publishing Ltd. Lafayette United Kingdom 2040-5111 2040-512X   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2016   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2016           01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Linguistics|Psychology 1036400  
Journal of International Consumer Marketing   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0896-1530 1528-7068   01-Jul-1995 01-Apr-1997   Y 01-Jul-1995 01-Apr-1997   01-Jul-1995 01-Apr-1997           01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current   01-Jan-1993 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--International Commerce|Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing|Consumer Education And Protection 46994  
Journal of Interpersonal Violence   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0886-2605 1552-6518         Y                     01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1990 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology|Sociology 30963  
Journal of Interprofessional Care   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1356-1820 1469-9567   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-May-1998 01-Nov-2000   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2000           01-May-1998 01-Nov-2000   01-May-1998 01-Nov-2000               Y Scholarly Journals English Alternative Medicine|Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Osteopathy|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 37368  
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Chichester United States 1544-4759           Y                     01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-2010 01-Oct-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology 196250  
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling (Online)   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. Chichester United States   1544-4767         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology 2034148  
Journal of Knowledge Management   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Kempston United Kingdom 1367-3270 1758-7484   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2000       365 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Library And Information Sciences 46957  
Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 2692-4951 2692-496X         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals   Lgbtq+|Psychology 186333  
Journal of Language and Social Psychology   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0261-927X 1552-6526         Y                     01-Mar-1996 Current 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1989 01-Mar-1996 Current 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1985 01-Mar-1996 Current 01-Jan-1985--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1989       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 31929  
Journal of Learning Disabilities   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 0022-2194 1538-4780   01-May-1997 01-May-2010   Y 01-May-1997 01-Nov-2008   01-May-1997 01-May-2010           01-Feb-1976 Current   01-Feb-1976 Current   01-May-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences|Psychology 36290  
Journal of Leisure Research   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Urbana United Kingdom 0022-2216 2159-6417   01-Jan-1994 20-Oct-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 Y 01-Jan-1994 20-Oct-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-1996 20-Oct-2020 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017         01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Conservation|Leisure And Recreation|Sports And Games--Outdoor Life 34631  
Journal of Lesbian Studies   Taylor & Francis LLC Abingdon United Kingdom 1089-4160 1540-3548         Y                     31-Mar-1997 Current   31-Mar-1997 Current   31-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Lgbtq+|Psychology 45427  
Journal of Literacy Research   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1086-296X 1554-8430         Y                     01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 6034  
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies   Liverpool University Press Liverpool United Kingdom 1757-6458 1757-6466         Y                     01-May-2007 Current   01-May-2007 Current   01-May-2007 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 76074  
Journal of Loss & Trauma   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1532-5024 1532-5032         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 186330  
The Journal of Management Development   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 0262-1711 1758-7492   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         365 01-Jan-1983 Current   01-Jan-1983 Current   01-Jan-1983 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 37225  
Journal of Management and Organization   Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Lyndfield Australia 1833-3672 1839-3527   01-Jan-2003 Current   Y 01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current           01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current   01-Jan-2003 01-Nov-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 38879  
Journal of Managerial Issues   Pittsburg State University, Department of Economics Pittsburg United States 1045-3695 2328-7470   01-Oct-1997 Current   Y 01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current           01-Apr-1994 Current   01-Apr-1994 Current   01-Apr-1994 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Business And Economics--Accounting|Business And Economics--Management|Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 32030  
Journal of Managerial Psychology   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 0268-3946 1758-7778   01-Jan-1992 Current   Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   20-May-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management|Psychology 3488  
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Hoboken United Kingdom 0194-472X 1752-0606   01-Jan-1994 Current   Y 01-Jan-1994 Current   01-Jul-1996 Current           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Matrimony|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare|Sociology 47664  
Journal of Marketing   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Chicago United States 0022-2429 1547-7185   01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-2002   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Oct-2002   01-Jan-1986 01-Oct-2002           01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Abstracting And Indexing Services|Business And Economics--Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics|Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 617  
Journal of Marketing (pre-1986)   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. New York United States 0022-2429 1547-7185   01-Jul-1936 01-Oct-1985 01-Jan-1952--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1957--31-Dec-1957; 01-Jan-1959--31-Dec-1959 Y       01-Jul-1936 01-Oct-1985 01-Jan-1952--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1957--31-Dec-1957; 01-Jan-1959--31-Dec-1959         01-Jul-1936 01-Oct-1985 01-Jan-1952--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1957--31-Dec-1957; 01-Jan-1959--31-Dec-1959 01-Jul-1936 01-Oct-1985 01-Jan-1952--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1957--31-Dec-1957; 01-Jan-1959--31-Dec-1959             Y Scholarly Journals English Abstracting And Indexing Services|Business And Economics--Abstracting, Bibliographies, Statistics|Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 41809  
Journal of Marriage and Family   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Minneapolis United Kingdom 0022-2445 1741-3737   01-Feb-1988 Current   Y 01-Feb-1994 Current   01-Feb-1988 Current         365 01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Education|Matrimony|Public Health And Safety|Sociology 25922  
Journal of Media and Religion   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1534-8423 1534-8415         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Religions And Theology 27039  
Journal of Memory and Language   Elsevier BV New York Netherlands 0749-596X 1096-0821         Y                     01-Feb-1992 01-Apr-2017 01-Feb-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1992 01-Apr-2017 01-Feb-2001--30-Jun-2006 01-Feb-1992 01-Feb-2017 01-Feb-2001--30-Jun-2006       Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Linguistics|Psychology 29955  
Journal of Men's Studies   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 1060-8265 1933-0251   31-Aug-1992 01-Oct-2014   Y 31-Aug-1992 01-Oct-2014   01-Apr-2006 01-Oct-2014           31-Aug-1992 Current   31-Aug-1992 Current   31-Aug-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Men's Studies 32658  
Journal of Mental Health   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0963-8237 1360-0567   01-Oct-1997 01-Oct-2000   Y 01-Oct-1997 01-Oct-2000   01-Oct-1997 01-Oct-2000           01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 33358  
Journal of Mental Health Counseling   American Mental Health Counselors Association Alexandria United States 1040-2861 2163-5749   01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 Y 01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 01-Oct-1997 Current           01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current   01-Oct-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 47399  
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 1931-5864 1931-5872         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 196165  
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education, and Practice   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Brighton United Kingdom 1755-6228 2042-8707   01-Jan-2006 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Occupational Health And Safety 1006506  
The Journal of Mind and Behavior   Institute of Mind & Behavior New York United States 0271-0137     01-Jul-2014 Current   Y 01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current           01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current   01-Jul-2014 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 2036060  
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience   Springer Nature B.V. Totowa Netherlands 0895-8696 1559-1166   01-Feb-1997 Current   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Feb-1997 Current         365 01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current   01-Feb-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Microbiology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 326248  
Journal of Molecular Psychiatry   BioMed Central London United Kingdom   2049-9256   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2016   Y       01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2016           01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2015 01-Jan-2016   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2040214  
Journal of Motor Behavior   Taylor & Francis Inc. Washington United States 0022-2895 1940-1027   01-Mar-1998 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Mar-1998 01-Nov-2010   01-Mar-1998 01-Nov-2010           01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 35941  
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 0883-8534 2161-1912   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2013   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2013           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Ethnic Interests|Multi-Ethnic|Sociology 35948  
Journal of Music Therapy   Oxford University Press Silver Spring United Kingdom 0022-2917 2053-7395   01-Dec-2002 01-Dec-2016   Y 01-Dec-2002 01-Dec-2016   01-Dec-2002 01-Dec-2016           01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1990 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1996 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Music 47718  
The Journal of Negro Education   Howard University, School of Divinity Washington United States 0022-2984 2167-6437   01-Jan-1994 01-Apr-2021   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Apr-2021   01-Jul-1995 01-Apr-2021           01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2021   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2021   01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2021         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Ethnic Interests 47655  
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Baltimore United States 0022-3018 1539-736X         Y                     01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current   01-Apr-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 25199  
Journal of Neural Transmission   Springer Nature B.V. Wien Netherlands 0300-9564 1435-1463         Y                     01-Jan-2002 01-Jun-2015   01-Jan-2002 01-Jun-2015   01-Jan-2002 01-Jun-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 51646  
Journal of Neurochemistry   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0022-3042 1471-4159         Y                     01-Jun-2005 Current   01-Jun-2005 Current   01-Jun-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology--Biochemistry|Chemistry|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 31528  
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry   BMJ Publishing Group LTD   United Kingdom 0368-329X     01-Jan-1938 01-Jan-1943   Y       01-Jan-1938 01-Jan-1943           01-Jan-1938 01-Jan-1944   01-Jan-1938 01-Jan-1944               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Medical Sciences--Surgery 2041057  
The Journal of Neurology and Psychopathology   BMJ Publishing Group LTD   United Kingdom       01-May-1920 01-Apr-1937   Y       01-May-1920 01-Apr-1937           01-May-1920 01-Apr-1937   01-May-1920 01-Apr-1937   01-Apr-1927 01-Oct-1927         N Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Medical Sciences--Surgery 2041058  
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry   BMJ Publishing Group LTD London United Kingdom 0022-3050 1468-330X   01-Jul-1944 Current   Y 01-Jul-1997 Current   01-Jul-1944 Current         180 01-Jul-1944 Current   01-Jul-1944 Current   01-Feb-1957 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Medical Sciences--Surgery 2041879  
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences   American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Washington United States 0895-0172 1545-7222         Y                     01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-1998 01-Oct-2013         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 34343  
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice   Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. New York United States 0976-3147 0976-3155   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   Y 01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019           01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019   01-Jan-2010 01-Apr-2019         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 226476  
Journal of Neurotherapy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Merino United Kingdom 1087-4208 1530-017X         Y                     01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2013   01-Jan-2011 01-Oct-2013         N Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 436394  
Journal of Neurotrauma   Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. New York United States 0897-7151 1557-9042   01-Aug-2000 15-Feb-2021   Y 01-Jan-2014 15-Feb-2021   01-Aug-2000 15-Feb-2021           01-Aug-2000 Current   01-Aug-2000 Current   01-Aug-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Orthopedics And Traumatology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 33649  
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0191-5886 1573-3653   01-Oct-1996 Current   Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Jun-2017   01-Oct-1996 Current         365 01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current   01-Apr-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 48527  
Journal of Nursing Measurement   Springer Publishing Company New York United States 1061-3749 1945-7049   01-Apr-2005 01-Aug-2016   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Aug-2016   01-Apr-2005 01-Aug-2016           01-Apr-2005 01-Aug-2016   01-Apr-2005 01-Aug-2016   01-Apr-2005 01-Aug-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 46673  
Journal of Nursing Scholarship   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Indianapolis United Kingdom 1527-6546 1547-5069   01-Jan-1998 Current   Y 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current           01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Higher Education|Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 46765  
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior   Elsevier Limited Philadelphia United Kingdom 1499-4046 1708-8259   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2001   Y 01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2001   01-Mar-1997 01-Nov-2001           01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016   01-Jan-1989 01-Nov-2016         Y Scholarly Journals English Nutrition And Dietetics 8794  
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging   Springer Nature B.V. Paris Netherlands 1279-7707 1760-4788   01-Jan-2006 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Jan-2006 01-May-2017 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-2006 Current         365 01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Jan-2006 Current   01-Sep-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Nutrition And Dietetics 28850  
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1053-0487 1573-3688   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation|Occupational Health And Safety 33258  
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 0963-1798 2044-8325   01-Sep-1996 01-Mar-2006   Y 01-Sep-1996 01-Mar-2006   01-Sep-1996 01-Mar-2006           01-Mar-1978 Current   01-Mar-1978 Current   01-Mar-1978 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 38177  
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation   Taylor & Francis LLC London United Kingdom 1050-9674 1540-8558         Y                     01-Jan-1980 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1980 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997 01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology|Social Services And Welfare 47163  
Journal of Organizational Behavior   Wiley Periodicals Inc. Chichester United States 0894-3796 1099-1379   01-Jan-1999 01-Aug-2005   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Jun-2004   01-Jan-1999 01-Aug-2005           01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current   01-Jan-1988 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Psychology|Sociology 47892  
Journal of Organizational Behavior (1986-1998)   Wiley Periodicals Inc. Chichester United States 0894-3796 1099-1379   01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-1998   Y       01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-1998           01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-1998   01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-1998   01-Jan-1988 01-Nov-1998         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Psychology|Sociology 47893  
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management   Taylor & Francis Ltd. New York United Kingdom 0160-8061 1540-8604   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1997   Y 01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1997   01-Jan-1995 01-Jan-1997           01-Jan-1981 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1981 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1981 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 47142  
Journal of Organizational Change Management   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 0953-4814 1758-7816   01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1999 Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1999       365 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Management 30228  
Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 1949-4890     01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2011   Y 01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2011   01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2011           01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2011   01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2011   01-Jan-2011 01-Sep-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2034830  
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology   Sage Publications Ltd. Bowen Hills United Kingdom 1834-4909     01-Apr-2007 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 Y 01-Jun-2012 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Apr-2007 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019         01-Apr-2007 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Apr-2007 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Apr-2007 Current 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 6458214  
Journal of Pain Management   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 1939-5914     01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 2034829  
Journal of Palliative Care   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Montreal United States 0825-8597 2369-5293   01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2017 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2017 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2017 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016         01-Dec-1988 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 01-Dec-1988 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 01-Mar-1989 Current 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 31334  
The Journal of Parapsychology   Parapsychology Press Durham United States 0022-3387     01-Mar-1995 Current   Y 01-Mar-1995 Current   01-Sep-1995 Current           01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Parapsychology And Occultism|Psychology 42308  
Journal of Parkinsonism & Restless Legs Syndrome   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Macclesfield United Kingdom   1927-7725   01-Jan-2011 Current   Y 01-Jan-2014 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current           01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 3933404  
Journal of Pediatric Neurology   Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. New York United States 1304-2580 1875-9041   01-Oct-2004 01-Jan-2018   Y 01-Oct-2004 01-Jan-2018   01-Oct-2004 01-Jan-2018           01-Oct-2004 01-Jan-2018   01-Oct-2004 01-Jan-2018   01-Oct-2004 01-Jan-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 43404  
Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology   Springer Nature B.V. Heidelberg Netherlands 2199-2681 2199-2673   01-Dec-2015 Current   Y 01-Dec-2015 Current   01-Dec-2015 Current         365 01-Dec-2015 Current   01-Dec-2015 Current   01-Dec-2015 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 6623267  
Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences   Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai   1817-1745 1998-3948   01-Jan-2008 Current   Y 01-Jan-2008 01-Jan-2020   01-Jan-2008 01-Jan-2020   01-Apr-2020 Current     01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current   01-Jan-2008 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Pediatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 226474  
The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 0885-3134 1557-7813   01-Nov-1987 01-Apr-2002   Y 01-Jan-1992 01-Apr-2002   01-Nov-1987 01-Apr-2002           01-May-1983 Current   01-May-1983 Current   01-May-1983 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Advertising And Public Relations|Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 37227  
Journal of Personality   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Durham United Kingdom 0022-3506 1467-6494         Y                     01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current   01-Mar-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41698  
Journal of Personality Assessment   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 0022-3891 1532-7752         Y                     01-Feb-2004 Current   01-Feb-2004 Current   01-Feb-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 35405  
Journal of Personality Disorders   Guilford Press New York United States 0885-579X 1943-2763   01-Mar-1987 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Mar-1987 01-Apr-2010   01-Mar-1987 01-Dec-2017           01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Mar-1987 Current   01-Mar-1987 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 32723  
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology   American Psychological Association Washington United States 0022-3514 1939-1315         Y                     01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current   01-Jan-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41847  
Journal of Phenomenological Psychology   Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. Atlantic Highlands Netherlands Antilles 0047-2662 1569-1624   01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002 Y 01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002 01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002       1825 01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002 01-Oct-1997 Current 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002 01-Jan-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 48369  
Journal of Poetry Therapy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Delray Beach United Kingdom 0889-3675 1567-2344         Y                     01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals French Literature--Poetry|Psychology 436391  
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology   Springer Nature B.V. Hauppauge Netherlands 0882-0783 1936-6469   01-Dec-2016 Current   Y 01-Dec-2016 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current         365 01-Mar-1985 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Mar-1989; 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990 01-Mar-1985 Current 01-Jan-1987--31-Mar-1989; 01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1990 01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology 30694  
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Austin United States 1098-3007 1538-4772   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2010   Y 01-Jan-1999 01-Oct-2008   01-Jan-1999 01-Apr-2010           01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 46877  
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine   Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai   0022-3859 0972-2823   01-Jan-2004 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2020   01-Apr-2010 01-Apr-2020   01-Jul-2020 Current     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 32217  
Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health   Association for Pre & Perinatal Psychology and Health Forestville United States 1097-8003     01-Oct-1986 Current   Y 01-Oct-1986 Current   01-Oct-1986 Current         180 01-Oct-1986 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2016 01-Oct-1986 Current   01-Jul-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Birth Control|Medical Sciences--Obstetrics And Gynecology|Psychology 28214  
Journal of Prevention   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0278-095X 1573-6547   01-Jun-1997 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jun-1997 Current         365 01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 Current   01-Jun-1997 01-Jul-2004         Y Scholarly Journals   Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 48283  
Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Austin United Kingdom 1556-6382 2168-9156   01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2016   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2016   01-Apr-1998 01-Jul-2016           01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current   01-Apr-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 21999  
Journal of Psychiatric Administration and Management   Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge United States 2163-3878     01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2017   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2017           01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2017   01-Jan-2012 01-Jul-2017         N Scholarly Journals English Health Facilities And Administration|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2034828  
Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 1742-6464 1744-2206   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2015   Y 01-Jul-2007 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2015           01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2015   01-Sep-2005 01-Dec-2015         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 39121  
Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care   National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care and Low Secure Units, NAPICU East Kilbride United Kingdom 1742-6464 1744-2206   01-Apr-2016 01-Jan-2022   Y 01-Apr-2016 01-Jan-2022   01-Apr-2016 01-Jan-2022           01-Apr-2016 01-Jan-2024   01-Apr-2016 01-Jan-2024   01-Apr-2016 01-Jan-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2046196  
Journal of Psychiatric Nursing   Kare Publishing Istanbul Turkey 1309-3568 2149-374X   01-Jan-2020 Current   Y       01-Jan-2020 Current           01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current   01-Jan-2020 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English|Turkish Medical Sciences 5083810  
Journal of Psychiatry & Law   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0093-1853 2163-1794   01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2012 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2008 Y 01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2012   01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2012 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2008         01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2012   01-Apr-2006 01-Jul-2012   01-Apr-2009 01-Jul-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 48123  
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience : JPN   CMA Impact, Inc. Ottawa Canada 1180-4882 1488-2434   01-Mar-1999 Current   Y 01-Mar-1999 Current   01-Mar-1999 Current           01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current   01-Jan-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 30201  
Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology   Medical Communications Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Poland 1644-6313     01-Jan-2005 Current   Y       01-Jan-2005 Current           01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009 01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009       Y Scholarly Journals English|Polish Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 5540454  
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs   Haight Ashbury Publications Oxford United States 0279-1072 2159-9777   01-Jul-1998 01-Dec-2010   Y 01-Jul-1998 01-Dec-2010   01-Jul-1998 01-Dec-2010           01-Jul-1998 Current   01-Jul-1998 Current   01-Jul-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Pharmacy And Pharmacology 41415  
The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy   American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP) Columbus United States 2161-1947     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019         01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 01-Jan-2011 01-Jan-2020 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019       Y Scholarly Journals   Psychology|Sociology 29096  
The Journal of Psychohistory   Association for Psychohistory, Inc. New York United States 0145-3378     01-Jul-2005 Current   Y 01-Jul-2005 Current   01-Jul-2005 Current           01-Jul-2005 Current   01-Jul-2005 Current   01-Jul-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English History|Psychology 35407  
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0090-6905 1573-6555   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-May-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jan-1997 Current         365 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Psychology 48386  
Journal of Psychological and Educational Research   University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences Oradea Romania 2247-1537     01-May-2011 Current   Y 01-May-2011 Current   01-May-2011 Current           01-May-2011 Current   01-May-2011 Current   01-May-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 736344  
Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools   Cambridge University Press Surrey Hills United Kingdom 2055-6365 2055-6373   01-Jun-2016 Current   Y 01-Jun-2016 Current   01-Jun-2016 Current         365 01-Jun-2016 Current   01-Jun-2016 Current   01-Jun-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 2046273  
The Journal of Psychology   Taylor & Francis Inc. Provincetown United States 0022-3980 1940-1019   01-Jan-1994 01-Jan-2010   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Jan-2010   01-Sep-1995 01-Jan-2010           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36278  
Journal of Psychology and Christianity   Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Inc. Batavia United States 0733-4273     01-Dec-2006 Current   Y 01-Dec-2006 Current   01-Dec-2006 Current           01-Dec-2006 Current   01-Dec-2006 Current   01-Apr-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Religions And Theology 38088  
Journal of Psychology and Theology   Sage Publications Ltd. La Mirada United Kingdom 0091-6471 2328-1162   01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2019   Y 01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2019   01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2019           01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Dec-2016 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Religions And Theology 47846  
Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies   The Hong Kong Psychological Society Hong Kong China 1563-3403 2224-7866   01-Jul-2008 01-Jul-2010   Y 01-Jul-2008 01-Jul-2010   01-Jul-2008 01-Jul-2010           01-Jul-2008 01-Jul-2010   01-Jul-2008 01-Jul-2010               Y Scholarly Journals Chinese|English Psychology 54620  
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0882-2689 1573-3505   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 54079  
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science   American Psychological Association Washington United States 2769-7541 2769-755X         Y                     01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current   01-Feb-1986 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 41287  
Journal of Psychopharmacology   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0269-8811 1461-7285         Y                     01-Dec-2001 Current   01-Dec-2001 Current   01-Dec-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Psychology 37179  
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services   SLACK INCORPORATED Thorofare United States 0279-3695 1938-2413   01-Jan-1963 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1976 Y 01-Jan-1963 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1976 01-Jan-1963 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1976         01-Jan-1963 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1976 01-Jan-1963 Current 01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1976 01-Feb-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Social Services And Welfare 35532  
Journal of Psychosocial Research   Prints Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi India 0973-5410 0976-3937   01-Jul-2010 Current   Y 01-Jul-2010 Current   01-Jul-2010 Current           01-Jul-2010 Current   01-Jul-2010 Current   01-Jul-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 506336  
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Utrecht United Kingdom 0167-482X 1743-8942   01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2007   Y 01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2007   01-Mar-2003 01-Dec-2007           01-Mar-2002 01-Dec-2007   01-Mar-2002 01-Dec-2007   01-Mar-2002 01-Dec-2007         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Obstetrics And Gynecology|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 34267  
Journal of Psychosomatic Research   Elsevier Science Ltd. London United Kingdom 0022-3999 1879-1360         Y                     01-Dec-2016 01-Jul-2022   01-Dec-2016 01-Jul-2022   01-Dec-2016 01-Jul-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 2033101  
The Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research   American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Washington United States 1055-050X 2160-0058         Y                     01-Oct-1998 01-Oct-2001   01-Oct-1998 01-Oct-2001               Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 30842  
Journal of Public Mental Health   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Brighton United Kingdom 1746-5729 2042-8731   01-Dec-2003 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 Y 01-Dec-2003 Current 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 01-Dec-2003 Current         365 01-Dec-2003 Current   01-Dec-2003 Current   01-Dec-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology|Public Health And Safety|Social Services And Welfare 28745  
Journal of Quantitative Criminology   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0748-4518 1573-7799   01-Mar-1998 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Mar-2017   01-Mar-1998 Current         365 01-Mar-1985 Current   01-Mar-1985 Current   01-Mar-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 37857  
Journal of Rational - Emotive & Cognitive - Behavior Therapy   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0894-9085 1573-6563   01-Apr-1999 Current   Y 01-Apr-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Apr-1999 Current         365 01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sociology 37558  
Journal of Religion and Health   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0022-4197 1573-6571   01-Mar-1997 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Jun-2017   01-Mar-1997 Current         365 01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current   01-Mar-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Religions And Theology 54044  
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Chichester United Kingdom 0264-6838 1469-672X   01-May-1997 01-Nov-2000   Y 01-May-1997 01-Nov-2000   01-May-1997 01-Nov-2000           01-May-1997 Current   01-May-1997 Current   01-May-1997 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37376  
Journal of Research in Childhood Education   Taylor & Francis Inc. Olney United States 0256-8543 2150-2641   01-Apr-1997 01-Jul-2009   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Jul-2009   01-Apr-1997 01-Jul-2009           01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Apr-1997 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Apr-2000 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education 15507  
The Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Thousand Oaks United States 0022-4278 1552-731X         Y                     01-Feb-1964 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973 01-Feb-1964 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973 01-Feb-1964 Current 01-Jan-1973--31-Dec-1973       Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement 40963  
Journal of Research in Music Education   National Association for Music Education Reston United States 0022-4294 1945-0095   01-Apr-1999 01-Jul-2010   Y 01-Apr-1999 01-Jul-2010   01-Apr-1999 01-Jul-2010           01-Apr-1953 Current   01-Apr-1953 Current   01-Apr-1999 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Music 42361  
Journal of Retailing   Elsevier Limited Greenwich United Kingdom 0022-4359 1873-3271   01-Dec-1987 Current 01-Jan-1994--30-Jun-2006 Y       01-Dec-1987 Current 01-Jan-1994--30-Jun-2006         01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current   01-Oct-1971 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 41988  
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0895-5646 1573-0476   01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 Y 01-Apr-1999 01-Dec-2016   01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998       365 01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 01-Nov-1997 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000       Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics|Psychology|Statistics 37545  
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology & Crime Prevention   Universitetsforlaget AS Oslo Norway 1404-3858 1651-2340         Y                     01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2018   01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2018   01-Jan-2000 01-Dec-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Law 45052  
The Journal of Sex Research   Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality New York United States 0022-4499 1559-8519   01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2006   Y 01-Jan-1994 01-Nov-2006   01-Jan-1996 01-Nov-2006           01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Psychology|Sociology 6821  
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Philadelphia United Kingdom 0092-623X 1521-0715         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 196155  
The Journal of Sexual Aggression   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1355-2600 1742-6545         Y                     01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Psychology 53094  
Journal of Smoking Cessation   Cambridge University Press Sydney United Kingdom   1834-2612   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2020   Y 01-Jun-2012 01-Dec-2020   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2020           01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2020   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2020   01-Jun-2011 01-Dec-2020         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 1586355  
Journal of Smoking Cessation   Hindawi Limited London United Kingdom   1834-2612   01-Jan-2021 Current   Y 01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current           01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current   01-Jan-2021 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation 5453645  
The Journal of Social Psychology   Taylor & Francis Inc. Philadelphia United States 0022-4545 1940-1183   01-Feb-1994 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Feb-1994 01-Nov-2010   01-Oct-1995 01-Nov-2010           01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 36145  
Journal of Social Service Research   Taylor & Francis LLC London United Kingdom 0148-8376 1540-7314         Y                     01-Oct-2003 Current   01-Oct-2003 Current   01-Oct-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 47165  
Journal of Social Work Education   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Washington United Kingdom 1043-7797 2163-5811   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2012   Y 01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2012   01-Jan-1997 01-Oct-2012           01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Social Services And Welfare 48631  
Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation   Springer Publishing Company New York United States 1521-3668     01-Apr-2005 01-Oct-2005   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Oct-2005   01-Apr-2005 01-Oct-2005           01-Apr-2005 01-Oct-2005   01-Apr-2005 01-Oct-2005               Y Scholarly Journals English Social Services And Welfare 28851  
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology   Guilford Press New York United States 0736-7236 1943-2771   01-Mar-1983 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Mar-1983 01-Apr-2010   01-Mar-1983 01-Dec-2017           01-Mar-1983 Current 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1997 01-Mar-1983 Current   01-Mar-1983 Current 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1997       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37398  
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0265-4075 1460-3608         Y                     01-Apr-2003 Current   01-Apr-2003 Current   01-Apr-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 34119  
The Journal of Special Education   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Bensalem United States 0022-4669 1538-4764   01-Apr-1997 01-May-2010   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Nov-2008   01-Apr-1997 01-May-2010           01-Jun-1972 Current   01-Jun-1972 Current   01-Jul-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 3223  
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research (Online)   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States   1558-9102   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   Y 01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022           01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022   01-Feb-2010 01-Sep-2022         N Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Otorhinolaryngology|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 135351  
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States 1092-4388 1558-9102   01-Apr-1997 01-Dec-2009   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Dec-2009   01-Apr-1997 01-Dec-2009           01-Feb-1992 01-Dec-2009   01-Feb-1992 01-Dec-2009   01-Feb-1992 01-Dec-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Medical Sciences--Otorhinolaryngology|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 7051  
Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1934-9637 1934-9645         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Religions And Theology 196152  
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology   Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. Champaign United States 0895-2779 1543-2904         Y                     01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sports And Games 15077  
Journal of Sport Behavior   Journal of Sport Behavior Mobile United States 0162-7341 2641-3477   01-Mar-1994 Current   Y 01-Mar-1994 Current   01-Jun-1996 Current           01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current   01-Mar-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology|Sports And Games 30153  
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs   Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc. Piscataway United States 1937-1888 1938-4114         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism|Medical Sciences 38866  
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment   Elsevier Limited Elmsford United Kingdom 0740-5472 1873-6483         Y                     01-Jan-1992 01-Jan-2023   01-Jan-1992 01-Jan-2023   01-Jan-1992 01-Jan-2023         Y Scholarly Journals English Drug Abuse And Alcoholism 45277  
Journal of Systemic Therapies   Guilford Press New York United States 1195-4396 1930-6318   01-Jun-1981 01-Dec-2017   Y 01-Jun-1981 01-Dec-2009   01-Jun-1981 01-Dec-2017           01-Jun-1981 Current   01-Jun-1981 Current   01-Mar-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 46517  
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 1357-633X 1758-1109   01-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2006   Y 01-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2006   01-Dec-2003 01-Jul-2006           01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014 01-Jan-2003 Current 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014 01-Dec-2003 01-May-2020 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 45058  
Journal of Transcultural Nursing   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Memphis United States 1043-6596 1552-7832         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jul-2004--31-Dec-2006 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jul-2004--31-Dec-2006 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jul-2004--31-Dec-2006       N Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 34103  
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology   Journal of Transpersonal Psychology Stanford United States 0022-524X     01-Jan-2004 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current           01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jul-2016 Current         N Scholarly Journals English Psychology 49061  
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Abingdon United Kingdom 1529-9732 1529-9740         Y                     01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current   01-Jan-2010 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Orthopedics And Traumatology 186227  
Journal of Traumatic Stress   Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. San Francisco United States 0894-9867 1573-6598         Y                     01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2010 01-Jan-1997 Current 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2010       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 37971  
Journal of Tropical Psychology   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom   1838-9902   01-Mar-2011 01-Jan-2017   Y 01-Jan-2012 01-Jan-2017   01-Mar-2011 01-Jan-2017           01-Mar-2011 01-Jan-2017   01-Mar-2011 01-Jan-2017   01-Mar-2011 01-Jan-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 1586354  
Journal of Vietnamese Studies   University of California Press Books Division Berkeley United States 1559-372X 1559-3738   01-Feb-2006 01-Oct-2012   Y       01-Feb-2006 01-Oct-2012           01-Feb-2006 Current   01-Feb-2006 Current   01-Feb-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Asian Studies|History--History Of Asia|Political Science 75957  
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. New York United States 0145-482X     01-Jan-2005 01-Dec-2012   Y 01-Jan-2005 01-Dec-2012   01-Jan-2005 01-Dec-2012           01-Jan-2005 01-Dec-2012   01-Jan-2005 01-Dec-2012   01-Jan-2005 01-Dec-2012         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|People With Disabilities--Visually Impaired 48011  
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (Online)   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Huntington United States   1559-1476   01-Jan-2013 01-Nov-2019 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 Y 01-Jan-2013 01-Nov-2019   01-Mar-2015 01-Nov-2019 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016         01-Apr-1907 Current 01-Jan-1910--31-Dec-1910; 01-Jan-1912--31-Dec-1912; 01-Jan-1915--31-Dec-1917; 01-Jan-1919--31-Dec-1919; 01-Jan-1921--31-Dec-1922; 01-Jan-1929--31-Dec-1930; 01-Jan-1933--31-Dec-1933; 01-Jan-1937--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1937--31-Dec-1938; 01-Jan-1940--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1948; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1950; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1952 01-Apr-1907 Current 01-Jan-1937--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1948; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1950 01-Oct-1908 Current 01-Jan-1910--31-Dec-1910; 01-Jan-1912--31-Dec-1912; 01-Jan-1915--31-Dec-1917; 01-Jan-1919--31-Dec-1919; 01-Jan-1921--31-Dec-1922; 01-Jan-1929--31-Dec-1930; 01-Jan-1933--31-Dec-1933; 01-Jan-1937--31-Dec-1938; 01-Jan-1940--31-Dec-1941; 01-Jan-1943--31-Dec-1948; 01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1952       Y Scholarly Journals English People With Disabilities--Visually Impaired 2027465  
Journal of Vocational Behavior   Elsevier Limited Philadelphia United Kingdom 0001-8791 1095-9084         Y                     01-Feb-2004 01-Apr-2022   01-Feb-2004 01-Apr-2022   01-Feb-2004 01-Apr-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 32793  
Journal of Women & Aging   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0895-2841 1540-7322   01-Mar-1995 01-Dec-1998   Y 01-Mar-1995 01-Dec-1998   01-Mar-1995 01-Dec-1998           30-Sep-1989 Current   30-Sep-1989 Current   30-Sep-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Women's Interests|Women's Studies 44954  
Journal of Workplace Learning   Emerald Group Publishing Limited Bradford United Kingdom 1366-5626 1758-7859   01-Jan-1992 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2000 Y 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1995 Current 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2000       365 01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current   01-Jan-1992 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Labor And Industrial Relations|Business And Economics--Personnel Management 25612  
Journal of Youth and Adolescence   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0047-2891 1573-6601   01-Feb-1992 Current   Y 01-Oct-1995 01-May-2017   01-Feb-1992 Current         365 01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current   01-Feb-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Psychology 48391  
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 0092-0703 1552-7824   01-Jan-1996 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-May-2017   01-Jan-1996 Current         365 01-Jan-1979 Current   01-Jan-1979 Current   01-Jul-1979 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Business And Economics--Marketing And Purchasing 7397  
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology   American Academy of Audiology McLean United States 1050-0545 2157-3107         Y                     01-Apr-1998 01-Mar-2020 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Apr-1998 01-Mar-2020 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003 01-Apr-1998 01-Mar-2020 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Otorhinolaryngology 31782  
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry   Elsevier BV Baltimore Netherlands 0890-8567 1527-5418         Y                     01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991 01-Jan-1989 Current 01-Jan-1991--31-Dec-1991       Y Scholarly Journals English Children And Youth - About|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 32006  
The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care   Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies Akron United States 1055-3290 1552-6917         Y                     01-May-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-May-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-May-1998 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences|Medical Sciences--Allergology And Immunology|Medical Sciences--Communicable Diseases|Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing 29840  
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior   Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Malden United Kingdom 0022-5002 1938-3711   01-Jul-2005 01-Mar-2014   Y 01-Jul-2005 01-Mar-2014   01-Jul-2005 01-Mar-2014           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 29953  
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences   Taylor & Francis Ltd. London United Kingdom 0964-704X 1744-5213         Y                     01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current   01-Jan-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 436411  
Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology   Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP) Chennai India 0019-4247     01-Jul-2013 01-Jul-2017   Y 01-Jul-2013 01-Jul-2017   01-Jul-2013 01-Jul-2017           01-Jul-2013 01-Jul-2017   01-Jul-2013 01-Jul-2017   01-Jul-2013 01-Jul-2017         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 2032058  
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS   Cambridge University Press Cambridge United Kingdom 1355-6177 1469-7661   01-Jan-2001 Current   Y 01-Nov-2003 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 30332  
Journal of the National Medical Association   Elsevier Limited Washington United Kingdom 0027-9684 1943-4693   01-Jan-1998 01-Dec-2019   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Dec-2019   01-Jan-1998 01-Dec-2019           01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2014--30-Jun-2017 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2014--30-Jun-2017       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 36588  
Journal on Developmental Disabilities   Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities Toronto Canada 1188-9136 1917-7909   01-May-2008 Current   Y 01-May-2008 Current   01-May-2008 Current           01-May-2008 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2016 01-May-2008 Current   01-Jan-2009 Current 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2016       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 28903  
The Journals of Gerontology   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 1079-5006 1758-535X         Y                     01-May-1995 Current   01-May-1995 Current   01-May-1995 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Biology|Gerontology And Geriatrics|Medical Sciences 34243  
The Journals of Gerontology   Oxford University Press Oxford United Kingdom 1079-5014 1758-5368         Y                     01-Jan-1995 01-Mar-2018   01-Jan-1995 01-Mar-2018   01-May-1995 01-Mar-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Gerontology And Geriatrics|Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology|Psychology 34357  
Jung Journal   Taylor & Francis Ltd. San Francisco United Kingdom 1934-2039 1934-2047   01-Jan-2007 01-Oct-2012   Y       01-Jan-2007 01-Oct-2012           01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 01-Jan-2007 Current 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 75956  
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie   Springer Nature B.V. Wiesbaden Netherlands 0023-2653 1861-891X   01-Mar-2000 Current   Y 01-Mar-2004 01-Dec-2016   01-Mar-2000 Current         365 01-Mar-2000 Current   01-Mar-2000 Current   01-Mar-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals German Psychology|Sociology 54574  
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri   EDAM (Educational Consultancy Ltd.) Istanbul Turkey 1303-0485     01-May-2004 Current   Y 01-May-2005 Current   01-May-2004 Current           01-May-2004 Current   01-May-2004 Current   01-Jun-2017 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 28575  
The Lancet Neurology   Elsevier Limited London United Kingdom 1474-4422 1474-4465   01-May-2002 Current   Y 01-May-2002 Current   01-May-2002 Current         60 01-May-2002 Current   01-May-2002 Current   01-May-2002 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 26255  
The Lancet   Elsevier Limited London United Kingdom 0140-6736 1474-547X   04-Jan-1992 Current   Y 13-May-1995 Current   04-Jan-1992 Current         90 22-Dec-1934 Current 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1935; 01-Jan-1937--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1941--31-Dec-1946; 01-Jan-1949--31-Dec-1949; 01-Jan-1961--31-Dec-1962; 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1966 22-Dec-1934 Current 01-Jan-1935--31-Dec-1935; 01-Jan-1937--31-Dec-1937; 01-Jan-1941--31-Dec-1946; 01-Jan-1949--31-Dec-1949 14-May-1960 Current 01-Jan-1961--31-Dec-1962; 01-Jan-1964--31-Dec-1966       Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences 40246  
Language & Communication   Pergamon Press Inc. Oxford United States 0271-5309 1873-3395         Y                     01-Jan-1992 01-May-2022   01-Jan-1992 01-May-2022   01-Jan-1992 01-May-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Communications|Linguistics|Sociology 9368  
Language Acquisition   Psychology Press Mahwah United Kingdom 1048-9223 1532-7817         Y                     01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current   01-Jan-2000 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics|Psychology 46556  
Language Assessment Quarterly   Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Philadelphia United Kingdom 1543-4303 1543-4311         Y                     01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2004 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 44519  
Language Learning and Development   Psychology Press Mahwah United Kingdom 1547-5441 1547-3341         Y                     01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current   01-Jan-2005 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 27867  
Language Testing   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0265-5322 1477-0946   01-Mar-1998 01-Oct-2015   Y       01-Mar-1998 01-Oct-2015           01-Dec-1984 Current   01-Dec-1984 Current   01-Dec-1984 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 37135  
Language and Speech   Sage Publications Ltd. London United Kingdom 0023-8309 1756-6053   01-Apr-1998 01-Sep-2016   Y 01-Apr-1998 01-Sep-2016   01-Apr-2000 01-Sep-2016           01-Jul-1961 Current   01-Jul-1961 Current   01-Apr-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Linguistics|Medical Sciences|Psychology 2000  
Language in Society   Cambridge University Press New York United Kingdom 0047-4045 1469-8013   01-Jan-2001 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         365 01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current   01-Jan-2001 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Linguistics 47833  
Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville United States 0161-1461 1558-9129   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2009   Y 01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2009   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2009           01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2009   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2009   01-Apr-1997 01-Oct-2009         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation|Medical Sciences--Otorhinolaryngology|People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 37587  
Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools (Online)   American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Washington United States   1558-9129   01-Jan-2010 01-Jul-2022   Y 01-Jan-2010 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-2010 01-Jul-2022           01-Jan-2010 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-2010 01-Jul-2022   01-Jan-2010 01-Jul-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English People With Disabilities--Hearing Impaired 135350  
Law & Psychology Review   University of Alabama, School of Law Tuscaloosa United States 0098-5961     01-Apr-2005 01-Jan-2018   Y 01-Apr-2005 01-Jan-2018   01-Apr-2005 01-Jan-2018           01-Apr-2005 01-Jan-2018   01-Apr-2005 01-Jan-2018   01-Jan-2016 01-Jan-2018         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|Psychology 47111  
Law & Society Review   Law and Society Association Amherst United States 0023-9216 1540-5893   01-Jan-1997 Current   Y 01-Jan-1997 Current   01-Jan-1997 Current           01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current   01-Jan-1989 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|Psychology|Social Sciences: Comprehensive Works|Sociology 37836  
Law and Human Behavior   American Psychological Law Society Southport United States 0147-7307 1573-661X   01-Feb-1999 01-Dec-2011   Y       01-Feb-1999 01-Dec-2011           01-Feb-1999 01-Dec-2011   01-Feb-1999 01-Dec-2011   01-Feb-1999 01-Dec-2011         Y Scholarly Journals English Law|Psychology 48067  
Learning & Behavior   Springer Nature B.V. New York Netherlands 1543-4494 1543-4508   01-Mar-2011 Current 01-Sep-2014--31-May-2017 Y 01-Mar-2011 01-Jun-2014   01-Mar-2011 Current 01-Sep-2014--31-May-2017       365 01-Feb-2003 Current   01-Feb-2003 Current   01-Mar-2011 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 976353  
Learning & Behavior (pre-2011)   Psychonomic Society, Inc. Madison United States 1543-4494 1543-4508   01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010   Y 01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010   01-Nov-2004 01-Nov-2010           01-Feb-1989 01-Nov-2010   01-Feb-1989 01-Nov-2010   01-Feb-1989 01-Nov-2010         Y Scholarly Journals English Psychology 44122  
Learning Disability Quarterly   SAGE PUBLICATIONS, INC. Overland Park United States 0731-9487 2168-376X   01-Jan-2003 01-Oct-2010   Y 01-Jan-2003 01-Oct-2010   01-Jan-2003 01-Oct-2010           01-Feb-1979 Current   01-Feb-1979 Current   01-Jan-2003 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Special Education And Rehabilitation 47969  
Learning Environments Research   Springer Nature B.V. Dordrecht Netherlands 1387-1579 1573-1855   01-Jan-1998 Current   Y 01-Jan-2004 01-Apr-2017   01-Jan-1998 Current         365 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education 54618  
Learning and Individual Differences   Elsevier Science Ltd. Greenwich United Kingdom 1041-6080 1873-3425         Y                     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-1998               Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 31733  
Learning and Motivation   Elsevier Limited Philadelphia United Kingdom 0023-9690 1095-9122         Y                     01-Feb-1989 01-May-2022   01-Feb-1989 01-May-2022   01-Feb-1989 01-May-2022         Y Scholarly Journals English Education|Psychology 29957  
Learning, Media and Technology   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Basingstoke United Kingdom 1743-9884 1743-9892   01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2000   Y 01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2000   01-Oct-1996 01-Jul-2000           01-Oct-1996 Current   01-Oct-1996 Current   01-Oct-1996 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 28738  
Legal and Criminological Psychology   British Psychological Society Leicester United Kingdom 1355-3259 2044-8333   01-Feb-2004 01-Feb-2006   Y 01-Feb-2004 01-Feb-2006   01-Feb-2004 01-Feb-2006           01-Feb-2004 Current   01-Feb-2004 Current   01-Sep-2006 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Criminology And Law Enforcement|Medical Sciences--Forensic Sciences|Psychology 46503  
Literacy Research and Instruction   Taylor & Francis Ltd. Coral Gables United Kingdom 1938-8071 1938-8063   01-Oct-2001 01-Oct-2012   Y 01-Oct-2001 01-Oct-2012   01-Oct-2001 01-Oct-2012           01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 01-Jul-2001 Current 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018       Y Scholarly Journals English Education--Teaching Methods And Curriculum 40338  
Literature and Psychology   Richard Feldstein Providence United States 0024-4759     01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2004   Y 01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2004   01-Jan-1998 01-Jan-2004           01-Jan-1989 01-Jan-2004   01-Jan-1989 01-Jan-2004   01-Jan-1989 01-Jan-2004         N Scholarly Journals English Literature 41003  
The Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry   Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. Kuala Lumpur India 0128-8628           Y                     01-Jan-2022 Current   01-Jan-2022 Current   01-Jan-2022 Current         Y Scholarly Journals English Medical Sciences--Psychiatry And Neurology 6334260  
M@n@gement   Association Internationale de Management Stratégique Nantes France 1286-4692     01-Jan-1998 Current   Y 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current           01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008 01-Jan-1998 Current   01-Jan-1998 Current 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008       Y Scholarly Journals English|French|German|Italian|Spanish; Castilian Business And Economics--Management 286201  
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