Psychology Database
Accurate as of
[ Results 1 - 1000 ]
Publication Place
Publication Country
Pub Type
Notes and Changes
The ADHD Report |
Guilford Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
AIDS Care |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
AIDS Education and Prevention |
Guilford Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
AIDS and Behavior |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
AJOB Neuroscience |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies |
Baltimore |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Academic Psychiatry |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Academy of Management Journal |
Academy of Management |
Briarcliff Manor |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review |
Academy of Management |
Briarcliff Manor |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Acción Psicológica |
Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Acta Analytica |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Acta Colombiana de Psicología |
Universidad Católica de Colombia, Facultad de Psicología |
Bogotá |
Colombia |
Scholarly Journals |
Acta Ethologica |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Acta Neuropathologica |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Acta Neuropsychiatrica |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Acta Psychologica |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Amsterdam |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Acta Sociologica |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Oslo |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Activitas Nervosa Superior |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Prague |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Addiction |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Addiction Biology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Addiction Science & Clinical Practice |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Addictive Behaviors |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Administration and Policy in Mental Health |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Administrative Science Quarterly |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Adolescence |
Libra Publishers Incorporated |
Roslyn Heights |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Adult Education Quarterly |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Adultspan Journal |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Alexandria |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Advanced Development |
Institute for the Study of Advanced Development |
Denver |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Advances in Cognitive Psychology |
Vizja Press & IT |
Warsaw |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Advances in Dual Diagnosis |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Hove |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Advances in Mental Health |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Maleny |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Hove |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
African Journal of Sociological and Psychological Studies |
Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ageing and Society |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Aggression and Violent Behavior |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Tarrytown |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Aggressive Behavior |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Aging & Mental Health |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Agora - estudos em teoria psicanalítica |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Programa de Pós-graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica |
Rio de Janeiro |
Brazil |
Scholarly Journals |
Alcohol |
Elsevier Limited |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Alcohol Research |
Superintendent of Documents |
Bethesda |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Alcohol and Alcoholism : International Journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Aliventures [BLOG] |
Newstex |
Leeds |
United States |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites |
American Annals of the Deaf |
Gallaudet University Press |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
American Anthropologist |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
American Educational Research Journal |
American Educational Research Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Ethnologist |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Arlington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Imago |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
Baltimore |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (Online) |
Aurora |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Business |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bingley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Bloomingdale |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Community Psychology |
Blackwell Science Ltd. |
Macon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Criminal Justice : AJCJ |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Louisville |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Critical Care |
American Association of Critical - Care Nurses |
Aliso Viejo |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Dance Therapy |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Education |
University of Chicago, acting through its Press |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Journal of Family Therapy |
Brunner-Mazel Publishing Company |
Abingdon |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry |
Elsevier Limited |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Health Behavior |
PNG Publications |
Star City |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Play |
The Strong |
Rochester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Evanston |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Journal of Psychiatry |
American Psychiatric Association |
Washington |
US Minor Outlying Islands |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Psychoanalysis |
Palgrave Macmillan |
Basingstoke |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Journal of Psychology |
University of Illinois Press |
Urbana |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Psychotherapy |
American Psychiatric Association |
Washington |
US Minor Outlying Islands |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Public Health |
American Public Health Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Journal of Sociology |
University of Chicago, acting through its Press |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Speech - Language Pathology |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
Rockville |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal of Speech - Language Pathology (Online) |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
Rockville |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Journal on Addictions |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The American Psychologist |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
American Sociological Review |
American Sociological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi |
Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry |
Sivas |
Turkey |
Scholarly Journals |
Anales de Psicología |
Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia |
Murcia |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Animal Behaviour |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Animal Cognition |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Annals of A.I. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series |
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Psychology Department |
Iasi |
Romania |
Scholarly Journals |
Annals of Behavioral Medicine |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Annals of Clinical Psychiatry |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Bognor Regis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annals of Dyslexia |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Annals of General Psychiatry |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Annals of Neurosciences |
Annals of Neurosciences |
Chandigarh |
India |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Anthropology |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Medicine |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Neuroscience |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Physiology |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Psychology |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Sex Research |
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality |
Mount Vernon |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Annual Review of Sociology |
Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Palo Alto |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Annual of Psychoanalysis |
Analytic Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Anthropologica |
Canadian Anthropology Society |
Waterloo |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Anthropological Review |
University of Łódź |
Poznan |
Poland |
Scholarly Journals |
Anthropology and Education Quarterly |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Anuario de Psicología |
Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Psicología |
Barcelona |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Anuario de Psicología Juridica |
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Cognitive Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Bognor Regis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Developmental Science |
Psychology Press |
Mahwah |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied H.R.M. Research |
Society of I-O Graduates |
Radford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Linguistics |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Psycholinguistics |
Cambridge University Press |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Psychological Measurement |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Psychology |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Psychology. Health and Well - Being |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Archives de Psychologie |
Éditions Médecine et Hygiène |
Geneva |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Archives of Psychiatry Research |
Centre for Study and Control of Alcoholism and Addictions, Zagreb |
Zagreb |
Croatia |
Scholarly Journals |
Archives of Sexual Behavior |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Archives of Suicide Research |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Archives of Women's Mental Health |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Arteterapia |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Asian Journal of Social Psychology |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Assessment |
Odessa |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Athletic Insight |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Attachment & Human Development |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Attention, Perception and Psychophysics |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Austin |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Audiology |
Decker Periodicals, Inc. |
Hamilton |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Audiology & Neurotology |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Augmentative and Alternative Communication |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Hamilton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies |
Palmerston North |
New Zealand |
Scholarly Journals |
The Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis |
Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists |
Brisbane |
Australia |
Scholarly Journals |
Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis |
Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) |
Heidelberg |
Australia |
Scholarly Journals |
Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Online) |
Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) |
Heidelberg |
Australia |
Scholarly Journals |
The Australian Journal of Music Therapy |
Copyright Agency Limited (Distributor) |
Turramurra |
Australia |
Scholarly Journals |
Australian Journal of Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Melbourne |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Australian Psychologist |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Melbourne |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Autism |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Thousand Oaks |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Autism Research and Treatment |
Hindawi Limited |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Avaliação Psicológica |
Universidade São Francisco, Revista Avaliação Psicológica |
Itatiba |
Brazil |
Scholarly Journals |
BJPsych Advances |
Cambridge University Press |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BJPsych Bulletin |
Cambridge University Press |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BJPsych International |
Cambridge University Press |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BJPsych Open |
Cambridge University Press |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BMC Neuroscience |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BMC Psychiatry |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BMC Psychology |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BMJ Mental Health |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BMJ Open |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology |
Bahria University - Karachi Campus |
Karachi |
Pakistan |
Scholarly Journals |
Basic and Applied Social Psychology |
Psychology Press |
Mahwah |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior Genetics |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior Modification |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior Research Methods |
Psychonomic Society, Inc. |
Madison |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior Research Methods (Online) |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior Therapy |
Academic Press |
Orlando |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior and Philosophy |
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies |
Cambridge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior and Philosophy (Online) |
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies |
Littleton |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior and Social Issues |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Cambridge |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavior and Social Issues |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Disorders |
Tempe |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Ecology |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Medicine |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Psychology = Psicología Conductual |
Fundacíon VECA |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Sciences & the Law |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Bognor Regis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral Sleep Medicine |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Mahwah |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral and Brain Functions |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioral and Brain Sciences |
Cambridge University Press |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behaviour Change |
Cambridge University Press |
Bowen Hills |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behaviour Research and Therapy |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioural Neurology |
Hindawi Limited |
Cairo |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Bereavement Care |
Cruse Bereavement Care |
Richmond |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Best Practices in Mental Health |
The Follmer Group, Inc |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Bilingualism |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
BioPsychoSocial Medicine |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Biodemography and Social Biology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Biofeedback |
Allen Press Inc. |
Lawrence |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Biofeedback (Online) |
Allen Press Inc. |
Lawrence |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Biomedical Human Kinetics |
De Gruyter Poland |
Warsaw |
Poland |
Scholarly Journals |
Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain Blogger [BLOG] |
Newstex |
Boston |
United States |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites |
Brain Connectivity |
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. |
New Rochelle |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain Imaging and Behavior |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Indianapolis |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain Impairment |
Cambridge University Press |
Bowen Hills |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain Posts [BLOG] |
Newstex |
Tulsa |
United States |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites |
Brain Science Advances |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Thousand Oaks |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain Structure and Function |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain Topography |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain and Behavior |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Los Angeles |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain and Mind |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Brain, Behavior and Evolution |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Cary |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The British Journal of Clinical Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The British Journal of Criminology |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The British Journal of Developmental Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Educational Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Health Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Leicester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Music Education |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The British Journal of Psychiatry |
Cambridge University Press |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Psychotherapy |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Social Medicine |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The British Journal of Social Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Journal of Social Work |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
British Psychological Society's Research Digest [BLOG] |
Newstex |
London |
United States |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites |
British Psychological Society. Proceedings |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Providence |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Brown University Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Providence |
United States |
Trade Journals |
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic |
Guilford Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
CNS Drugs |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Auckland |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
CNS Spectrums |
Cambridge University Press |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cambridge Journal of Education |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science |
Canadian Psychological Association |
Ottawa |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health |
Canadian Periodical for Community Studies |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Counselling |
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association |
Kanata |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Online) |
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association |
Kanata |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
University of Toronto Press |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Education |
Canadian Society for the Study of Education |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology |
Canadian Psychological Association |
Ottawa |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality |
University of Toronto Press |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Music Therapy |
Canadian Association for Music Therapy |
Waterloo |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences |
Cambridge University Press |
Calgary |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy |
Ottawa |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis |
Canadian Psychoanalytic Society |
Montréal |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal of School Psychology |
Vancouver |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Journal on Aging |
Cambridge University Press |
Toronto |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Medical Association. Journal |
CMA Impact, Inc. |
Ottawa |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Canadian Psychology |
Canadian Psychological Association |
Ottawa |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
The Canadian Review of Sociology |
Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, c/o Concordia University Department of Sociology and Anthropology |
Montreal |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Cancer Letters |
Elsevier Limited |
Clare |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Career Development Quarterly |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Alexandria |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology |
Human Kinetics |
Champaign |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
The Cerebellum |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Cerebral Cortex |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ceskoslovenska Psychologie |
Institute of Psychology, Academy of Science |
Praha |
Czech Republic |
Scholarly Journals |
Chemical Senses |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Chemosensory Perception |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology News |
Guilford Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Child & Family Behavior Therapy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Child & Family Social Work |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Child & Youth Care Forum |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Child Abuse & Neglect |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Child Abuse Review |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Child Development |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Ann Arbor |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Child Language Teaching and Therapy |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Child Maltreatment |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Child Psychiatry and Human Development |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Child Welfare |
Child Welfare League of America, Inc. |
Arlington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Child and Adolescent Mental Health |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Childhood |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Children & Schools |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Children's Health Care |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Chronic Stress |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Thousand Oaks |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
City & Community |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Cleft Palate - Craniofacial Journal |
Lawrence |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners |
Springer Publishing Company |
Philadelphia |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery |
Elsevier Limited |
Assen |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Nursing Research |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Pediatrics |
Westminster Publications, Inc. |
Glen Head |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Psychologist |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Melbourne |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy |
John Wiley and Sons, Limited |
Bognor Regis |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Psychology in Europe |
PsychOpen |
Trier |
Germany |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Rehabilitation |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Clinical Social Work Journal |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Clocks & Sleep |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Clínica Contemporánea |
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Clínica y Salud |
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Coaching |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cogent Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognition, Brain, Behavior |
Cluj-Napoca |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognition, Technology & Work |
Springer Nature B.V. |
London |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive Psychology |
Academic Press |
San Diego |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive Research |
Springer Nature B.V. |
London |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive Science |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive Sciences |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive Therapy and Research |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Collabra : Psychology |
University of California Press, Journals & Digital Publishing Division |
Oakland |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Communication Disorders Quarterly |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Communication Education |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Communication Monographs |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Communication Reports |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Salt Lake City |
United Kingdom |
Trade Journals |
Communication Research |
Beverly Hills |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Communication Studies |
Central States Speech Association |
West Lafayette |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Communication Theory |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Community Health Equity Research & Policy |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Community Mental Health Journal |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Community Psychology in Global Perspective |
Universita del Salento |
Lecce |
Italy |
Scholarly Journals |
Complementary Therapies in Medicine |
Elsevier Limited |
Kidlington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Comprehensive Psychiatry |
Elsevier Limited |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Conflict Resolution Quarterly |
Wiley Periodicals Inc. |
Kennesaw |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Connection Science |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Consciousness and Cognition |
Elsevier BV |
San Diego |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Constructivism in the Human Sciences |
Salve Regina University |
Denton |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Contemporary Drug Problems |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Contemporary Educational Psychology |
Elsevier BV |
San Diego |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Contemporary Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy |
Crown House Publishing |
Bancyfelin |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies |
Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. |
Leiden |
Netherlands Antilles |
Scholarly Journals |
Contemporary School Psychology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Contextos Clínicos |
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS, Editoria de Periódicos Científicos |
São Leopoldo |
Brazil |
Scholarly Journals |
Corporate Communications |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bradford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Corporate Reputation Review |
Palgrave Macmillan |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Counseling Psychologist |
College Park |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Counseling and Values |
Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. |
Alexandria |
Netherlands Antilles |
Scholarly Journals |
Counselling Psychology Quarterly |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Counselor Education and Supervision |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Creativity Research Journal |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Crime and Delinquency |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Crime, Media, Culture |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health : CBMH |
Whurr Publishers Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Criminal Justice and Behavior |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Criminology |
American Society of Criminology |
Columbus |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Cross - Cultural Research |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bingley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos de Psicología |
Universidad El Bosque |
Bogata |
Colombia |
Scholarly Journals |
Culture & Psychology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Culture, Health & Sexuality |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
CuriousCortex [BLOG] |
Newstex |
Louisville |
United States |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites |
Current Addiction Reports |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Anthropology |
University of Chicago, acting through its Press |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Directions in Psychological Science |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Medical Literature |
Remedica Medical Education and Publishing |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Medical Literature |
Remedica Medical Education and Publishing |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Neurology |
Medical Communications Sp. z o.o. |
Warsaw |
Poland |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Philadelphia |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Opinion in Psychiatry |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies |
Philadelphia |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Psychiatry Reports |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Psychology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Cyberpsychology |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Science |
Brno |
Czech Republic |
Scholarly Journals |
Death Studies |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Decision Analysis |
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences |
Linthicum |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Decision Support Systems |
Elsevier Sequoia S.A. |
Amsterdam |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Macclesfield |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Depression Research and Treatment |
Hindawi Limited |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Depression and Anxiety |
Hindawi Limited |
Hoboken |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Desde el Jardín de Freud |
Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
Bogota |
Colombia |
Scholarly Journals |
Development and Psychopathology |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Child Welfare |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Disabilities Bulletin |
University of Alberta - The Governors of, Developmental Disabilities Centre |
Edmonton |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology |
Mac Keith Press |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Neuropsychology |
Psychology Press |
Hove |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Neuroscience |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Science |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Developmental Science (Online) |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Deviant Behavior |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Disability & Society |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Discourse & Society |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Discover Mental Health |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Syracuse |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Discover Psychology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Richmond |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Diversitas |
Universidad Santo Tomás de Colombia |
Bogotá |
Colombia |
Scholarly Journals |
Dramatherapy |
Intellect Ltd. |
Bristol |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Drug and Alcohol Dependence |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Lausanne |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Drug and Alcohol Review |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Surry Hills |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Drugs & Aging |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Auckland |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Drugs, Habits and Social Policy |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bingley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Drugs; Education, Prevention and Policy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Dusunen Adam |
Yerkure Tanitim ve Yayincilik Hizmetleri A.S. |
Istanbul |
Trinidad And Tobago |
Scholarly Journals |
Early Childhood Education Journal |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Early Education and Development |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Early Years |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry |
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine |
Aberdeen |
China |
Scholarly Journals |
Ecological Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Edmetic |
University of Cordoba |
Córdoba |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Education & Training |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Education & Treatment of Children |
New York |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis |
American Educational Research Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Gerontology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Measurement, Issues and Practice |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Psychologist |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Dorchester-on-Thames |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Psychology Review |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Psychology in Practice |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Harlow |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Researcher |
American Educational Research Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Review |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Birmingham |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Studies |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Dorchester-on-Thames |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational Technology Research and Development |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Educational and Developmental Psychologist |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Melbourne |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Educational and Psychological Measurement |
Durham |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Mumbai |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Elementary School Journal |
University of Chicago, acting through its Press |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Employee Relations |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bradford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Environment and Behavior |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Epidemiology and Community Health |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences |
Cambridge University Press |
Verona |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Epilepsy Research and Treatment |
Hindawi Limited |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Episteme |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ergonomics |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry |
Springer Publishing Company |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Ethics & Behavior |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ethics & Human Research |
The Hastings Center |
Garrison |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Ethics & Social Welfare |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ethnicity and Health |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ethology |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Hamburg |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ethos |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Berkeley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Europe's Journal of Psychology |
Europe's Journal of Psychology |
Bucharest |
Romania |
Scholarly Journals |
European Addiction Research |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
European Eating Disorders Review |
John Wiley and Sons, Limited |
Bognor Regis |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Communication |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Criminology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Developmental Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Hove |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Marketing |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bradford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Neuroscience |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Personality |
Bognor Regis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context |
Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense |
Santiago de Campostela |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context |
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos (PSICODOC) |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Psychotraumatology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Public Health |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences |
European Publisher |
Nicosia |
Cyprus |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Social Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Bognor Regis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology |
Psychology Press |
Hove |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Neurology |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
European Psychiatry |
Cambridge University Press |
Paris |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
European Review of Social Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Evaluation & the Health Professions |
Beverly Hills |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Evaluation Review |
Beverly Hills |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Everyday Psychophilosophy [BLOG] |
Newstex |
Columbus |
United States |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites |
Evidence - Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
Hindawi Limited |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Evolutionary Psychology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Exceptional Children |
Reston |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Exceptionality |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Experimental Aging Research |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Experimental Brain Research |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics |
Informa Healthcare |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Eye and Brain |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Macclesfield |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Families in Society |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Milwaukee |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Families, Systems & Health |
American Psychological Association |
Rochester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Court Review |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Madison |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Journal |
Alexandria |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Practice |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Process |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Rochester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Relations |
National Council on Family Relations |
Minneapolis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Systems |
Bowen Center for the Study of the Family |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Therapy |
Libra Publishers Incorporated |
San Diego |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Family Transitions |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Family and Community Health |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies |
Gaithersburg |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Fathering |
Men's Studies Press |
Harriman |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Federal Probation |
Administrative Office of the United States Courts |
Washington |
United States |
Trade Journals |
Feminism & Psychology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Feminist Criminology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Thousand Oaks |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities |
Austin |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Folia Primatologica |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Forensic Examiner |
American College of Forensic Examiners |
Springfield |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Fortean Times |
Diamond Publishing Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Magazines |
Forum der Psychoanalyse |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Forum for Social Economics |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Foundation University Journal of Psychology |
Foundation University |
Islamabad |
Pakistan |
Scholarly Journals |
Functional Neurology |
CIC Edizioni Internazionali |
Roma |
Italy |
Scholarly Journals |
Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Future of Children |
Princeton University |
Princeton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Games and Economic Behavior |
Academic Press |
Duluth |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review |
The Australian Psychological Society Limited |
Melbourne |
Australia |
Scholarly Journals |
Gender & Behaviour |
IFE Centre for Psychological Studies |
Ile-Ife |
Nigeria |
Scholarly Journals |
Gender & Society |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Gender, Work and Organization |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
General Psychiatry |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Genetic Counseling |
Éditions Médecine et Hygiène |
Geneva |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs |
Kirkpatrick Jordon Foundation |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Gerontologist |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Gerontology |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Gestalt Review |
Pennsylvania State University Press |
South Wellfleet |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Gifted Child Quarterly |
Cincinnati |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Global Social Welfare |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Group & Organization Management |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Group Analysis |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Group Decision and Negotiation |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Harvard Educational Review |
Harvard Education Press |
Cambridge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Harvard Health Publications. The Harvard Mental Health Letter |
Harvard Health Publications |
Boston |
United States |
Magazines |
Health & Social Work |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Education Research |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Education and Behavior |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Marketing Quarterly |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Promotion International |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Psychology Open |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Psychology Review |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Hove |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Health Sociology Review |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Heart Asia |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
High Ability Studies |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The High School Journal |
The University of North Carolina Press |
Chapel Hill |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
History of the Human Sciences |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Homicide Studies |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Human - Computer Interaction |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Hillsdale |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Communication Research |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Development |
S. Karger AG |
Basel |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Factors |
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society |
Santa Monica |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Nature : An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Organization |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Oklahoma City |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Performance |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Relations |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Resource Development Quarterly |
Wiley Periodicals Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Resource Management |
Wiley Periodicals Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Human Technology |
Centre of Sociological Research (NGO) |
Jyväskylä |
Poland |
Scholarly Journals |
The Humanistic Psychologist |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Humanitas |
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan |
Yogyakarta |
Indonesia |
Scholarly Journals |
ISRN Psychiatry |
Hindawi Limited |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Ife Psychologia |
IFE Centre for Psychological Studies |
Ile-Ife |
Nigeria |
Scholarly Journals |
Imagination, Cognition and Personality |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Inclusion |
American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities |
District of Columbia |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Indian Journal of Positive Psychology |
Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare |
Hisar |
India |
Scholarly Journals |
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine |
Sage Publications, New Delhi India |
Kottayam |
India |
Scholarly Journals |
Indo - Pacific Journal of Phenomenology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Joondalup |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Industrial Psychiatry Journal |
Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. |
Mumbai |
Scholarly Journals |
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Industrial and Organizational Psychology |
Cambridge University Press |
Bowling Green |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Infancy |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Malden |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Infant and Child Development |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Infant and Child Development (Online) |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Information Systems Research |
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences |
Linthicum |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Information Technology & People |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
West Linn |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Informes Psicológicos |
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Facultad de Psicología |
Medellín |
Colombia |
Scholarly Journals |
Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Intelligence |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Interacao em Psicologia |
Universidade de Federal do Paraná - Departmento de Psicologia |
Parana |
Scholarly Journals |
Interdisciplinaria |
Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Ciencias Afines; Interdisciplinaria |
Buenos Aires |
Argentina |
Scholarly Journals |
International Forum of Psychoanalysis |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling |
Springer Nature B.V. |
The Hague |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health |
Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
Berlin |
Germany |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease |
Hindawi Limited |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The International Journal of Aviation Psychology |
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. |
Mahwah |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy |
International Journal of Reality Therapy |
Manhattan |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Thousand Oaks |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Comparative Psychology |
University of California Digital Library - eScholarship |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Conflict Management |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bowling Green |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Consumer Studies |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Culture and Mental Health |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Early Childhood |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Early Years Education |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Eating Disorders |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Emotional Education |
European Centre for Educational Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health |
Msida |
Malta |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Bognor Regis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Hispanic Psychology |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Jungian Studies |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Market Research |
Market Research Society |
Henley-on-Thames |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Richmond |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Mental Health Systems |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research (Online) |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work |
Dulwich Centre Foundation |
Adelaide |
Australia |
Scholarly Journals |
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Obesity |
Nature Publishing Group |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health |
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine |
Heidelberg |
Poland |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Organizational Analysis |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bingley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Primatology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Psychoanalysis |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Psychological Research |
Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellin |
Medellín |
Colombia |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Psychology Research |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy |
La Asociación de Análisis del Comportamiento |
Almería |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Psychotherapy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Public Mental Health and Neurosciences |
Sarvasumana Association |
Bengaluru |
India |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Public Opinion Research |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education : QSE |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Reality Therapy |
International Journal of Reality Therapy |
Highland Park |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of STD & AIDS |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Sexual Health |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
Binghamton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The International Journal of Social Psychiatry |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Brookmans Park |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Social Welfare |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Morgantown |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The International Journal on Drug Policy |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Amsterdam |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Marketing Review |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Psychogeriatrics |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Review of Psychiatry |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
International Social Work |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Intervención Psicosocial |
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones |
Madrid |
Spain |
Scholarly Journals |
Invisibilia (Podcast) |
Washington |
United States |
Blogs, Podcasts, & Websites |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry |
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Psychiatry and Psychology Research Center |
Tehran |
Iran |
Scholarly Journals |
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Irish Journal of Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Dublin |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Israel Journal of Psychiatry |
Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences |
Jerusalem |
Israel |
Scholarly Journals |
American Medical Association |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
JAMA Neurology |
American Medical Association |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
JAMA Psychiatry |
American Medical Association |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
JCPP Advances |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Örebro |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Madison |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
JMIR Human Factors |
JMIR Publications |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
JMIR Mental Health |
JMIR Publications |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
JMR, Journal of Marketing Research |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
JMR, Journal of Marketing Research (pre-1986) |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education |
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology |
Ball State University |
Muncie |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal for Specialists in Group Work |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Hoboken |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal for the Education of the Gifted |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors |
Springer Nature B.V. |
London |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Alexandria |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Addictive Diseases |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
Binghamton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Adolescence |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Adolescent Research |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Adolescent and Family Health |
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga |
Chattanooga |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Adult Development |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Advertising |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Advertising (pre-1986) |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Provo |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Advertising Research |
Advertising Research Foundation |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bingley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Aging and Health |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education |
American Alcohol and Drug Information Foundation |
Lansing |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of American College Health |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Analytical Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Mahwah |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Malden |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science |
Arlington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Communication Research |
National Communication Association |
Annandale |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Gerontology |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling |
National Rehabilitation Counseling Association |
Manassas |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Research on Children |
Children at Risk |
Houston |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Applied Social Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Athletic Training |
National Athletic Trainers Association |
Dallas |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making |
Wiley Periodicals Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Behavioral Education |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Behavioral Finance |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Behavioral Medicine |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Behavioral Optometry |
Optometric Extension Program Foundation |
Santa Ana |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management |
Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management |
Glendale |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Behavioural Sciences |
AsiaNet Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. |
Lahore |
Pakistan |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Bioeconomics |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Biological Rhythms |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Biosocial Science |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Bisexuality |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Black Psychology |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Black Studies |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Business Ethics |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Business Ethics (1986-1998) |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Business Ethics (pre-1986) |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Business and Psychology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cancer Education |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cancer Survivorship |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Career Assessment |
Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. |
Odessa |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Career Development |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Career Development |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Change Management |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Character Education |
Information Age Publishing |
Greenwich |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child Language |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child Neurology |
Hamilton |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Malden |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Binghamton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology |
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. |
New Rochelle |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Child and Family Studies |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry |
Physicians Postgraduate Press |
Memphis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Clinical Psychology |
Wiley Periodicals Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology |
Human Kinetics |
Champaign |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cognition and Development |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology |
Springer Publishing Company |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience |
MIT Press Journals, The |
Cambridge |
US Minor Outlying Islands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cognitive Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Hove |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy |
Springer Publishing Company |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of College Counseling |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Alexandria |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of College Student Development |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
Baltimore |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Communication |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Communication (1986-1998) |
Oxford University Press |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Communication (pre-1986) |
Oxford University Press |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Communication Management |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Community Health |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Community Health Nursing |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Community Psychology |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Hoboken |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Comparative Family Studies |
University of Toronto Press |
Calgary |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Comparative Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Computational Neuroscience |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Conflict Resolution (1986-1998) |
Beverly Hills |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Conflict Resolution (pre-1986) |
Beverly Hills |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Conflict Resolution |
Beverly Hills |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Constructivist Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Arlington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Consumer Affairs (1986-1998) |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Madison |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Consumer Affairs (pre-1986) |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Madison |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Consumer Affairs |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Madison |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Consumer Behaviour |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
London |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Consumer Marketing |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Santa Barbara |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Consumer Research |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Counseling Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Alexandria |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision |
North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision |
Montclair |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Criminal Justice |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Criminal Psychology |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bingley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cross - Cultural Psychology |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education |
Oxford Publishing Limited (England) |
Cary |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Disability Policy Studies |
Austin |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Drug Education |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Drug Issues |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of ECT |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of EMDR Practice and Research |
Springer Publishing Company |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Early Adolescence |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology |
Pace University |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Early Intervention |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Eating Disorders |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Economic Psychology |
Elsevier Sequoia S.A. |
Amsterdam |
Switzerland |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Educational Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Educational Research |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Bloomington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics |
American Educational Research Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders |
Austin |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Employment Counseling |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Alexandria |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Environmental Education |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Madison |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1978) |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
Binghamton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Evidence - Based Psychotherapies |
Cluj-Napoca |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Evolutionary Economics |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology |
Elsevier BV |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Criminology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Experimental Education |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology |
Academic Press |
San Diego |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Communication |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Issues |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Nursing |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Newbury Park |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Strengths |
Children at Risk |
Houston |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Studies |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Maleny |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family Violence |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Family and Economic Issues |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
Binghamton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning |
Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education |
Westerville |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Forensic Practice |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Brighton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Gambling Studies |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Gambling Studies (Online) |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
Binghamton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Gender Studies |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of General Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Philadelphia |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Genetic Counseling |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Genetic Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Geriatric Mental Health |
Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. |
Mumbai |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology |
Hamilton |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Gerontological Social Work |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Happiness Studies |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies |
Frederick |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Headache and Pain |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Milano |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
Baltimore |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Health Communication |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Health Sciences |
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Health Studies |
Sarajevo |
Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Health Service Psychology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Washington |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Health and Social Behavior |
American Sociological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Homosexuality |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Humanistic Psychology |
Beverly Hills |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Individual Psychology |
University of Texas at Austin (University of Texas Press) |
Austin |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Injury and Violence Research |
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences |
Kermanshah |
Iran |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Instructional Psychology |
Journal of Instructional Psychology |
Mobile |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bingley |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders |
University of Toronto Press |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of International Consumer Marketing |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Interpersonal Violence |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Interprofessional Care |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling (Online) |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Knowledge Management |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Kempston |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Language and Social Psychology |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Learning Disabilities |
Austin |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Leisure Research |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Urbana |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Lesbian Studies |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Literacy Research |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies |
Liverpool University Press |
Liverpool |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Loss & Trauma |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Management Development |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bradford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Management and Organization |
Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) |
Lyndfield |
Australia |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Managerial Issues |
Pittsburg State University, Department of Economics |
Pittsburg |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Managerial Psychology |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bradford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Hoboken |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Marketing |
Chicago |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Marketing (pre-1986) |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Marriage and Family |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Minneapolis |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Media and Religion |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Memory and Language |
Elsevier BV |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Men's Studies |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Mental Health |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Mental Health Counseling |
American Mental Health Counselors Association |
Alexandria |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education, and Practice |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Brighton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Mind and Behavior |
Institute of Mind & Behavior |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Totowa |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Molecular Psychiatry |
BioMed Central |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Motor Behavior |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Music Therapy |
Oxford University Press |
Silver Spring |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Negro Education |
Howard University, School of Divinity |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies |
Baltimore |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Neural Transmission |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Wien |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Neurochemistry |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Neurology and Psychopathology |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry |
BMJ Publishing Group LTD |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences |
American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice |
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Neurotherapy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Merino |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Neurotrauma |
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Nursing Measurement |
Springer Publishing Company |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Nursing Scholarship |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Indianapolis |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior |
Elsevier Limited |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Paris |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Organizational Behavior |
Wiley Periodicals Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Organizational Behavior (1986-1998) |
Wiley Periodicals Inc. |
Chichester |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Organizational Change Management |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bradford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
Bowen Hills |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Pain Management |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Palliative Care |
Montreal |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Parapsychology |
Parapsychology Press |
Durham |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Pediatric Neurology |
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Heidelberg |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences |
Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. |
Mumbai |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Personality |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Durham |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Personality Assessment |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Personality Disorders |
Guilford Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Phenomenological Psychology |
Brill Academic Publishers, Inc. |
Atlantic Highlands |
Netherlands Antilles |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Poetry Therapy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Delray Beach |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Hauppauge |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions |
Austin |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine |
Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. |
Mumbai |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health |
Association for Pre & Perinatal Psychology and Health |
Forestville |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Prevention |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Austin |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychiatric Administration and Management |
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Hauppauge |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care |
National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care and Low Secure Units, NAPICU |
East Kilbride |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychiatric Nursing |
Kare Publishing |
Istanbul |
Turkey |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychiatry & Law |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience : JPN |
CMA Impact, Inc. |
Ottawa |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology |
Medical Communications Sp. z o.o. |
Warsaw |
Poland |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs |
Haight Ashbury Publications |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy |
American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP) |
Columbus |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Psychohistory |
Association for Psychohistory, Inc. |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychological and Educational Research |
University of Oradea, Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences |
Oradea |
Romania |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools |
Cambridge University Press |
Surrey Hills |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Provincetown |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychology and Christianity |
Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Inc. |
Batavia |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychology and Theology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
La Mirada |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies |
The Hong Kong Psychological Society |
Hong Kong |
China |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science |
American Psychological Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychopharmacology |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services |
Thorofare |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychosocial Research |
Prints Publications Pvt. Ltd. |
New Delhi |
India |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Utrecht |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Psychosomatic Research |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research |
American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Public Mental Health |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Brighton |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Quantitative Criminology |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Rational - Emotive & Cognitive - Behavior Therapy |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Religion and Health |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Chichester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Research in Childhood Education |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Olney |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency |
Thousand Oaks |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Research in Music Education |
National Association for Music Education |
Reston |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Retailing |
Elsevier Limited |
Greenwich |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology & Crime Prevention |
Universitetsforlaget AS |
Oslo |
Norway |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Sex Research |
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Sexual Aggression |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Smoking Cessation |
Cambridge University Press |
Sydney |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Smoking Cessation |
Hindawi Limited |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Social Psychology |
Taylor & Francis Inc. |
Philadelphia |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Social Service Research |
Taylor & Francis LLC |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Social Work Education |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation |
Springer Publishing Company |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology |
Guilford Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of Special Education |
Bensalem |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research (Online) |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
Rockville |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
Rockville |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology |
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. |
Champaign |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Sport Behavior |
Journal of Sport Behavior |
Mobile |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs |
Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc. |
Piscataway |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment |
Elsevier Limited |
Elmsford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Systemic Therapies |
Guilford Press |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Transcultural Nursing |
Memphis |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology |
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology |
Stanford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Abingdon |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Traumatic Stress |
Wiley Subscription Services, Inc. |
San Francisco |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Tropical Psychology |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Vietnamese Studies |
University of California Press Books Division |
Berkeley |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness |
New York |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (Online) |
Huntington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Vocational Behavior |
Elsevier Limited |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Women & Aging |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Workplace Learning |
Emerald Group Publishing Limited |
Bradford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of Youth and Adolescence |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology |
American Academy of Audiology |
McLean |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
Elsevier BV |
Baltimore |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ovid Technologies |
Akron |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior |
Blackwell Publishing Ltd. |
Malden |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology |
Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP) |
Chennai |
India |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS |
Cambridge University Press |
Cambridge |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal of the National Medical Association |
Elsevier Limited |
Washington |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Journal on Developmental Disabilities |
Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities |
Toronto |
Canada |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journals of Gerontology |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Journals of Gerontology |
Oxford University Press |
Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Jung Journal |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
San Francisco |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Wiesbaden |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri |
EDAM (Educational Consultancy Ltd.) |
Istanbul |
Turkey |
Scholarly Journals |
The Lancet Neurology |
Elsevier Limited |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
The Lancet |
Elsevier Limited |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Language & Communication |
Pergamon Press Inc. |
Oxford |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Language Acquisition |
Psychology Press |
Mahwah |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Language Assessment Quarterly |
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Language Learning and Development |
Psychology Press |
Mahwah |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Language Testing |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Language and Speech |
Sage Publications Ltd. |
London |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Language in Society |
Cambridge University Press |
New York |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
Rockville |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools (Online) |
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association |
Washington |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Law & Psychology Review |
University of Alabama, School of Law |
Tuscaloosa |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Law & Society Review |
Cambridge University Press |
Amherst |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Law and Human Behavior |
American Psychological Law Society |
Southport |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Learning & Behavior |
Springer Nature B.V. |
New York |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Learning & Behavior (pre-2011) |
Psychonomic Society, Inc. |
Madison |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Learning Disability Quarterly |
Overland Park |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
Learning Environments Research |
Springer Nature B.V. |
Dordrecht |
Netherlands |
Scholarly Journals |
Learning and Individual Differences |
Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Greenwich |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Learning and Motivation |
Elsevier Limited |
Philadelphia |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Learning, Media and Technology |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Basingstoke |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Legal and Criminological Psychology |
British Psychological Society |
Leicester |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Literacy Research and Instruction |
Taylor & Francis Ltd. |
Coral Gables |
United Kingdom |
Scholarly Journals |
Literature and Psychology |
Richard Feldstein |
Providence |
United States |
Scholarly Journals |
The Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry |
Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. |
Kuala Lumpur |
India |
Scholarly Journals |
M@n@gement |
Association Internationale de Management Stratégique |
Nantes |
France |
Scholarly Journals |
[ Results 1 - 1000 ]